该如何定义一个家? 家 就像个容器 可以随意变换内容 成员组合将随时间蜕变 从两人世界 变成亲子共享 唯一不变的 是它盛载着家人的幸福与梦想 日日月月 岁岁年年 How does one definehome? Home is like avessel. Its contents canchange, And the crew maychange over time From a world of twointo a joyful family. One thing thatremain constant, Is that it willalways bear the happiness and dreams of the family, Day after day.
01.琴音|Melody of the Piano 悠扬的琴音 在空气中飘扬 凝结了一下午的美好 在记忆深处缓缓释放 The beautiful melody of the piano fills the air.
It stores each treasured moment deep with in the chest of memories.
尚未进门,已被琴音吸引, 入门的刹那,优雅的琴身映入眼帘, 彷彿揭开音乐会序幕的舞台, 开放的空间,让生活变得从容不迫, 将生活点滴化为悠扬的乐曲。 曲线优美的开放层架,罗列着锺爱的书籍,记忆的轨迹,彷彿循着琴音, 在不经意中揭露,将那一下午的悠扬乐声,永久留存在记忆之中。 Onecannot help but be attracted to the beautiful melody of the piano as oneapproaches the door. Upon entry, the elegant contour of the piano is revealedmuch like the stage of a musical performance. The open space adds freedom to life, so that even moment can become the notes of an alluring melody. With their curvy design and open accessibility, the shelves hold the most preciousbook collection. Footprints of past moment are uncovered with familiar melodiesof the past, while new laughter are forever kept in the chest of memories.
02.童心|Childhood 保持童心 将所有珍藏 在家中展示 生活就像一场游戏 永远可以重新开始 The most beloved belongs from the past arethoughtfully displayed at home.Life is like a game that can be restarted forever.
从入门玄关的陶艺收藏, 就感受到充满童心的艺术趣味。 将男主人的潜水摄影作品, 作为空间装饰,把屋主的珍藏, 转化为软装布置的重要环节, 让开放的客、餐厅, 成为个人风格展演场, 让空间装饰不只是装饰, 而是主人如数家珍的收藏, 娓娓述说着自己和这个家的故事。 The ceramic decorsat the hallway adds a touch of youthfulness to the atmosphere. A series of underwaterphotos taken by the owner himself can also be seen. His owncollections become the essence of soft decors, so that both the living room anddining room is transformed into the stage of an unique show. Spatialdecorations are more than just decors, but instead become the owner’s mosttreasured collection that tells his tales and the story of this home.
03.光凋 |Sculpture of Light
以光勾勒形貌 用和煦温暖 点亮一室温馨 往后的每一天 都想念这美好岁月 Light traces the outline. Its brightens the room with coziness and warmth. Looking back at the past from the future, One cannot help but miss each delightful moment thatis about to happen each and every day.
灯光设计,往往具有戏剧张力。 有时如舞台上的投射灯, 宣告主角登场。有时却似勾 勒物体形貌,有着光凋的艺术性。 当暮色渐深,室内灯光开启, 氛围瞬间从白日的敞亮, 转换为夜间的静谧。亮与不亮之间, 存在细微差异,那微妙的感知, 唯有生活在其中,才能细细体会。 The choice of light has a dramatic affectlike the spotlight above a stage that focuses on the main characters. At timesit artistically traces the silhouette, but as the dusk arrives it brightens the silence of the night. The subtle differences between the on and off status ofthe light creates the change in one’s perception that can only be savored andappreciated by those that live there.
04 .曲直|Order
方圆规矩 恣意运用 时而在转角画圆 时而迳直贯穿前后 尺度拿捏 进退有据 看似随兴 自有分寸 The geometrical rules of squares and circles areembedded in each corner.At times a circle maybe seen at the corner,At times a straight line passes through the frontand rear.Each ratio is applied accordingly and thoughtfully. Order lies hidden under the casual appearance on thesurface.
空间规划的弹性,来自方圆规矩的 掌握,唯有缜密构思,才能收放 自如。何处该转圜,何处谨守分寸, 差之毫釐,失之千里。在细节处 讲究,在工法上严谨,让天马 行空的创意,落实在家的设计上。 玄关入门的圆弧,隐含大量收纳; 廊道入口的圆弧,放宽了空间尺度; 卧房层架的圆弧,满足开放的展示, 每一环节的构思,其来有自。 The flexibility of spatial design is derived from an appreciation for geometrical rules. One can only enjoy itsfreedom with thorough understanding and planning. Each turn and angle must bethought of down to each millimeter. Only attention to detail and mastercraftsmanship can give life to unparalleled creativity. From an abundance ofstorage compartments lie hidden in the curvy shelves at the expanded hallway, to the circular, open displays in the bedroom shelves, each design has beenpurposely planned.