这是一座绚丽多彩与奇趣梦幻的城市,总会让人有一种闯入爱丽丝兔子洞的新鲜与冒险体验。从颜色到形态,从感官到体验,跟随身心的牵引,自由地探寻一段梦幻的未来展开。 This is a city full of color and magic, just as the adventure experienced in Alice’s rabbit hole. You can freely explore a dreamlike future by following your heart from the colors to shapes, from sensual feelings to an immersive experience.
艾洛设计 / AURORA DESIGN 是一家针对空间设计的高级室内设计机构,致力于打造共情消费者的态度美学空间,并诠释当下消费体验趋势所在。 本着「创造幻想的美」的设计理念,历经多年品牌服务与项目落地,对固有品牌业态的重新诠释,为婚纱摄影空间定制、商业零售、独立 /连锁餐饮迭代 、展厅空间、高端住宅、艺术装置等领域的精英客户提供全面极致的设计顾问服务。 Aurora Design is a high-end interior design firm that focuses on space design. It is committed to creating empathetic and aesthetic spaces for consumers, which interprets the current consumption trends. Adhering to the design philosophy of "creating fantasy and beauty," Aurora Design has provided comprehensive and ultimate design consulting services for elite clients in various fields such as custom wedding photography spaces, commercial retail shops, independent/chain restaurants, exhibition spaces, high-end residences, and art installations. Through years of brand services and project implementation, Aurora Design has reinterpreted the inherent brand business model, offering clients a fresh perspective on design.
城市与生俱来的反差色彩赋予了新办公室自然语系,AURORA DESIGN位于昆明的新办公室,掺杂着新奇与冒险,古朴与新奇。在这座永远充满着奇趣历险的城市,我们将抛去办公空间的严肃形象和固有规则,遵循设计师的创新直觉和品牌理念「创造幻想的美」打造独属于“AURORA的兔子洞”,他是多元而轻松的,是高效而自由的,是年轻的肆意张扬,在城市中偶遇那些新鲜与离奇。 The inherent contrasting colors of the city have given the new office of Aurora Design a natural language system. The new office, located in Kunming, is a mix of novelty, adventure and antiquity. In this city that is always full of interesting adventures, we follow the innovative intuition of designers and cast away the serious image and inherent rules of office spaces. Inspired by the brand philosophy of "creating fantasy and beauty," we create a unique "Aurora rabbit hole." It is diverse and relaxing, efficient but free, and full of youthful enthusiasm. It is the freshness and strangeness you encountered in the city during your adventure.
从入口转入,线性的空间引导,我们跃入一个狭小但被柔和色彩包围的空间,内心好像有一种想一直往前的心情,去探寻下一个路口的奇遇。端景的绿色挂画与温柔的色彩结合,一些自然宁静的体验在此处展开,欢迎来到“AURORA的梦游仙境”! Right next to the entrance, the linear space guides us into a small area surrounded by soft colors, and there is a feeling of wanting to keep moving forward and exploring the next adventure. A tranquil experience unfolds in the foreground where the green paintings hanging on the wall are combined with gentle colors. Welcome to "Aurora's Dreamland"!
在长廊的尽头,豁然开朗的天光让眼前的空间展现无疑。木质的温柔交织金属的凌厉,引导出开放空间中的包容与多元,新鲜的思绪肆意飘游,或倚靠于桌角,或仰躺于天花。 At the end of the long corridor, the sudden burst of natural light reveals the space in front of our eyes. The gentle interweaving of wood and metal guides us towards an open space that is inclusive and diverse. Whether leaning on the corner of a table or lying on the floor, you are free to come up with new ideas and let your mind explore fresh thoughs.
空间功能的多元化配置,人们将不再拘泥于工作时的严肃状态,可以在此处静坐,交流,探讨,等待新鲜的想法发生。 With the diverse configuration of space functions, people are no longer confined to seriousness at work. They can sit quietly, communicate, discuss, and await fresh ideas to come up in this space.
沿着这温柔的叙说往前,更加明亮丰富的空间呈现,地坪的高低起伏,自由与变化在无声处展开,功能上的无形转换,为工作间隙的高效连接实现可能,只有细心的人才能发现空间中的情绪表达,这也是冒险中的一部分。 As we follow this gentle narration forward, a brighter and more diverse space unfolds in front of us. The ups and downs of the flooring create a sense of freedom and variation in silence, allowing seamless and efficient transitions between different functions. Only those who are sensitive can discover the emotion hidden within the space, which is also a part of the adventure.
踏上台阶,开放和私密平衡于空间中。大面积的暖色铺陈与规整的形态为空间留白,富有新意的色彩搭配半开放的空间形式,活泼与克制交织于此,青春张扬的跳跃色彩,触发每一个新奇的idea。 Stepping onto the stairs, a balance between openness and privacy is achieved within the space. Large warm-colored areas and orderly patterns leave a lagre blank space, while the liveliness and restraint interweaved with each other in this space where the innovative color combines with the semi-open spatial forms. The vibrant color that represents youth and energy can trigger more new and exciting ideas.
不同的颜色,不同的形态,仿佛奇幻梦境中那些琢磨不透的奇遇,每一处的惊奇都引发出不同的创想,再构建更加引人入胜的幻景。 Different colors and forms create a surreal dreamlike space, like the inexplicable adventures in the fantasy dream. Every surprise in each corner triggers different creative ideas, leading to the creation of even more captivating and enchanting scenes.
步移景变,追寻空间的情绪变化,我们来到盛满“灵感时刻”的空间,蓝色窗框的运用点题空间的属性,理智和冷静在活泼跳脱的氛围中穿行,时刻准备着偶遇下一次的灵感迸发。 As we move through the changing scenery and chasing the emotional fluctuations of the space, we arrive at a space filled with "moments of inspiration". The use of blue window frames highlights the attributes of the space, where rationality and calmness coexist with a lively and playful atmosphere, always ready to encounter the next burst of inspiration.
设计师把墙面设计成书柜的模式,将每一次的“灵感时刻”安放在此处,用不同的装置艺术刺激感官与心灵,在阅读与交流中碰触每一次的灵光迸发。 The designer has incorporated bookshelf into the wall, placing every "moment of inspiration" in this space. Various installations and artworks stimulate the senses and ignite the mind, allowing every burst of inspiration to be touched through reading and communication.
当你还在思考下一个路口会看见什么,别着急,请缓缓推开那扇带有圆形窗口的木质门,白色的百叶窗,复古温暖的原木色调,还有一些奇怪形状家具,组成了这样奇特的会议空间。没有那些冗长沉闷的会议时刻,和严肃冰冷的规则秩序,或许这就是设计师们关于空间的一种不一样的幽默表达吧。 When you are contemplating what you might see at the next crossroad, don’t rush, instead, slowly open the wooden door with the circular window. The white louvered windows, vintage warm wooden tones, and some unusual shaped furtinures compose this unique and peculiar meeting space that constrasts with the often depressing and dull atmosphere of meetings and the rigidity of rules. Perhaps this is the sense of humor that the designer wants to express through the space.
推开那扇“蓝色大门”,依然是温暖的木色铺成,让你自然地滑入另一个绮丽的梦境,点点的关于食物的温暖抚慰在你的胸口,暖黄的灯光打在马赛克的桌面,每一块马赛克都反射出关于美食的想象,与鳞次栉比的储物柜形成和谐的构成关系,延伸出空间的规则美感。 Pushing the "blue door", you are greeted with warm wooden tones that naturally leads you into another enchanting dreamland. The warmth of food soothes your heart, and the warm yellow light shines on the mosaic tabletop, with every piece of mosaic reflecting the imagination of cuisine. The harmony between the mosaic table and the orderly storage cabinets extends the beauty of the space's rules and aesthetics.
强烈的金属反光和散布的玻璃杯形成一种和谐的反差,点光源和线性灯的搭配运用也营造了空间中的私密属性。 The strong metallic reflections contrast harmoniously with the scattered reflections of light on the glass, while the combination of point light sources and linear lighting enhances the sense of privacy within the space.
会客厅中的奇思妙想散落一地,你十分愉快地将他们一个个拾起,按照自己的方式摆放,呈现,对每一个来访者讲述他们的起因、发现和那些完成或未完待续的故事。关于色彩,关于形态,他们都有各自自由的发展和延续。 In the living room, ideas and inspirations are everywhere, and you happily pick them up one by one, arranging and presenting them in your own way. You tell each visitor about their origins, discoveries, and the stories waiting for an ending. Regarding color and form, they each have their own free way to develop and continue.
整个办公空间都氤氲在这样一种自由、轻松的氛围当中,这里没有严肃刻板的办公室形象,没有往复一日的无聊工作日。从功能布局到气氛营造,我们关怀每一个在工作当中的伙伴对于空间的多样化需求,这是可以一起分享的空间,是可以自由生发创想的空间,张扬年轻的办公空间。 The entire office space is immersed in a free and relaxing atmosphere, without the serious and rigid image of a traditional office, nor the boredom during repetitive workdays. From functional layout to atmosphere, we care about the diverse needs of every partner in the workspace. This shared office space represents youthfulness and encourages the free flow of creativity.
AURORA DESIGN在昆明的新办公室,以绮丽的梦幻构成和温柔细腻的气质在这座处处充满冒险与新鲜的城市中穿梭,用幻想似的美追踪每一次的新鲜。 原木,金属,石块和形态,和跳脱的色彩,打造出幻梦中的实体存在,构建一种新型的办公理念,他是自由但高效的,是包容而多元的,也是年轻而新鲜的。我们希望在新办公室中践行AURORA DESIGN的设计理念「创造幻想的美」,并保留住这些灵感时刻,期待每一次在这座“春之城”中关于创新的冒险。 AURORA DESIGN's new office in Kunming shuttles through the city that is full of adverture and fresh experiences with its elegance and dreamlike features, capturing the freshness of every moment with beauty that seems to come from the imagaination. With raw wood, metal, stones, and unique shapes, and a variety of bold colors, we create a physical presence in a dreamlike environment, constructing a new type of office concept that is both free and efficient, inclusive and diverse, as well as youthful and fresh. We hope to embody AURORA DESIGN's design philosophy of "creating fantastic beauty" in our new office, while preserving these moments of inspiration, and looking forward to every innovative adventure in this "City of Spring."
项目名称|AURORA DESIGN 艾洛设计昆明办公室 Project Name: AURORA DESIGN Kunming office 项目地点|云南省昆明市 Location: Kunming, Yunnan, China 项目面积|240m² Area: 240㎡ 设计团队|AURORA DESIGN 艾洛设计 王达 张斯劼 Design Firm: AURORA DESIGN Wang Da, Zhang Sijie 主案设计|杨雪婉 Chief Designer: Yang Xuewan 设计时间| 2022.10 Design Time: 2022.10 完工时间|2023.04 Completion Time: 2023.04 施工落地|重塑空间 Construction: Rebuilding Space Lab 项目摄影|INSPACE 言隅 纳信 Photography: Na Xin from INSPACE
杨雪婉 AURORA DESIGN 品牌创始人 曾获奖项: 2020中国设计星全国12强、安德马丁年度推荐设计师、2022包豪斯奖、2022GFDAWARDS全球未来奖等。
「关于艾洛设计」 艾洛设计 / AURORA DESIGN 是一家针对空间设计的高级室内设计机构,致力于打造共情消费者的态度美学空间,并诠释当下消费体验趋势所在。 本着「创造幻想的美」的设计理念,历经多年品牌服务与项目落地 ,对固有品牌业态的重新诠释,为婚纱摄影空间定制、商业零售、独立 /连锁餐饮迭代 、展厅空间、高端住宅、艺术装置等领域的精英客户提供全面极致的设计顾问服务。 |