文致中和 发表于 2017-9-9 11:38:44

上舍作品 ┆ 夜之静谧 暗之奢华

上舍设计,全新诠释意大利印象在黑暗中,演绎一场夜之幻想曲HS design,re interpretation of the impression of ItalyIn the dark, a night fantasy
本案在设计之初,设计师首先制定出一套色彩方案,确定黑色及红色为主色调,加以金色及蓝色点缀,呈现出一种神秘的氛围,让观者从内心萌发出对未知的向往,从而对产品产生兴趣In the case of the beginning of the design, the designer first developed a color scheme, determine the black and red color, of gold and blue ornament, showing a mysterious atmosphere, let the audience out of the unknown from the heart yearning adorable desire, to generate interest in products      在进门玄关处以及会客洽谈区域,设计师融入了东方元素,这不仅体现着设计语言上的东西结合,更是得以让客户从心理上更有效并舒适的接受这一来自遥远国度的产品At the door at the entrance and reception area to discuss, the designer into the Oriental elements, which not only embodies the design language of the East and the West together, is to allow customers to psychologically more effective and comfortable to accept this product from a distant country
在走廊及产品展示区,设计师采用干净的线条,让视觉更具有方向性。不同质感及深浅的暗色,让空间呈现出更为丰富的层次感。同时,金属的装饰及金色的灯光,则让客户感受到环境带来的尊贵感In corridors and product areas, designers use clean lines to make the vision more directional. Different textures and shades of dark color make the space appear a richer sense of layering. At the same time, metal decoration and golden lights, let customers feel the dignity of the environment      上舍坚持设计实现只为还原生活本质
该项目位于建材建筑内部,建筑的规划,限定了室内格局,使得空间无法拥有太大的更变可能,设计师希望通过设计的运用,各个设计元素的搭配,建立起空间的主题性,从而满足业主的需求,并极大化的展示产品的特点The project is located in the building, construction planning, defining interior pattern, the space cannot have more variable may be too large, designers hope that through application design, collocation various design elements, establish the theme of space, so as to meet the needs of the owners, and maximize the display products
平面布局图Layout plan方案效果图Scheme effect diagram      
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