ANGEL MARTIN STUDIO丨西班牙Marina Gran联排别墅
Marina Gran联排别墅是位于西班牙Ses Salines的一座极简主义联排别墅,由Angel Martin Studio设计。在保留其传统特色的同时,该住宅现在还展示了现代元素,与其充满传奇色彩的过去天衣无缝地交织在一起。
Marina Gran Townhouse is a minimalist townhouse located in Ses Salines, Spain, designed by Angel Martin Studio. While it retains its traditional characteristics, the dwelling now showcases modern touches that seamlessly intertwine with its storied past.
The interiors adopt a minimalist aesthetic, championing simplicity and tranquillity. This design approach is not only evident in the overarching layout but also in the bespoke elements crafted by the studio. Notable custom-made additions include the dining room lamp, the coffee table, room spotlights, and the pendant lighting in the primary living area.
设计团队将该项目视为一项投资。然而,除了资金方面的考虑之外,设计团队显然对翻新的每一个细节都倾注了一丝不苟的关注,以确保根植于Ses Salines传统的房屋本质得到保留和弘扬。
The project was approached as an investment by the design team. However, it’s evident that beyond financial considerations, the team poured meticulous attention to detail into every facet of this renovation, ensuring that the essence of the house, rooted in Ses Salines’ heritage, is both preserved and celebrated.
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