欢声笑语凝聚于此 情感自在流动 毫无隔阂 看似不变的场域 随时光之轴推进 样貌渐渐蜕变 亲情更为浓厚 即使很久很久以后 还能想起彼时的感动 Home, is the originof all that matters. Its is where joy and laughter congregate, and where emotionsflow freely without boundaries. As the axis of time rotates, even distant fields that stand idle gradually transforms into new looks. Family bondstrengthens, and becomes ever lasting and memorable even long after.
01.|凝聚 用艺术的力道 凝聚视觉焦点 家的温暖 使人即便远游 仍不时回望 Gathering The tenacity of art gathers the visual spotlights. The love that fills the home Becomesan unforgettable affection even from a distance. Agraceful painting illuminates spatial design much like a blossoming flower addslife to the environment.
如同一朵鲜花开启环境之美的省思,一幅好画,则是审度空间布局的圭臬。在若干年后,深印脑海的正是这幅图像鲜明的画,让周遭朦胧的印象渐渐清晰,使家的记忆再现。 This vivid painting will make any obscure memories of the surroundings unforgettable even afters years have passed, and revitalize the memory as if it happened yesterday.
画与画框、电视和收纳、展示柜的色彩、布局,正如天秤两端的砝码,让空间取得微妙平衡。 The painting and its frames, the TV and thedrawers, the color of the shelves, and the detailed arrangements are likeweights that str
02.|界定 家人的相处分际 如同空间界定 开放而无隔阂 心中自有分寸 Boundaries Theinteractions between family members Arelike boundaries of space Thatis open and without barriers, Yeteveryone is able to have their own comfortable, cozy space.
透过家具、柜体、地坪材质, 做出隐性空间界定, 没有一分为二的隔间, 开放而通透的格局, 让孩子们在成长期的活动空间放大。 Subtleboundaries are formed
through the use of furniture, shelves, and flooringmaterials; there is no distinct boundaries.
用餐、休闲、嬉戏、共读, 从生活中的亲子互动过程中, 学习如何在不同场域间转换, 依然行止得宜。 Open and boarder-less design allows children to grow up in ample space that allows for playing, recreation, dining,and reading together. Through family interactions one can learn to adapt to different environments with ease.
开放与穿透 如积木组成 随成长变动 或各自独立 或融合为一 让生活如此从容 Tranquility Opennessis like a building block Thatcan be altered with growth, Becomeindependent, Orbe merged into one to foster tranquility in life.
Metallicveneers are cut into
different rectangles and vertical shelves that hang fromabove to define space, while fulfilling storage and display needs.Interchangeable shelves that suits the different color preferences of eachfamily member signifies that “home” is mutually shared and owned, yet stillallowing for individual characteristic and uniqueness.
预设孩子成长后独立使用的可能性,创造可弹性变动的格局,初始是亲子共享的游戏、共读空间,未来,则转化为单独的孩房。 Adjustable spatialarrangements leaves room for children as they grow to become more independent;what begins as a play-area for family interactions and reading, may betransformed into a children’s room.
04.|光舞 为回家的人留一盏灯 仿佛给予温暖的拥抱 从未在意的那道光 诉尽千言万语 勾勒出家的轮廓 带来无尽的温暖与想念 Dance of Light Havinga beacon of light left on purposely for love ones that return home Islike giving a warm, welcoming hug.Oftenoverlooked, The last ray of light outlines home with countless words, And brings about endless warmth and longing.
在玄关预留的一盏灯,温柔地抚慰了疲惫返家的人。如天使光环的主灯,则照亮一室温馨。寝居微明的床头灯,隐而不显,如同装置艺术般存在。 Seeing the last hint of light in the corridor comforts those that return home from atiring day. Like the halo of an angel, the main light brightens the room withcoziness. Dim bedside lamp stands secluded like art.
伴随睡前阅读的壁灯,与梳妆台前的灯带,构筑成一幅光影交织的室内风景。在每一个空间恰如其分的光之舞,为家增添了温馨与暖意。 Reading lamps on the
wall and the strip of light on the dressing table form an interior view like a dance between light and shadow that touches every corner of the room, and brings about the warmth of a comfortable, cozy home.
项目名称:椰林昂/中古屋 设计团队:森境设计/王俊宏 参与设计:黄荷婷 摄影团队:KPS/吴国豪 座落位置:新竹县竹北市 主要建材:水磨石地砖、超耐磨木地板、美耐板、白橡木皮染色、金属喷漆、黑板漆 设计面积:35坪 设计时间:2020/Oct. 施工时间:2021/ JULY |