01. Neutral black 硬朗 理性 简致
SHANR一直以来秉承专业认真的态度,拥有扎实的美术功底、过硬的摄影技术。以建筑师的视角去发现空间美和设计细节美,以专业摄影师的技术去捕捉。保障质优价廉,以最好的作品助力设计师和企业不断前行。 SHANR has always been adhering to the professional attitude, has a solid art strength, good photography. In view of the architect to find space and design details, technical to capture in a professional photographer. Guarantee high quality and low price, in order to best help designers and companies to go on.
02. Deconstruction ash 解构 层次 温馨