在光影与艺术间嬉游 A play between light, shadow, and art. The room is filled with warmth and coziness The instant light is bestowed. Ray passes through the different floors, Highlighting various decors hanging on the walls. One can savor the beauty of art, Through light, shadow, and colors That come to life right in front of your eyes. Life resembles a delightful stroll, And like the adornments on the walls Every moment becomes memory worth adore 引光,为空间作画 以天窗引入光线,所有楼层,彷佛施以阳光彩笔,描绘出生动自然的画作,空间就是画布,色彩随光影移动而变化,创意任凭想象。 The Attraction of Light – Using Space as the Canvas A skylight draws the light indoors, and it shines through the floors like the stroke of a brush painted with light. It is a vivid painting, and space is the canvas. Colors tirelessly change with the angle of light, expanding imagination and creativity indefinitely.
美型,与机能兼顾 铁件展示柜、隔屏皆以格栅形式的线性切割语汇贯穿,既保留了空间穿透感、界定不同的使用区域,同时达成复合机能的使用需求。 Embodiment of Aesthetics and Function A metallic display shelf characterized by thin bars and compound function defines the border between two rooms while maintaining a transparent view.
不论公共区的黑、白、灰,男主人寝居的沉静深咖啡色调与木纹,抑或女主人寝居淡雅而至卫浴色泽转浓的绿,甚至图书室粉色的立面与座椅,都彰显使用者的个人风格与个特质,同时为每个楼层赋予空间与人相互呼应的厚实力度。 Color is the Ink for a Spatial Painting Colors, such as black, white, and gray illustrate the personality and unique characteristics of each resident; it also reflects how the spatial arrangements on each floor echoes with each person. The host’s bedroom is characterized by calm, dark brown colors and wooden grains, while the hostess’ bedroom and restroom transitions from light, elegant colors in the first to emerald green in the latter, then onwards with pink walls and a chair in the study room.
陶艺家墙上的创作,灵感源自屋主的生活,创意发想是设计师、艺术家、居住者三方互动撞击而生的火花,使空间布置与人的连结更深。灯饰、家具铺陈,成就了空间艺术,不只作为照明辅助、生活起居必须,也是空间如画的艺术养分。 Art Begins with Life The ceramic creations that hang on the walls were inspired by various moments during the host’s lifetime, and were created by the interactions between the designers, the artists, and the residents. This creates a strong bond between decors and people. Lighting and furniture surpass the use for illumination and indoor decoration, and become a part of spatial art, and are the artistic essence of this spatial painting.
项目名称:台北市五层别墅 设计者 :森境设计/王俊宏 参与者 :曹士卿 摄影者 :KPS/吴国豪 座落位置:台北市 主要建材:意大利岩板、bolon编织地板、金属铁件、喷漆 设计面积:400平方米 设计时间:2019/DEC. 施工时间:2020/SEP. |