「 客 厅 」
The story unfolds since the first step intothe lift. Reflected on the glossy floor, the whole space seems to have been extended.Structural curves add a sense of solemnity.
Lines are the sound and soul of the space.Deconstructed surfaces wave up and down. With light, the shadow is dancing injoys.
Flat cabinet stands at the opposite side inpeace, contrasting to the liveliness of the waving curves.
「 餐 厅 」
We seem to have forgotten what life shouldbe like after immersing in the crowded world for years. From the reed andtimber table, we find connections with nature and recognize the beauty of wabisabi. So soft and so sophisticated, they are a perfect match.
Laughter and talks by the island counterare imprint into the individual and mutually dependent space. Pivoting woodwindows interact with lights and shadows, creating sprint of inspiration andspirituality.
去除杂陈,保留原始质朴, 最本真的味道水落石出。剥离外表的浮华,此刻的简单静雅最是让人心安。
Peeling off the complexity, there emergesthe charm of originality. Taking off the burden of vanity, at thismoment, the heart is secured by inner peace deriving from simplicity.
「 主 卧」
Geometry speaks for the space, withrectangle wood surface being deconstructed. White ball pendants framed withgolden metal pop out of the grey palette, adding a sheer of vigor and nobility.
Like a magician, interior designers canalways create surprises. Who would expect that cabinet door is not plain as itlooks? Pushing it slightly, the leaves pile up and what comes into the eyes isthe wonder of life.
The grey bathroom will instantly let yourguard down. Entering into it, even the feeling of exhaustion disappears. Roughsandstone, the natural sediment of millions of years, can heal and refuel theheart by placing you in the arms of universe.
「 次 卧 」
This is a cool high-tech room. White andblack are the only colors. Light from the top passes through tiers of ceiling.The mind is set free in this wonderland.
Everyone in his childhood dreams of flying. A walk in the outer space is the most alluring expectation from future.
Morning sunlight throwing into the terraceis the greeting from nature. Punching brick wall is the stage of sunshine. Howwonderful and cozy it will be to have a break here!