融合宝岛的温婉、精致和蓉城的闲适、浪漫 花园中
繁花共爱意绽放 客厅里
欢笑伴温馨长存 让家见证他们的浪漫与辉煌
一层玄关Entrance hall on the first floor
玄关处,简洁的设计与柔和的色调相得益彰。In the entrance hall, the simple design and soft colors complement each other perfectly.
一层茶室Tea room on the first floor
In this plain beige-toned space, a colorful art painting catches the eye. It is just like a vivid pearl, blooming with brilliance among the simplicity and elegance, instantly endowing the tea room with rich layers and profound artistic conception.
一层休息区Ground floor lounge area
沙发区域,休闲沙发搭配红色花瓣单椅,宛如艺术装置般点亮了整个空间。红色花瓣椅以其独特的造型和艳丽的色彩,成为客厅中一抹迷人的焦点,在低调奢华的整体氛围中注入浓郁的浪漫气息,彰显主人非凡的品味与对生活的炽热情感。In the sofa area, the casual sofas paired with the single chairs with red petal-shaped designs are like art installations that light up the entire space. The red petal chairs, with their unique shapes and gorgeous colors, have become an enchanting focal point in the living room. They inject a strong romantic flavor into the overall atmosphere of understated luxury, demonstrating the owner's extraordinary taste and passionate love for life.
Ground floor kitchen
厨房,宽敞而舒适,精心规划的操作台面,便捷的收纳系统,无不彰显对功能性的极致考量。烹饪器具各归其位,食材触手可得,在这里,烹饪不再是繁琐劳作,而是爱的精心烹制,幸福滋味由此满溢,让家的温暖于每一餐中深深凝聚。The kitchen is spacious and comfortable. Here, cooking is no longer a tiresome chore but a meticulous creation out of love. The taste of happiness overflows from it, making the warmth of home deeply gather in every meal.
一层餐厅Ground floor restaurant
餐厅,以米色为底,大落地窗引入充沛阳光,与浅绿元素相映成趣。于此,每一次用餐都似与自然对话,温馨在光影与绿意间流淌。The dining room features a beige base. The large floor-to-ceiling windows bring in abundant sunlight, which forms an interesting contrast with the light green elements. Here, every meal seems like a conversation with nature, and the warmth flows among the light, shadows and greenery.
二层入户门厅Entrance hall on the second floor
二层客厅Living room on the second floor
此处,独具匠心地融入了客户企业元素——以 PVC 的“P”为灵感,量身定制的入户门厅饰品展示,悄然联结起生活与事业,无声诉说着对客户的深度理解与用心聆听。每一个细节,都在讲述着专属的故事,这份独特的设计,是敬意,更是对客户世界的细腻呼应。Here, the elements of the client's enterprise are incorporated with unique ingenuity. Inspired by the "P" in PVC, the customized display of entrance hall ornaments quietly connects life and career, silently telling the in-depth understanding and attentive listening to the client. Every detail is narrating an exclusive story. This unique design is not only a gesture of respect but also a delicate echo of the client's world.
Stairwell on the second floor
旋转楼梯如灵动的丝带蜿蜒而上,旁侧的三角钢琴架静立,似在低吟着优雅的旋律。每一个细节,都在讲述着专属的故事,这份独特的设计,是敬意,更是对客户世界的细腻呼应。Here, the elements of the client's enterprise are incorporated with unique ingenuity. Inspired by the "P" in PVC, the customized display of entrance hall ornaments quietly connects life and career, silently telling the in-depth understanding and attentive listening to the client. Every detail is narrating an exclusive story. This unique design is not only a gesture of respect but also a delicate echo of the client's world.
二层次卧Two-level sleeper
二层次卧衣帽间Two-level cloakroom
走进二楼女儿房,浅灰色调如静谧的湖面铺展,契合着孩子直爽的个性。空间内,一抹蓝色罗奇堡沙发坐垫醒目而独特,为清冷的氛围增添了别样的色彩与温情。Entering the daughter's room on the second floor, the light - gray tone spreads out like a tranquil lake, matching the child's straightforward personality. In the space, a blue Roche - Bobois sofa cushion is striking and unique, adding a different color and warmth to the cold atmosphere.
Second-level guard
Yoga room on the second floor
三层主卧Three master bedrooms
主卧衣帽间Master bedroom cloakroom
弧形元素巧妙勾勒,墙面与床头的曲线,如温柔怀抱,给予安心栖息。此为静谧港湾,色彩与线条,编织家的温馨浪漫。细微处,皆诉对舒适安心的极致追求。In the master bedroom, arc elements are skillfully outlined. The curves of the wall and the headboard are like gentle embraces, providing a sense of security for rest. This is a quiet harbor, where colors and lines weave the warmth and romance of home. Every detail reflects the ultimate pursuit of comfort and peace of mind.
主卫Master Guard
走进这个卫生间,仿佛踏入了一个宁静而高雅的私人空间。整体色调以浅灰色和白色为主,营造出一种简洁、干净且大气的氛围。Stepping into this bathroom is like entering a tranquil and elegant private space. The overall color scheme is dominated by light gray and white, creating a simple, clean, and grand atmosphere.
主卧书房Master bedroom study