苏州几何空间设计 - 浅笑咖啡吧36㎡
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本项目位于苏州太仓一条老街的梧桐树下,两边的梧桐树让这个地方变得格外静谧、慵懒。像是隐藏在这个喧扰繁华城市里的一个乌托邦,不愧是美女店主一眼相中的位置。还没开始设计,我就已经开始幻想,以后坐在这里的场景——梧桐树下,一杯咖啡,听阳光的斑驳,听风吹树叶的婆娑,还有耳边萦绕的法式小调,伸展的双腿,晃悠的脚,惬意的聊天,看人来人往。就这样一下午。美女店主的诉求是,希望能拥有一间属于她自己能发呆同时也能和朋友共处的地方。白天能喝咖啡,晚上还能喝酒。风格造型不需要太过炫酷、夺目。于是我们以“日咖 夜吧”的商业模式去营造。整体格调以复古为主,强调空间的质感,希望空间能随着时间,沉淀出岁月的痕迹和味道,从而呈现出丰富的故事氛围感。
想要空间既包容,又开放。所以将空间动线打开,让室内外形成互动。在面积仅只有三十多平的空间里,划出一块空间室外休闲区,通过卡座折叠窗打通室内外空间的联通,内外过渡、相互衔接.这种开放性的设置,消解了体验边界的限制。让坐在室内外的人,都能共享这份悠然和浪漫。Want space to be both inclusive and open. Therefore, the space will be opened to allow interaction between indoor and outdoor. In a space with an area of only over 30 square meters, an outdoor leisure area is set aside, and the indoor and outdoor spaces are connected through the folding window of the card holder, and the inside and outside are in transition and connected with each other. This open setting eliminates the limitation of the experience boundary. Let people sitting indoors and outdoors share this leisure and romance.
Design axonometric drawings ▼
混凝土墙看起来既单调又粗糙。然而,正是这种粗犷和手工敲打的黄铜牌质感,重新诠释了自然的含义The concrete wall looks monotonous and rough. However, it is this rough and hand-hammered bronze texture that reinterprets the meaning of nature.
落日余晖的夕阳,穿过梧桐树照进空间,裸露的混凝土柱子与空间碰撞出不一样的化学反应。The setting sun shines through the buttonwood tree into the space, and the exposed concrete columns collide with the space to produce different chemical reactions.
One window, one plant, one chair and one table, with simple shape and moist wood color.
客座区域采用方桌设计,满足人群的聚合与拆分需求,随不同情境展现不同功能,无一不是在体现着空间的灵活性The guest area is designed with a square table, which meets the needs of gathering and splitting people, and shows different functions with different situations, all of which reflect the flexibility of space.
傍晚和入夜时分,光影就会以另一幅朦胧的影调出现,白天的明亮光线渐渐消隐,柔和的灯光照明亮起,轮廓不再那么明显。In the evening and at night, the light and shadow will appear in another hazy tone, the bright light during the day will fade away, the soft lighting will light up, and the outline will no longer be so obvious.
门头灯箱以几何结构形态呈现,从室内穿插至室外形成视觉焦点。The door light box is presented in the form of geometric structure, interspersed from indoor to outdoor to form the visual focus.
为了满足两个不同时间段的业态,吊柜采用一推到底的移门形式,夜晚可全部打开,切换为酒吧模式, 来体现咖啡加酒水的不同业态。In order to meet the different formats of two different time periods, the hanging cabinet adopts the sliding door form, which can be fully opened at night and switched to the bar mode to reflect the different formats of coffee and drinks.
感受光阴,无需奔赴星辰大海,心中自有诗和远方。——心中有诗意,处处皆清欢。Feel the time, you don't need to go to the sea of stars, you have your own poems and distance in your heart. ——there is poetry in the heart and happiness everywhere.
图 纸 呈 现Presentation of drawings▼
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