企屋设计 发表于 2024-8-4 13:53:55

企屋新作 | 不定义自由空间

所谓自由不是随心所欲而是自我主宰                     — 伊曼努尔 -康德
如若在既定的风格与设计理论中亦步亦趋,就不会有自由的新世界。在本案中,设计的逻辑,回归“空间为人”的本质之上,旨在让一切外在的表达退后,让渡于未来生活的核心,打破常规的定向思维。在南山之边一袭之地,掌握自由的尺度。If we follow established styles and design theories step by step, there will be no free new world. In this case, the logic of the design returns to the essence of "space for people", aiming to make all external expressions retreat and surrender to the core of future life, breaking the conventional directional thinking. On the edge of Nanshan, grasp the scale of freedom.会客厅
本案的客厅采用了横厅设计,划分阅读和活动区域,让空间更富有文化氛围,公共区域的多重功能设计是考虑到屋主有两个孩子,宽阔的区域足够满足陪伴、玩耍、学习等多样化需求,强化空间的层次感和包容度。The living room in this case adopts a horizontal hall design, dividing the reading and activity areas to make the space more culturally rich. The multi-functional design of the public area is designed to accommodate the homeowner's two children, and the spacious area is sufficient to meet diverse needs such as companionship, play, and learning, strengthening the sense of hierarchy and inclusiveness of the space.

最好的采光面留给了会客厅,为主要活动区赋予了动态的自然景观,与室内自然纹理的地砖和面料相呼应,共同构建起场所的丰富表情。一时四刻的光影被完全收纳。The best lighting surface is reserved for the living room, endowing the main activity area with a dynamic natural landscape that echoes the natural texture of the indoor tiles and fabrics, jointly creating a rich expression of the venue. The fleeting moments of light and shadow are completely stored.

布艺沙发,配搭原石茶几和同色系的地毯。宽厚而轻盈、质实而温和,背景墙将美学和收纳诠释至尽。Fabric sofa, paired with original stone coffee table and carpet of the same color scheme. Thick and light, solid and gentle in texture, the background wall interprets aesthetics and storage to the fullest.

石材搭配通透的亚克力材质,让阅读区更显通畅大气,光线一览无遗,相互渗透的空间视觉,隐藏在空间之中的轴线,加大了空间使用的可能性,灵活启动书房与客厅的自由使用。The combination of stone and transparent acrylic material makes the reading area appear more unobstructed and atmospheric, with unobstructed light and interpenetrating spatial vision. The axis hidden in the space increases the possibility of space use, flexibly activating the free use of the study and living room.

作为进入客厅的缓冲区域,玄关设计收纳空间,悬挑柜仿佛融入结构中。内凹式处理让立面不再平淡,简约与功能并存,同时起到空间引导作用。As a buffer zone for entering the living room, the foyer is designed with storage space, and the cantilevered cabinets seem to be integrated into the structure. The concave treatment makes the facade no longer plain, combining simplicity and functionality, while also serving as a spatial guide.

楼梯的设计是别墅的一大亮点,不仅功能至上,美观度也是不可或缺的,利用石材铺设踏板和全透明玻璃扶手来实现视觉上的松弛感,更显轻盈与和谐。The design of the staircase is a major highlight of the villa, not only prioritizing functionality, but also emphasizing aesthetics. The use of stone treads and fully transparent glass handrails creates a visual sense of relaxation, making it appear lighter and more harmonious.

每一处转折与动线的变化中,体块的坚实质感通过楼梯的转角切换被赋予了新的节奏。At every turning point and change in movement, the solid texture of the block is given a new rhythm through the transition of the staircase corners.餐 厅
餐厅延续了白灰色的整体基调,交织室外淌入的柔和匀光,富有质感的大理石餐桌和细腻绒面餐椅,与轻逸的空间氛围和谐共生。The restaurant continues the overall tone of white and gray, interweaving the soft and uniform light flowing in from the outside, with textured marble dining tables and delicate velvet dining chairs, harmoniously coexisting with the relaxed atmosphere of the space.

红色的餐椅为冷色的餐厅增添了乐趣,丰盈了视觉层次感。The red dining chairs add fun to the cool colored restaurant and enrich the visual hierarchy.厨 房
餐厅的仪式感和厨房的烟火气结合,将对家人的爱和生活的智慧融入一餐一饭中,金属灰色调的开放式整体厨房与岛台,利用合理空间定制出丰富的柜体,将厨房用具及杂物妥当收纳,简洁利落且通透立体。The combination of the ceremonial atmosphere of the restaurant and the fireworks atmosphere of the kitchen integrates love for family and wisdom of life into one meal at a time. The metal gray toned open style integrated kitchen and island platform use reasonable space to customize rich cabinets, properly store kitchen utensils and miscellaneous items, and make them simple, neat, transparent and three-dimensional.

卧室以柔和的灰米色温暖包裹,刻意避免复杂多变的造型和色彩,背景墙局部辅以木格栅板和灯带强调深度视觉,烘托感氛围。The bedroom is warmly wrapped in a soft gray beige color, deliberately avoiding complex and varied shapes and colors. The background wall is partially supplemented with wooden grid panels and light strips to emphasize depth vision and create a sense of atmosphere.   女孩房
视觉色彩与陈设造型与孩子的成长和生活情绪有着相当的关联性,粉色作为有形的生动角色补充,呈现别出心裁的效果,细小的触动来引导童真乐趣。Visual colors and display styles are closely related to children's growth and emotional life. Pink, as a tangible and vivid character supplement, presents unique and creative effects, and small touches guide the joy of childlike innocence.
米奇幻化为一把座椅赋予孩子的天地以童话般意境,除了当下,也需考虑未来的成长。功能布置上,既保留着天真烂漫的童趣,又实现休息和学习。Mickey transforms into a chair, giving children a fairy tale like atmosphere in the world. In addition to the present, future growth also needs to be considered. In terms of functional layout, it retains the childlike innocence while achieving rest and learning.

设计,蕴含着个人的日常经验、独特的生活方式与丰盈的人生历程。当我们不以风格定义空间,不以单一的标准而评判,整个设计便拥有了更大的包容度。用充满个性的创意,表达出对时间和生活的理解。诠释空间的逻辑细节、流动性与体验感,更以归于纯粹的表达,为居者创造了一种不被定义、自由生长的生活方式。Design contains personal daily experience, unique lifestyle, and rich life journey. When we do not define space by style or judge it by a single standard, the entire design has greater inclusiveness. Express an understanding of time and life with unique creativity. Interpreting the logical details, fluidity, and experiential sense of space, and returning to pure expression, creates an undefined and freely growing way of life for residents.

■ 项目名称|筑和·江南岸
■ 项目面积|230㎡
■ 设计单位|企屋设计

■ 施工单位|企屋设计
■ 软装陈设|企屋陈设
■ 项目主创|杨涛胡坚
■ 项目执行|胡坚赵成成



Details of whole case custody service
The enterprise housing design is responsible for the overall scheme design and hard installation constructionMain materials procurement, furniture and soft decoration procurement, overall budget control, housekeeping and other services.

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