项目名称 | Candy Sugar Project Name 项目面积 | 128㎡ Project Area 项目地址 | 银都花园 Project Address 硬装设计 | 壹阁设计 Interior Finish 软装设计 | 壹阁设计 Furnishing 创意总监 | Denny Ho & 钟莉 Creative Director 设计总监 | 李姝霖 Design Director 风格趋势 | 北欧混搭 Style and Trend 完成时间 | 2019年3月 Complete Time 摄影师 | 贺川 Photography 当一颗色彩缤纷的圆形糖果撞见了一只塑胶棒,于是产生了前所未见的美妙变化。 When a colorful round candy hit a sujiaobang, it produced a wonderful change never before. 两个人相遇在一起,这是一种奇妙的化学反应,甜蜜的爱情缠绕交织在一起,简单亦复杂。 Two people meet together, this is a wonderful chemical reaction, sweet love intertwined, simple and complex. 屋主宁宁和爱人是大学校园恋爱,短期留学英国后回国发展。2015年,小公主诞生。 The owner Ningning and his lover met in the college, and they return to China after studying in the UK for a short-term. Their little princess was born in 2015. 二人世界+1,变成了三口之家。这种变化,就像一支一圈裹着一圈一层叠着一层的彩色波板糖,色彩翻倍甜蜜加分,释放出奇妙的化学反应。 When the couple became a family of three. This change, releasing a fantastic chemical reaction. 我们给这套作品取名为「Candy Sugar」 We named it「Candy Sugar」. 宁宁有着极高生活品质要求,喜欢浪漫舒适的生活状态,尤其看中生活细节中的仪式感。 Ningning has a very high quality of life requirements, likes a romantic and comfortable life, especially the sense of ritual in the details of life. 于是我们选择了丰富、温润的低饱和度色彩作为空间基调。 So we chose a rich, warm, low-saturation color as the spatial tone. 岛台与餐桌组合,充分满足一家三口生活习惯与使用需求。 The combination of island and dining table fully meets the needs of the family. 大面积浅色奠定第一层次,浅色x分色混搭,呈现惬意的舒适感。 A large area of light color lays the first level, light color x color separation and mix, showing comfortable comfort. 小朋友涂鸦、临时办公、日常简餐都在这个空间任意切换。 Children's graffiti, temporary office, and daily light meals are all switched in this space.