没那么完美, 却足够真实。棉纱戏于指尖,或捻,或织,或编,历经时间与手工的痕迹形成线与面,覆盖于肌肤之上。服装是用来区分彼此、定义自我的工具,如果只为新潮而穿,美的永远只是服装而已。
Not so perfect, but enough real. Cotton yarn on the fingertips, or twist, or weaving, or knitting, through the time and the traces of the hand to form lines and faces, covering the skin. Clothing is a tool used to distinguish each other and define oneself. If it is only worn for the new wave, beauty is always just clothing.
The new space is also true for the idea home. Open, smash, and combine, wandering between the creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional space, the interweaving of lines and lines, the collision of faces and faces, and the separation of light and shadow in space. Freely swaying on the structure, letting Ma Yuqi release unrestrained creativity and passion.
▼一层展示空间鸟瞰,display area on the ground floor
▼楼梯下方的休息和展示区,resting and display area under the stair
▼从楼梯望向二层空间,space of the first floor
▼工作台和展示壁橱,work area and storage
▼地面细部,floor detailed view
▼室内设计示意图,interior design concept
空 间 设 计
项 目 名 称 | 想法家 LA PENSEE
项 目 类 型 | 服装展示空间
面 积 | 160㎡
设 计 指 导 | 王 琛 W C
主 案 设 计 师 | 王 琛 W C & 叶 斌 & 蛋 蛋
灯 光 设 计 | 王 琛 W C
项 目 落 地 管 理 | 叶 斌 & 杀 菌
项 目 后 期 调 场 | 叶 斌 & 白 菜 & 黄 灿 蕾
完 工 时 间 | 2018 年 10 月
项 目 地 址 | 宁波鄞州区荣安府379商铺
摄 影 机 构 | 稳studio