项目地址 | 宝安区宝安大道和海城路交汇处 设计单位 | 深圳市汇格设计有限公司 设计主创 | 李小刚、钟卫 设计面积 | 1600 ㎡ 硬装造价 | 4000/㎡ 软装造价 | 3500/㎡ 主要材料 | 艺术石材、白色石材、金属镀锌板、岩板、木饰面、金属网、深灰色不锈钢、墙布硬包、方块地毯 设计时间 | 2017.04 完工时间 | 2019.11 设计说明 | (说明) 宏发QCC前城位踞大前海人居核心区,发挥着承接来自前海中心和宝安中心区高端商务人群的居住、办公及消费需求的功用。项目位于宏发前城中心大厦高层,拥有188米天际高度,因此,我们在延续建筑风格的基础上用现代开放的设计思维,探索科技与自然、实用与艺术的边界,打造出兼具现代科技感和艺术气息的国际商务体验空间。 该项目的亮点在于,设计师延续了外立面的设计风格,将玻璃、透明亚克力等材质延伸到室内设计中,光线透过这些材质,会交错折射出绝美炫幻的光影。这些光影会随着时间的变化而变化,整个空间变得灵动而富有艺术气质,不仅创造出空间纯净的美学秩序,也增强了空间的层次和韵律。当观者置身其间,宁静、放松、亲近自然的祥和与舒适之感油然而生。这也是运用具有前瞻性和艺术感的设计语言,打造绿色、愉悦、高效而富有艺术品位的现代国际化办公空间。 (INTRODUCTION) Hongfa QCC office exhibition centre is locatedon Qianhai,Shenzhen, where high-end business peoplelive and work. On top of the building, there is an excellent view to the city.Following the architectural style, Vincent Lee, the interior designer, combinesmodern aesthetics and artistic atmosphere to tackle the design. The best part of this project is theapplication of glasses and transparent acrylic. Static space meets naturaldynamic light, which forms a different feeling at different time. It fitsperfectly with the idea that Vincent believes ——every space has its owncharacter with its people. And moreover, to build a ecological and efficientoffice that conforming to the aesthetic taste of art is what he pursues.