设计用光揭示出空间的复杂性和多样性,打造出一场浪漫的流动性叙事。 The design utilizes light to reveal the complexity and diversity of the space and to create a unique narrative of fluidity.
山海之形 凝光之境 『 DESIGN THEME 』
北海,海上“丝绸之路”起点之一,连接东西方文化的交融与碰撞,为历史古道增添一笔神秘的色彩。设计理念由环境文脉而诞生,凝炼山海的独特元素,在空间中展示诗意的一面,与使用者产生情感共鸣。 The project is a property sales center located in Beihai, Guangxi, China. As one of the starting points of the [url=]Maritime[/url] [url=]Silk[/url] [url=]Road[/url], Beihai has been witnessing the fusion and collision between Oriental and Western cultures, which add a sense of mystery to ancient roads. The design takes inspiration from local environment and cultural context, and at the same time extracts unique elements of mountain and sea, thereby creating a poetic space that resonates with users.
设计抽象提取海面上流动的涟漪,让光影丰富的游走变化将海水的形态内置到空间当中。凝固水面波动的瞬间,感受生命的变化。 The design abstracts flowing ripples on the sea, and incorporates the form of sea water into the space via the rich changes of light and shadows. Visitors are encouraged to capture the moments where water surface ripples and to think about changes in life.
光是没有固定形态的,将它引入空间成就一份独特的艺术。自然的痕迹闯过空间的边角,半山伏线藏于光里弥漫,海也许很近,空间的表达方式也会因探索思考而焕发个性魅力。 Without a fixed form, light produces an artistic atmosphere, and runs through edges and corners of the space in a natural manner. Mountains are enclosed by light, and the sea seems to be very close. Spatial expressions stimulate reflection and exploration, hence enhance the charm of the space.
大自然赋予万物变化的形体,海浪翻流冲突的水花仿佛要挣脱空间界定的桎梏。运用西方极简绘画手法将“海浪”的语言改编,转化为艺术装置的形态,恰到好处地表现出空间的视觉张力。 Nature endows all things with a changing form. The project adopts minimalist design languages to narrate the rolling form of sea waves and translates it into an art installation, which shows dramatic visual effects and seems to shack off the shackles of spatial boundary.
设计贯穿了对“山海”的想象,被光照映射的礁石的光线跟随着玻璃折面进行延伸。 The imagination about mountain and sea is the design thread that runs through the entire space. Light shines on rocks, and is refracted and extended by glass.
空间以对生活的无限想象为起始,探讨生命真正的色彩,希望淬炼出深海珊瑚最精简的纯真本质,与自然结合,呼应本真与自我。 Starting with infinite imagination, the project explores the real color of life. The design extracts the simplistic and pure essence of deep-sea coral, to integrate the space with nature and awaken the true self.
[ Floor Plan ] [ Spatial Map ] [ Renderings ]
项目名称 | 金地·山海领誉营销中心 项目地址 | 中国 北海 业主单位 | 北海永昶置业投资有限公司 受委托管理方 | 金地管理 室内设计 | 大森设计 软装设计 | 木锦设计 设计团队 | 崔端、罗辉、符智恒、张媛、叶少玲、陈永球、谭玲、赖浩钧、范晨茗 项目面积 | 1060㎡ 硬装造价 | 2500 / ㎡ 软装造价 | 3000 / ㎡ 项目材料 | 艺术肌理漆、冷翡翠石材、卡其灰石材、水泥石、水波纹金属板 完工时间 | 2020年9月 项目摄影 | 感光映画
森,由木而聚,形林成森。森之广袤,能包容万物,是融合与平衡的天人合一; 森之一隅,皆为草木,探寻着事物最本质的面貌。 DAS大森设计2012年成立于深圳,20年一线地产公司的设计管理经验,善于透过客户视角洞悉市场需求的关键所在,以更包容的“大设计”视野在艺术与商业之间找到平衡,在沟通中达到价值的共识。 多年来,我们一直深耕地产、办公、零售、长租、医养等设计空间,并不断向建筑规划、景观、产品等产业链纵向渗透,不断丰富设计的延长线。从纯熟的实践中打造出一支经验丰富的资深设计团队,累积覆盖120个城市逾600个实操项目,不断令团队保持领先的、国际化的视野和设计创意。