这座建在候车大厅里的餐厅位于匈牙利布达佩斯的Erzsébet广场上,于2014年开业。设计的核心概念在于重新诠释由István Nyíri设计的、于1949年建造的公交车站候车大厅空间。设计必须尊重和关注建筑原有的后现代主义风格,同时在通透明亮的候车室中建造一个带酒吧的餐厅。
▼通透明亮的候车厅餐厅,the transparent and bright terminal restaurant
▼餐厅全景,加入开放式厨房,完善了空间效果,overall view of the restaurant, the newly applied open plan kitchen completes the building
▼餐厅局部和收银台,收银台是独立柜台,完善了空间效果,part of the restaurant and the freestanding cashier counters that completes the building
▼餐厅局部和售酒区一瞥,橡木和油毡营造出一种优雅而年轻的室内氛围,part of the restaurant and the wine selling area, the use of oak and linoleum creates an elegant, yet youthful atmosphere inside
▼橡木制的独立式收银台细节,details of the freestanding cashier counters made of oaks
▼餐桌细节,details of the dining table
▼酒吧吧台细节,details of the bar
▼餐厅售酒区,橡木和蓝色油毡地面营造出一种优雅的空间氛围,the wine selling area, oak and blue linoleum create a sense of elegance
▼售酒区细节,details of the wine selling area