MXM Design是一家总部位于澳大利亚悉尼的室内设计工作室,由创始人Madeleine Karrys和Marie Daaboul共同创立于2018年,专注于豪华酒店、高级住宅、酒店和零售项目。两位创始人汇集了澳大利亚和国际豪华室内设计市场以及设计各个方面的丰富知识。
MXM Design is an interior Designstudio based in Sydney, Australia, founded in 2018 by founders Madeleine Karrysand Marie Daaboul to focus on luxury hotels, premium residences, hotels andretail projects. The two founders bring together a wealth of knowledge of theAustralian and international luxury interior design market and all aspects ofdesign.
MadeleineKarrys于2013毕业于澳大利亚堪培拉理工学院,同年就读堪培拉大学的室内设计专业,毕业至今从事设计已有7年。而另一位创始人Marie Daaboul于2009年毕业于西悉尼大学的市场营销专业并获得学士学位,于2012年毕业于悉尼设计学院的室内装饰与设计系。
Madeleine Karrys graduated fromthe Canberra institute of technology, Australia in 2013. In the same year, shestudied interior design at the university of Canberra. The other founder, MarieDaaboul, graduated from the university of western Sydney with a bachelor'sdegree in marketing in 2009 and from the department of interior decoration anddesign at the Sydney school of design in 2012.
受豪华和精致细节的启发,工作室提供了一个无可挑剔的细节和精心制作的设计方法,量身定制,以适应每个单独的项目和客户。MXM Design的所有这些项目都有一种个性感和终极的复杂程度。他们天生就有能力与客户、建筑商和贸易商建立良好的关系,他们能够创建一个全面发展的团队,从始至终无缝地执行每个项目。
Inspired by luxury and the finerdetails, the studio offers an impeccably detailed and finely crafted designapproach, tailor-made to suit each individual project and client. All prejects fromMXM Design have a sense of individuality and an ultimate level ofsophistication. With the natural ability to develop strong relationships withtheir clients, builders and trades, they are able to create a well-rounded teamto carry out each project seamlessly and holistically from beginning to end.