OMA/AMO与意大利品牌Stone Island合作为其线下首店打造新的品牌形象。Stone Island在设计与产品操作方面的研究和实验定义了新的商店形象,这里也将成为品牌与社区分享丰富经验的场所。
OMA/AMO partners with Stone Island to conceptualize a new identity for the Italian brand’s stores. Stone Island’s research and experimentation on design and product manipulation defines the new stores, which are also spaces to share its wealth of experiences with its communities.
▼项目外观,Exterior ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
OMA/AMO打造的新店以教堂圣坛般的空间为概念特色,强调了Stone Island对技术与发展的贡献,这也与品牌追随者认同的理念一致。一系列壁龛中展示的产品和原型,是Stone Island总部Ravarino实验室多年来的研究成果,同时也彰显了品牌对产品设计的思考和未来的雄心。除商店营业时间外,该空间还将举办公共演讲、沙龙、研讨会和私人活动。这些商店将成为现有客户以及新客户的基地,同时与品牌的线上业务形成互补。
The new store concept by OMA/AMO features altar-like spaces highlighting Stone Island’s devotion to technology and development, shared by its followers. Niches for archival pieces and prototypes – results of years of experimentation in Stone Island’s lab in their Ravarino headquarters – showcase past thinking and future ambitions about product design. Beyond shop opening hours, the space will host public presentations, salons, workshops, and private events. The stores form a base for current and new customers, complementing the brand’s online presence.
▼入口处的大型数字吊灯,A large digital chandelier at the entrance ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼从入口望向室内空间,View from the entrance to the inside ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼入口处的陈列装置,The showcase installation at the entrance ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
Stone Island品牌擅长将常见材料转化为特殊材料的方式,启发并影响了OMA/AMO设计的新店空间。空间中类似石头的色调是由现成材料经过特殊处理而制成,过程中并没有混凝土或石头的参与。碎纸和树脂在高压下被压缩,成为耐用的“混凝土面板”。软木,作为商店中使用的主要材料,经过燃烧、喷砂以及涂层形成了深色且带有纹理的表面,同时维持了其吸音、湿度控制的功能。波纹钢板,经过喷砂处理形成了线条柔和的表面。而悬挂在天花板上的大型数字吊灯,可以向社区传播Stone Island的品牌文化。
Stone Island’s approach in transforming materials from typical into unique inspires and informs the new stores’ architecture by OMA/AMO. The stone-like palette of the spaces is formed with specially treated off-the-shelf materials – without actual concrete or stone. Shredded paper and resins are compressed under high pressure to become durable “concrete panels”. Cork – the central material to the Stone Island stores – is burnt, sandblasted and coated, turning dark and textured, while maintaining its sound-absorbing, humidity- controlling features. Corrugated steel panels, sand-coated, acquire a soft surface. A large digital chandelier, suspended from the ceiling, broadcasts Stone Island’s culture to its community.
▼室内空间,Arrangement of the interior ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼物品展示架,The display rack ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
这一新概念在芝加哥Stone Island 180平米的新零售空间内首次亮相,这是品牌在芝加哥的第一个零售空间。已于2022年10月20日开业,之后也将陆续在首尔、慕尼黑和斯德哥尔摩等地开设分店。
The new concept debuted within a new, 180-square meter retail space for Stone Island in Chicago – the brand’s first in the city – which opened on Thursday, October 20, 2022, ahead of the future opening of locations in Seoul, Munich and Stockholm.
▼试衣间区域的展示空间,The display area nearby the fitting room ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼波纹钢板打造的试衣间,The fitting room made by the corrugated steel panels ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼内置展示空间,Built-in display space ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
Stone Island创意总监兼总裁Carlo Rivetti表示:“Stone Island和AMO有着共同的价值观,即创新、功能和激情。我非常高兴开启这一重要的合作,AMO为我们的商店带来了全新的视觉呈现,同时也令此处成为了品牌与社区交流的载体。AMO总监Samir Bantal也表示:“研究与创新是Stone Island的品牌核心。商店的空间、材料以及活动巩固了品牌精神,并强化了其社区内志同道合者的归属感”。
Stone Island Creative Director and President Carlo Rivetti: “Stone Island and AMO share values of innovation, functionality, and passion. I am very happy to begin this important partnership, a new visual approach for our stores, to speak to our communities.”AMO Director Samir Bantal: “Research and innovation are at the core of Stone Island. The space, materiality, and program of the stores underpin the brand’s ethos, and reinforce a sense of belonging of its community of like-minded people.”
▼软木墙上的壁龛,Built-in display area with sliding door ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼空间摆件及带有折叠门的壁龛,The featured furniture and niche with folding door ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island
▼材料细部,Detailed view of the materials ©Marco Cappelletti,Courtesy of OMA/AMO and Stone Island