Name | 项目名称
Belonging to the Wilderness | 荒野的归属感Interior Design | 室内设计 陈辉 | 十上设计 Soft decoration design | 软装设计 廖小燕 | 十上设计 Construction Side | 施工单位 菲特精工 Location | 项目地点 FuJian,China | 中国福建 Photographer | 摄影师 李迪 | Instants
山林从不向四季起誓,枯荣随缘。 海洋不需要对沙岸承诺,遇合尽兴。 连言语都该舍弃, 你我之间,只有干干净净的缄默,与存在。 ——简嫃
Themountains and forests never swear to the four seasons; they wither and thriveas they please. Theocean does not need to commit to the sandy shore. Evenwords should be abandoned. Betweenyou and me, there is only pure silence and existence ——Jian Zhen
Thisproject is located in the resort of Guling, surrounded by mountains with mistsfloating from the mountains. Having lived in the fragmented greenery of the bigcity for a long time, people become unfamiliar with the "wilderness"and the nature behind it. Both the owner and the designer have boundlessyearning for the pure and simple life and nostalgia of nature. Thus, let's findthe sense of belonging to the "wilderness" this time.
There isalways something to enjoy, such as snow, rain, and the warm fire of a longwinter. Hence, the space is opened up, creating a dialogue between people andthe mountains, and also guaranteeing privacy while weakening the indoor andoutdoor space, in order to create a comfortable, free and open vacation space.
Perhapsit is the roughness of wood, the collision of fabric colors, the encounter ofartistic ornaments, the texture of the passage of time that create this warmspace full of age and roughness.
The independentmusic study room, the nostalgic vinyl records and the long-ago memories of thepast are all ringing in the ears at this moment.
Watchingthe red haze roll in the dusk and the silky moonlight shine on the mountains, Isat by the window and knew they were not accident.
直到如今 大自然给了我意外的感动后 我仍会怦然心动
Untilnow Afternature has given me an unexpected touch I stillfeel my heart pounding and mythoughts flow like a spring