“晓来雨过,遗踪何在?一池萍碎。春色三分,二分尘土,一分流水。”——苏轼 ▼室内预览,interior overview
▼入口处视角,以品牌LOGO演绎的窗景,from the perspective of the entrance, the window view interpreted by the brand logo
▼室内局部,partial interior view
▼太湖石与一抹松绿,化景于意境,Taihu Lake stone and a touch of pine green, transforming scenery into artistic conception。
▼黑色钢板与镜面构成的戏剧性场景,dramatic scene of black steel plate and mirror
▼古为今用的雨链,让一种新的浪漫出现在人们的视野里,The rain chain of making the past serve the present makes a new romance appear in people's vision
▼背景墙地面采用防水钢板,让水流如雨滴般自由洒落,the ground of the background wall is made of waterproof steel plate to let the water flow freely
▼室内材料细节,details of the interior materials
▼金属造型模拟图,metal modeling renderings
▼平面布置图,layout plan
项目信息对照表 1. 项目名称:回园听雨 2. 设计方:JSD-ENSOUL素内设计 4. 项目设计&完成年份:2019.12-2020.01 5. 主创及设计团队:陈浩、华秋玉 6. 项目地址:南京 7. 建筑面积:100㎡ 8. 摄影版权:ingallery 9. 合作方:汤姆马克 10. 客户:南京回味 11. 品牌:科定、森本家具 |