惟江上之清风,与山间之明月 耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色 是造物者之无尽藏也 而吾与子之所共适 —— 《前赤壁赋》苏东坡 Only the breeze over the river, and the moon between the mountains What you hear is sound; what you see is color It is the endless collection of the creator And my son and I are the same -- "On the Former Red Cliff" Su Dongpo INTRODUCE 沉淀思绪,从古典文化中去寻找最纯粹的设计语汇,从城市的现代文化中汲取营养,将古今文化糅合,打造典雅、自然、至纯的美学感受,引渡着空间的艺术情感,延展出自身的方向,营造出深层次的情感共鸣。 Seek the purest design vocabulary from classical culture, draw nutrition from modern culture, blend ancient and modern culture, create elegant, natural and pure aesthetic feeling, and create a deep emotional resonance. 沙盘区 Sand table area, inviting space - 沙盘区以深色大理石作为大面积铺陈,石材独特的肌理为空间带来了沉稳而冷静质感,再与金属元素结合相融,交错出别具一格的艺术效果,设计与艺术由此碰撞和鸣。沙盘上方的艺术装置如流水般蜿蜒连绵,将璀璨之美尽述于此。而空间动线流畅,游走其间,曲折旖旎的迴游体验,峰回路转的惊喜,连同空间错置的意外,逐渐构成“造境”之感。借此产生引人入胜的空间体验。 The sand table area is calm and cool with a unique style. The art installation above the sand table is like flowing water. And the space moving line is smooth, gradually constitute the feeling of "creating environment". This creates an engaging spatial experience. 洽谈区 Negotiation area, comfortable environment - 洽谈区运用中轴对称的设计手法,以沙盘区中线为轴心,逐一排开,井然有序,流畅的动线,让每个区域相互融合,又相对独立,给予舒适的交谈环境。皮革单椅线条优雅,色彩沉稳,再搭配金属灯饰与摆件等点缀其间,雅奢质感顿显,不仅透露出对品质的追求,亦唤醒当代人们对于艺术及美好生活的向往。 Negotiation area axisymmetric, orderly, smooth moving line, comfortable conversation environment. Leather single chair lines elegant, steady color, metal elements embellishment, elegant luxury texture. 私密洽谈区 Private negotiation area, just right
私密洽谈区端方沉静,大气非常,以沉浸式的感受营造出最大的舒适度,给参观者带来不一样的感官效果与空间体验,营造舒适无压的空间感与交流氛围,与空间产生共鸣,感悟艺术心境,让一切都恰到好处。 Private negotiation area atmosphere is very, immersive feeling brings different sensory effects and space experience, create a comfortable sense of space without pressure, so that everything is just right. 儿童区 Children's area, enjoy the heart fun - 儿童活动区以孩童的娱乐性和舒适度为设计考量,造型各异的童趣摆件,色彩缤纷,呼应孩童丰富多彩的童趣想象,令空间休闲而惬意,置身其中挥洒欢愉,静享受随心的乐趣。 Children's area tong qu ornaments colorful, so that the space leisure and comfortable, place yourself among the joy, quiet enjoy the fun of the heart. 办公空间 Office, feel the peace of the moment - 办公空间沉稳大气,流畅的线条感,写意的山水画,美感十足的花艺,韵味独到的摆件,空间的艺术从每一处的细微的小细节中流露出来,打造出一个远离尘嚣、净化心灵之地,营造生活的炙热温度,感受此刻的安宁。 Office space composed atmosphere, smooth line sense, freehand landscape painting, full of beauty of flowers, unique charm of ornaments, the art of space from every tiny detail, to create a place away from the noisy, purify the soul, create the hot temperature of life, feel the peace at the moment. PROJECT INTRODUCTION 项 目 信 息 项目名称|聚商公园一号营销中心 Project Name | Ju Shang Park No.1 Marketing Center 项目类型|售楼中心 Project Type | The sales center 软装设计与实施|米洛映象 Soft Outfit | Millo Casa 艺术总监|张雅珍 Artistic Director | Zhang Yazhen 项目地点|贵州贵阳 Project Site | Guizhou Guiyang 项目面积|800㎡ Project Area | 800㎡ 完工时间|2019.01 Completion Time | 2019.01 特别鸣谢|聚商集团 Special Thanks To | Jushang Group |