【發兮设计 · 新作】《子、约》
在饮食边界逐渐消融的当下,空间中的人文属性,被更显著的强调出来。基于不断变化的市场和对品牌力的深入研究,在艺术传达与大众审美间找到平衡点,成为更多餐饮品牌持续探索的命题....... In the current era of gradual melting of dietary boundaries, the humanistic attributes in space are more prominently emphasized. Based on the constantly changing market and in-depth research on brand power, finding a balance between artistic communication and public aesthetics has become a topic for more catering brands to continuously explore......
这个项目位于四川省成都市双流区华汇天地,拥有较好的地理位置,服务设施完善,周边居住密度高,消费力强。This project is located in Huahui Tiandi, Shuangliu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. It has a good geographical location, complete service facilities, high residential density in the surrounding area, and strong consumption power.章
Part 01 .电梯厅 / Elevator hall
设计将人与空间变成了相互依存的共生关系,不仅联通了垂直空间的变化,也为就餐者的品牌记忆注入了一抹生动的亮色。Design has transformed people and space into interdependent symbiotic relationships, not only connecting the changes in vertical space, but also injecting a vivid light into the brand memory of diners.Part 02 . 前台 / Reception在众多选择中,人们不再仅仅满足于味觉的享受,也愿意为品牌所展现的人文精神、视觉审美和背后故事付费。Among the many choices, people are no longer satisfied with the enjoyment of taste, but are also willing to pay for the humanistic spirit, visual aesthetics, and the story behind the brand.Part 03 . 吧台入口 / Entrance餐桌上的美食、服务人员的温暖笑容、座位周围的精致陈设、抬眼所见的光影和风景,共同营造了整个餐厅的意境与氛围,留下了难忘的记忆与情感。The delicious food on the dining table, the warm smiles of the service staff, the exquisite furnishings around the seats, the light and scenery seen when looking up, together create the atmosphere and atmosphere of the entire restaurant, leaving unforgettable memories and emotions.Part 04 . 服务台 / Service Desk在本案中,设计将现代审美与艺术韵致进行了一番糅合。设计师保留了主体空间的高度和完整性,在玻璃幕墙的围合与映衬下,服务台的主体是一个通透而明亮的现代空间。In this case, the design blends modern aesthetics with artistic charm. The designer retained the height and integrity of the main space, and under the enclosure and reflection of the glass curtain wall, the main body of the service desk is a transparent and bright modern space.Part 05 . 过道 / Aisle
我们希望创造令人感动的空间,不论是一间酒店、一片庭院抑或一面瓦牆,带客人抵达心灵深处,让设计与他们产生精神上的沟通交流。——CCD创始人郑忠先生We hope to create touching spaces, whether it's a hotel, a courtyard, or a tiled wall, to take guests to the depths of their hearts and create spiritual communication between the design and them—— Mr. Zheng Zhong, Founder of CCDPart 06 . 果吧 / Fruit Bar
在通透、简洁、一体的现代风格中,设计师融入了极具韵味的局部和细节,使整个设计更耐人品味。整个空间的轴线设计为设计增添了几分稳定感,细节的交接处理,既有一抹工业风的粗粝,又融合了巧工打磨的精致与细腻。In a modern style that is transparent, concise, and integrated, the designer incorporates highly appealing parts and details, making the entire design more tasteful. The axis design of the entire space adds a sense of stability to the design, and the handover of details not only exudes a touch of industrial roughness, but also integrates the delicacy and delicacy of skillful polishing.Part 07 . 宴会厅 / Banquet hall设计保留传统的端庄典雅,同时满足当代用餐需求的表达。传统元素和当代元素的融合下,呈现出一种和谐舒适,主题鲜明又极富东方气质的空间氛围。The design retains traditional elegance while meeting the expression of contemporary dining needs. The fusion of traditional and contemporary elements presents a harmonious and comfortable spatial atmosphere with a distinct theme and a strong Eastern temperament.Part 08 . 豪包 / Haobao食物和任何一种艺术一样,最终都是要走向人心的,无论在空间的哪一处,质感和情绪始终串联在同一条脉络上,那是一种把城市记忆和人文脉络都内化后的味道:自在漂浮、丰盈质朴、微醺荡漾。Food, like any kind of art, ultimately needs to reach the hearts of people. No matter where in space, texture and emotions are always connected in the same vein, which is a taste that internalizes both urban memory and cultural context: free floating, abundant, simple, and slightly tipsy.Part 09 . 卡座包 / Card holder package卡座区域,通过灰色基调铺陈来容纳多种可能,在借景、洞见与延伸等手法中,以流动气息串联精美的馆藏复刻,在文明的缝隙中,与就餐者共同品味楚菜的一脉相承。The Kazuo area is decorated with a gray tone to accommodate various possibilities. Through techniques such as borrowing scenery, insight, and extension, the exquisite collection is recreated with a flowing atmosphere. In the gaps of civilization, we share a continuous taste of Chu cuisine with diners.Part 10 . 卡座过廊 / Carousel passagePart 11 . 连包 / LianbaoPart 12 . 小包 / Packet空间亦从传统中生长出来,扎根于城市和人的历史语境中,它们混合而成的记忆和情感,将使我们的故乡和故乡的味道永不陷落。Space also grows from tradition and is rooted in the historical context of cities and people. The memories and emotions they blend into will never fade away from our hometown and its flavor.
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