深夜厨房 Late Night Kitchen ━ 深夜来临,饥肠辘辘晚归的人们寻觅慰藉身心的居所。 Late night kitchen, Late at night, hungry people seek refuge.
煲仔翅起源于明朝,在中国与南洋鱼翅贸易的背景之下,越来越多的华人南下劳务。在此期间催生出的“南洋煲仔翅”,对于他们来说不仅仅是一种食物,更是岁月中对乡土和生活的记忆。 Bao Zai fin originated in the Ming Dynasty under the background of shark fin trade between China and South Asia, more and more Chinese went south to work. During this period, "Nanyang Claypot zai Chi" was not only a kind of food for them, but also a memory of the countryside and life in the years.
抑景 RESTRAIN SCENERY ━ 带着怀旧的设计思考,亦称“瑞色”的红色历来是中国人的文化图腾和精神皈依。入口障景使用红色的古铜材料,一抹复古的东方红抢目入胜,但这只是曲径通幽的端头。 With nostalgic design thinking, red, also known as "rui color", has always been a cultural totem and spiritual conversion of the Chinese people. The entrance barrier uses red bronze materials, a touch of ancient Oriental red to catch the eye, but this is only the begin of the winding path.
入厅 INTO THE HALL ━ 进入空间,设计师巡迹自然,自然石造景的同时,使用大面积的金银材料。在这片红色中遁形,围合了一个传统中式的宴请。“木”是凝聚时间与生命的载体,天花的窗口间与无边界的曲线相结合。 Into the space, the designer patrols the nature, natural stone landscape, while using a large area of gold and silver materials. Hidden in the red, walked a traditional Chinese banquet. "Wood" is the carrier of condensing time and life. The Windows of ceiling are combined with the curvilinear enclosure without boundary.
移步易景,“路转溪头忽现”,发现还有一处造景观, 山石作为造景元素最初来源于人对自然的崇拜,后来山石障成为园林造景手法之一。设计师将园林造景也带进了室内。 Moving scenery, "road turned brook suddenly appear", found there is a landscape, stone as a landscape element originally came from people's worship of nature, later stone barrier became one of the landscape techniques. The designer also brought the landscape into the room.
石的自然肌理,丰富的细节点缀,空间张弛有度,井然有秩却不乏饱满。 Stone natural texture, rich details embellishment, space relaxation degree, sleek but no lack of full.
屏风是整个空间隔断的笔墨重彩,以金箔银箔打底,塑造极简的传统奢华感元素,也使整个空间精致起来;每一步景,都有对点线面构成的推敲。看似迷宫,实际则是对空间布景与格局打破常规化的规划。 The screen is the heavy color of ink and brush for the partition of the whole space. With gold and silver foil as the background, it creates a minimalist traditional luxury element and also makes the whole space delicate. Every step of the scene, there are points, lines and surfaces. It looks like a maze, but in fact it is a plan to break the routine of space scenery and pattern.
雅致的枣红色柜体,陶瓷罐体,再配上几盏秀丽的壁灯,在古典中透露出几些浪漫,清雅且温馨。 Refined red cabinet , pottery and porcelain canister, deserve to go up few beautiful wall lamps again, a few romance is revealed in classicism, elegant and sweet.
塑造 SHAPE ━
有文化底蕴的老木雕和官帽椅相映成趣,点缀上颇有禅意的艺术品,营造出“慢、静、空、简”的空间氛围,画面的前后叠加,进退出一个透视感的感官空间。 The old wood carvings with cultural heritage and the official hats and chairs complement each other with zen art pieces, creating a space atmosphere of "slow, quiet, empty and simple". The picture is stacked before and after, entering and exiting a sense of perspective.
窗里窗外,搭建出如古典园林般娟秀灵动的筑境,通过复古家具与现代材质相结合,呈现东方意境。“取半舍满,从容之道”,“ 半”是自我修行无止境的一种生活态度,依然空间呈现的是禅心似月的氛围。 Inside and outside the Windows, a beautiful and dynamic landscape like a classical garden is built, which is combined with retro furniture and modern materials."Take half full, easy way" and "half" is a life attitude of endless self-cultivation, still, the space presents a zen mind like the moon atmosphere.
圆餐桌属于中式的聚餐方式,意团团圆圆。围坐在一起谈天说地,也有许多缘分围绕这张餐桌展开。“没有什么是在一餐美味中解决不了的事情”,在对沙发座椅的形式选择上,也考究了最为舒适的方式。 Round table belongs to the Chinese way of dinner, meaning round. "There is nothing that can't be solved in a delicious meal." On the form choice to sofa seat, also fastidious the most comfortable way.
花前月下,是时候抛开烦忧去追寻那片静谧。 Under the moon, it is time to put aside worries to pursue that quiet.
深夜食堂也是一以食归心之处。 The late night canteen is also a place for eating and returning to one's heart.
Information ━ 项目名称:深夜厨房 Project Name:Late Night Kitchen 项目地点:广东汕头 Project Address:Shantou, Guangdong 设计机构:今古凤凰设计机构 Design Company:JG PHOENIX 主案设计师:叶晖 Chief Designer:Ye Hui 参与设计师:陈坚、林伟斌、陈雪贤、蔡继坤 Participate in Design:Chenjian、Lin Weibin、Chen Xuexian、Cai Jikun 陈设设计师:曾东旭 Furnishings Designer:Zeng Dongxu 文案:刘欣程 Copywriter:Michelle Liu 摄影:欧阳云 Photography:Ouyang Yun
叶晖 Ye Hui 今古凤凰创始人-2008年成立今古凤凰设计机构,是一家多元化建筑及各类高端空间设计的机构。融合东方的人文气息和西方的理性思考,通过用“无华”的材料,“无形”的表达而“无声”的映入人的心灵,致力于使建筑、环境与人共同形成一个和谐的气场,让人与自然美学产生更多的留白与对话。 JG PHOENIX DESIGN established in 2008,is a design agency dedicated to a wide spectrum of upscale spaces. It continuously works on creating spaces in line with Oriental humanism, and hope to let people feel Western logical thinking as well as Oriental sentiment of conforming to nature in the spaces it designed.In addition, it emphasizes the harmony among architecture, environment and human, and strive to touch people's mind and enable dialogue between mankind and nature via utilization of plain materials and "intangible" expressions.
今,是现在与过去的贯穿和延伸。凤凰,代表着东方精神,传承着中国5000年的文化标识。我们秉承着“设计改变生活”的设计理念,用当代的语言解析古代的文化,古为今用,力今以胜古,弘扬东方文化。 |