项目信息 项目名称:境谧之宅 项目地点:中国杭州 室内设计:权洪建筑研究所 设计范围:室内设计 软装设计 灯光设计 软装设计:QHA Art&Exhibition 设计面积:300平方米 设计时间:2020 5 完工时间:2021 3 项目主材:艺术漆 实木 铝材 超白玻 棉麻 亚克力 项目摄影:曹寅 施权洪
在位于钱塘江边的五云山南麓,有一处气质低调独特的住宅项目。 Situated at the southern foot of Wuyun Mountain by the Qiantang River, there is a unpretentious and unique residential projec.
如此绿树掩隐,仿佛逃离都市生活在大自然之中。 With such green trees to hide, it seems as if to escape from the metropolitan and live in nature.
建筑规划由英国普利兹克奖得主大卫·奇普菲尔德操刀,幽静山谷与环绕的森林为特点,将12栋房屋以国际象棋的形式排布于山林中。这处隐于林间的居所,赋予了人们原始的非经验住宅体验,室内基于归隐自然还原生活本质为原则,以化繁为简的手法完成了其空间设计。 The architectural plan was designed by David Chipperfield-the British Pritzker Prize winner. It features a quiet valley and surrounding forest, and arranges 12 houses in the forest in the form of chess. This residence hidden in the woods gives people an original non-experienced residential experience. Based on the principle of retreating to the nature and restoring the essence of life, Designer has completed the internal space design of its residences by turning complexity to simplicity.
这是一场关于居住空间的探索和放慢生活脚步的思考,面临当下商业社会我们有太多的被动,被风格化,被消费,被不知为何的引导,我们都好似在追寻什么,但是回过头来看可能很多并不是我们真正的本意。我们希望创造一个放松身心自由重新思考的栖息地,为所有身处在此环境中的人留下充满感性的体验与记忆。在这里,生活显得纯粹,简单,去掉一切浮躁的喧嚣,静谧在大自然之中。权洪建筑研究所主张对于居住空间去浮夸装饰,重空间,还原生活本质的设计理念。 This is the exploration of living space and consideration of slowing down the pace of life. Facing the current commercial society, we have too much passivity. We are stylized, consumed, and guided for some reason. We all seem to be looking for something, but back In the past, many may not be our true intentions. We hope to create a habitat where we can relax and rethink freely, and leave a perceptual experience and memory for all people in this environment. Here, life appears to be pure and simple, getting rid of all impetuous hustle and bustle, and being quiet in nature. QUANHONG ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES advocates the design concept of no exaggerating decoration in living space, highlighting on space, and restoring the essence of life.
Designer has conducted a line-guided processing design for the lighting in the space, emphasizing the levels of spatial light and shadow combined with the nature, and a sense of extension of the space brought by the top lighting line. In the meanwhile, its delicate light distribution, using dots, lines and surfaces as the space to create the differences of the light effect, creating a sense of spatial hierarchy and meeting the daily needs of life.
设计中着重考虑进行空间中的整体软硬装结合规划,传达艺术与生活和谐相处的美好愿景,打破了传统边界带来的束缚,追求视觉效果上的通透感与建筑线条感。 The design focuses on the overall planning of the combination of soft and hard decoration in the space, giving vent to the beautiful vision of art and life in harmony, breaking the shackles brought by traditional boundaries, and pursuing a sense of transparency and architectural lines in visual effects.
通过现代手法和材质的应用,营造出独特的生活方式,干净简洁的设计与克制的姿态完成了与生活的融合,结合建筑环境特质完美呈现。 Through the application of modern techniques and materials, a unique lifestyle is created. The clean and concise design and restrained attitude complete the integration with life, bringing out perfectly combined with the characteristics of the built environment.
大面积通透的窗墙让目及之处皆是风景,从室内一眼望去仿佛住进了森林里,即使合上窗,四周洋溢的也是树木清新的味道,这是空间材质与自然结合的魅力。 The window and wall with large area of transparency allow you to see and enjoy the scenery everywhere. From the inside, it seems to be living in the forest. Even if you close the window, the surroundings are filled with the fresh smell of trees. This is the charm with the combination of space material and nature.
整体环境强调空间线条感与生活功能性的思考,运用一定的家具体量和色彩的过渡使空间氛围更和谐。一把椰子椅融于素净,良好的包裹性来自于它经典独特的造型。材料的肌理质感让人进入空间后能感到内心的平静。 The overall environment emphasizes the thinking of the sense of space and the functionality of life, and the use of furniture and the transition of colors to make the space atmosphere more harmonious. A coconut chair blends with simplicity, and its good wrapping stems from its classic and unique shape. The texture of the material makes people feel inner peace after entering the space.
在客厅视觉中心采用建筑感较强的拼接体块沙发,以连贯的手法和语言造型呈现,使空间不会切分得琐碎,简单明了的布局规划,延伸空间的视觉效果,借此放大居住的体验感。 In the visual center of the living room, Designer adopts a spliced block sofa with a strong sense of architecture, which is presented with a coherent technique and language modeling, so that the space will not be divided into trivial parts. The simple and clear layout plan extends the visual effect of the space and enhance the sense of living experience.
在每栋房屋的外表面缀饰着木格栅可根据室内不同功能区对采光和私密性的要求自由移动。在光影变化中体验另一种美与舒适的本质,瞬息万变、捉摸不透。 The outer surface of each house is decorated with wooden grilles, which can be moved freely according to the requirements of lighting and privacy in different indoor functional areas. Experience another essence of beauty and comfort in the changing of light and shadow, which is fast and unpredictable.
休闲区打破原有格局限制,整合空间,对现代生活进行再创造,使公共空间更流畅与贯通,规划多元生活与人居体验,为家庭活动及情感交流创造更多机会。褪去城市喧闹外衣,余下闲暇享受肆意。 The leisure area breaks the original pattern restrictions, integrates the space, recreates modern life, makes the public space smoother and more connected, plans a diversified life and residential experience, and creates more opportunities for family activities and emotional communications. Getting rid of the hustle and bustle of the city, and relishing from the wanton in the rest of the leisure.
餐厨区选用较深的木色来打造,桌腿使用亚克力来定制,视觉上提升空间的纵深感,彰显出大气沉稳的气息,又有一种悬浮的幽默感。格栅元素的多处应用给空间增添层次感和朦胧美。 The dining and kitchen area is made of a darker wood color, and the table legs are customized with acrylic, which visually enhances the depth of the space, showing the atmosphere of calmness and a sense of humor in suspension. The multiple applications of grille elements add the sense of layering and hazy beauty to the space.
吊灯的选配具有强烈的时尚感与创新力,跟桌椅的组合搭配赋予了细腻的气质,占据空间景观点,尽享曼妙的景致和光影。 The selection of chandelier has a strong sense of fashion and innovation, and the combination of table and chair features a delicate temperament, occupying a space of scenic spots, and enjoying the graceful scenery and light and shadow.
厨房由德国品牌Bulthaup厨具打造,彰显包豪斯理念的简洁,在一系列整体橱柜系统中注重人性化。与此同时,橱柜的封边细腻,切面光滑,低调之中蕴藏着精致又高贵的生活向往。与精心挑选的各种厨具组合搭配,形成与众不同的空间品质体验。 The kitchen is made by the German brand Bulthaup kitchenware, which demonstrates the simplicity of the Bauhaus concept and emphasizes humanity in a series of integrated cabinet systems. At the same time, the edge of the cabinet is delicate and the cut surface is smooth, and the low-key contains the exquisite and noble life yearning. Combined with the finely selected various kitchen utensils to form the experience with unique space quality.
主卧的床体硬装一体化造型也是空间中的一部分,去繁化简的造型,边界感因此变得透明,格栅的自然光影与质感空间的沉浸式交互,内敛色调与之平行共衡,迎合着五云山清新的树木香,把一阵阵诗意融入生活的每一寸时间里。 The integrated shape of the bed of the master bedroom is also part of the space. The sense of boundary becomes vague owing to the simplified shape. The natural light and shadow of the grille interact with the immersive texture of the space, and the introverted tones are parallel and balanced. It caters to the fresh fragrance of trees in Wuyun Mountain, and incorporates bursts of poetry into every inch of life.
空间不仅仅是一个形态意义上容纳人与物的盒子,而是能赋予一定的情感交流,承载容纳着生活过往的记忆。衣帽间的定制利用玻璃的通透感,来展示业主的喜好,方便的同时又有满满的幸福感,窗外的光线变化与玻璃的反射为空间充满流动的美。 Space is not just a box that contains people and things in a morphological sense, but can provide a certain emotional communication and carry and contain the memories of the past life. The customization of the cloakroom shows the owner's preferences by using the transparency of the glass. It is convenient and full of happiness. The change of light outside the window and the reflection of the glass make the space full of dynamic beauty.
柜体背后采用镜面的材质辅以点缀,视觉上提升空间的丰富性,岛台展示的选配和空间材质形成呼应,打造成空间中的一个视觉中心点,完美地展现了艺术生活的概念。 The back of the cabinet adopts mirror-surface material as an embellishment, which visually enhances the richness of the space. The selection of the island platform display echoes the space material, creating a visual center point in the space and perfectly showing the concept of artistic life.
当大部分人梦想着于繁华都市中拥有自己的住所,这个空间却反着方向往林间创造一个家。让每栋房子像是独立存在于山林中,自由呼吸,互不干扰。 When most people dream of owning their own residence in a prosperous city, Jiu Shu has gone the other way to create a home in the woods. Let each house exist independently in the mountains and forests, breathe freely without interfering with each other.
尽管恬淡是本案生活的基调,但是这里也藏着无数隐秘的花园。生活也本该如此,少一些浮躁,在有限的生命中找到属于自己的意义并坚定的走下去。 Despite the fact that tranquility is the keynote of this place's life, there are infinite hidden gardens here. Life should be like this, less impetuous, find your own meaning in the limited life and move on firmly.
项目图纸: Project Drawings:
平面图 Floor Plan
概念草图 Sketch Drawing
Designer photos and brief introduction 施权洪 Shi Quanhong
权洪建筑研究所 创始人 设计总监 Founder of QUANHONG ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES, Design director 英国伦敦艺术大学UAL 空间设计 硕士 Master of UAL Interior&Spatial Design, University of the Arts, London, UK