我正在望着你旺着你, 目不转睛, 你的汪正在望着你, 等待你的认领.......
颜宠一词的由来是初次见到业主和他们带过来的小柯基“肚宝”,在进一步沟通后产生的想法。 巧合的是他们两人的名字中分别带有一个妍字和颜字。妍意为美丽,颜意为颜色,面容,然后我们的主角小柯基。他们三者合在一起即是美丽的容颜而后演变为--YAN PET颜宠 The origin of the word Yan Chong is the idea generated after further communication between the owner and the Xiaoke-based "Dubao" brought by them for the first time. Coincidentally, the names of the two of them have a Yan character and a Yan character respectively. Yan means beauty, Yan means color, face, and then our main character Xiaoke Ji. The three of them together is a beautiful face and then evolved into---Yanpet.
为了打破原先呆板的空间,我们将入口旋转了90°,且内退一部分空间使入口对应着真正的客流主入口,因为店铺位置处于天街和内部商铺通道的三向交汇处,如此并解决了原先店铺如何吸睛的问题,也解决了双向客流动线的问题(因为颜宠内部有3条客流主动线,一是主门进入的宠物派对活动区,二是次门进入通往一楼宠物美容区的动线,三是次门进入通往二楼的宠物寄养区。 In order to break the original rigid space, we rotated the entrance by 90 degrees and retreated a part of the space to make the entrance correspond to the real main entrance of passenger flow, because the shop is located at the three-way intersection of Tianjie and the internal shop passage, thus solving the problem of how to attract the eyes of the original shop and the problem of two-way passenger flow movement.(Because Yan Chong has three main passenger flow lines inside, one is the pet party activity area where the main door enters, the other is the moving line leading to the pet beauty area on the first floor, and the third is the pet foster area leading to the second floor.
个主区域相对独立又相互联系,藉由变化丰富的动线转而使空间的关系发生变化,为了让空间更加有趣我们加入一些小动物的局部元素比如狗狗的小拱洞,猫咪的肉掌。 The three main regions are relatively independent and interrelated, and by means of dynamic changes In order to make the space more interesting, we add some local elements of small animals, such as the dog's small arches and the cat's paws.
We hope that the owner can convey to the customer in the space that this is a small world full of love, so we use candy-colored artistic paint, fructose terrazzo and soft wood color in the overall color.
最后借由这个品牌呼吁下,动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。 Finally, under the appeal of this brand, animals are close friends of human beings and human beings are trusted partners of animals.
项目名称:YAN PET-颜宠 设计公司:无垠设计研究室 团队主创:陈善武 叶阳阳 空间陈设:叶阳阳 陈善武 品牌策划:DE-LAB 建筑面积:218㎡
项目地址:杭州下沙龙湖天街 摄影师 :ingallery 丛林 业 主 :妍颜宠物生活馆 完工时间:2019年4月 主材:叁禾戈水磨石,北疆硅藻泥,泰洁照明。
无垠--致力于建筑,空间,光影,肌理,人文的设计研究。 目前团队主要针对商业,民宿,地产,酒店,办公等业态创造新概念,新价值,新文化
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| 商务洽谈 | 18358788011 |