OU JIANG · ONE “Excellent architecture is the continuation of nature” 优秀的建筑是自然的延续 –Kengo Kuma
极致简约的线条,自然的质感与艺术的精奢气质融为一体,奠定了整个空间的基调。艺术灯悬挂于空,美轮美奂中,亦不失自然朴质的美学风韵。提取建筑的美学法则与元素符号,融入室内设计的材料与结构中,达到简约的艺术氛围。 The extremely simple lines, the natural texture and the refined and luxurious temperament of art are integrated into one, laying the tone of the whole space. Art lamp hanging in the sky, beautiful, but also natural and simple aesthetic charm.
艺术装置底座是一个半月型的艺术长凳,像是海上月亮的倒影。悬浮在空中的部分由精致的金属框架组成,巧妙在其中增加编织元素。由此产生于空中的形式,宛如漂浮在瓯江上空的云朵, 融化浓郁江边自然的氛围中。 The device suspended in the air is composed of exquisite metal frame, which is skillfully added with weaving elements. The resulting form of air, like clouds floating over the Oujiang River, melts the rich natural atmosphere of the river.
空间中的天花吊顶成为最大亮点,巨大的中空结构映入眼帘,尽显建筑高度所带来的视觉冲击力,在延续建筑基调的基础上增加当代设计语言与美学,与充满现代化的环境相得益彰,为空间多增了一丝韵味。 The ceiling in the space becomes the biggest bright spot. On the basis of continuing the architectural keynote, the contemporary design language and aesthetics are added.
行走驻足间,蓦然回首,蓝色淡雅,白色纯净,极致极简,自然融入空间中,唤起心灵对空间的最纯粹的记忆。 Walking between the stops, suddenly look back, blue quiet, white pure, extreme minimalist, nature into the space, evoke the purest memory of space.
充满自然纹理的吧台透露着精致质感,艺术与自然诗意围绕每个角落。搭配充满曲线韵律的桌椅,使得整个空间宛如湖面荡漾着层层涟漪。 The bar full of natural texture reveals exquisite texture, and art and natural poetry surround every corner. With the table and chair full of curve rhythm, the whole space seems to ripple with exquisite ripples.
在空间中加入自然元素、绿意斑驳,极简的空间线条感营造宁静、轻松、引人遐思的氛围。于绿意掩映之间感受自然的魅力,以此渗入城市肌理。 Add natural elements to the space, green mottled, minimalist space line sense, create a quiet, relaxed, daydream atmosphere. Feel the charm of nature between the shade of green, so as to penetrate into the city texture.
通过色彩在整体空间的节奏变化来丰富整个空间的层次感和秩序感。加入赋有抽象艺术表现形式的海豚艺术装置,寄予了瓯江口新区可以像海豚一样驰骋于海上的希翼,也是对未来瓯江生活状态的展望。 Through the rhythm change of color in the whole space to enrich the sense of hierarchy and order of the whole space. The addition of dolphin art installation with abstract artistic expression forms gives the hope that oujiangkou new area can gallop on the sea like a dolphin.
在空间中,设计一改原本直白布局,从而令空间兼备探索性与戏剧性。阳光透过玻璃,光影斑驳, 一片敞亮,空间整体好似一个艺术品,高贵典雅,承载着宾客对美的追求。 Through the rhythm change of color in the whole space to enrich the sense of hierarchy and order of the whole space. In the space, the design changes the original straightforward layout, which makes the space both exploratory and dramatic.
项目详情 项目名称 | 新城·瓯江湾 体验中心业主信息 | 新城控股集团地理位置 | 中国·温州完成时间 | 2020设计面积 | 494㎡硬装设计 | 牧笛设计软装设计 | 牧笛设计 项目摄影 | 逆风笑
MAUDEA 牧笛设计 由毛明镜先生创立的MAUDEA 牧笛设计成立于2011年,坐落于中国上海。致力于为国内不同行业的一流企业提供国际化的建筑、景观、室内、以及产品设计服务。公司项目遍布全国,并获得诸多国内外权威设计奖项,是一家具备多元化设计经验的合伙人制设计师事务所。
毛明镜 Wally Mau