Landaburu borda是一座传统的小型住宅。它坐落在西班牙纳瓦拉山脉(Navarre mountains)中,享有壮丽的景观视野,距离贝拉地区(Bera)仅有数公里之遥。因其地理位置优越且特殊,设计团队不仅要尊重建筑本身,更要对历史悠久的、具有传奇色彩的纳瓦拉山脉和大自然怀揣着敬意。
▼住宅外观远景,distant view of the house ©Jose Hevia
A few kilometers from Bera, the “Landaburu borda” is a small traditional building, anchored in the magnificent landscape of the Navarre mountains. To work in this exceptional location is an exercise of respect to the fragile building and especially to the mystical power of the Navarra mountains, rich in history and legends.
▼住宅实体模型,新建体量被埋在山体内部,the physical model, the annex is buried in the mountain ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼住宅外观近景,加建体量被嵌入山体之中,close view of the house, the annex living area is built inside the mountain ©Jose Hevia
▼加建体量成为了山体的一部分,the annex becomes part of the mountain ©Jose Hevia
▼加建体量采用玻璃外墙以保证景观视野,the annex with glazed faacde for the natural view ©Jose Hevia
▼加建体量外观局部,partial exterior view of the annex ©Jose Hevia
The program consist in a rural house with a few rooms site in the existing building, and a spacious annex living area with kitchen built inside the mountain becoming part of it, as if the annex had been there before the old construction was built. All construct in concrete and wood.
▼住宅外观远景,distant view of the house ©Jose Hevia
▼住宅外观局部,新旧体量通过一个架空的玻璃连廊联系,partial exterior view of the house, the existing building and the annex connect to each other through an elevated glass corridor ©Jose Hevia
▼连接新旧体量的玻璃连廊,the glass corridor connecting two volumes ©Jose Hevia
▼从加建体量看玻璃连廊和以石材为立面材料的原有建筑,viewing the existing building with stone facade and the glass corridor from the annex ©Jose Hevia
Landaburu borda住宅就像是一个洞穴。置身其中,可以尽情地欣赏周边的壮丽景色。
Sheltered inside the “cave”, we observes the magnificent landscape that is in front of us.
▼加建体量混凝土屋檐下的灰空间,the transition space under the concrete roof of the annex ©Jose Hevia
▼灰空间与加建体量的室内空间相连,the transition space connects to the interior space of the annex ©Jose Hevia
▼可通过玻璃滑动门进入加建体量内部,entering the annex through a glass sliding door ©Jose Hevia
▼加建体量室内一览,容纳了一个餐厅、一个起居室和一个厨房,interior overview of the annex, housing a dining area, a living area and a kitchen ©Jose Hevia
▼加建体量中宽敞的起居室和餐厅,the spacious living area and dining area of the annex ©Jose Hevia
▼起居室,空间由混凝土和木材打造而成,the living area made of concrete and wood ©Jose Hevia
▼起居室墙面细节,设有壁炉,wall details of the living area, with a fireplace ©Jose Hevia
▼加建体量中的厨房,the kitchen of the annex ©Jose Hevia
▼新建体量的卧室,the bedroom of the annex ©Jose Hevia
▼原有体量的室内楼梯,the interior stairs of the existing building ©Jose Hevia
▼原有体量室内局部,partial interior view of the existing building ©Jose Hevia
▼原有体量中的卧室,皆采用坡屋顶,the bedroom of the existing building with a gable roof ©Jose Hevia
▼原有建筑浴室,the bathroom of the existing building ©Jose Hevia
▼概念草图,the sketches ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼实体模型俯视图,top view of the physical model ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼实体模型,the physical model ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼总平面图,site plan ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼一层平面图,1F plan ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané
▼剖面图,sections ©Jordi Hidalgo Tané