快节奏的现代生活中,一缕茶香弥足珍贵。小茶栽堂则怀抱这一缕茶香与时代同行,以新式茶饮吸引着年轻一代共同开启名茶探索之旅。身处钢筋水泥的都市,静坐一隅,取一缕茶魂感受茶道文化的沁香,让清香的回忆丰盈脑海,冲淡岁月与生活的匆匆......于是古老的文化与尘封的记忆,就在这饱含草木之美的小茶栽堂中,借由更符合年轻人当下的生活形式,以崭新的姿态被重新阐释演绎。In the fast-paced modern life, it is an extremely precious opportunity to enjoy a hint of tea fragrance. ZENIQUE, keeps the pace of the times with this scent of tea and attracts the younger generation to embark on a journey of exploring famous tea in the form of new tea drinks. Living in a city built of steel and cement, you can quietly sit in a place, enjoying a hint of tea fragrance, experiencing the charm of tea ceremony culture, filling the mind with wonderful memories and diluting the rush of time and life. So the ancient culture and dusty memories are reinterpreted and interpreted in a new manner in ZENIQUE, a small place full of the beauty of grass and trees, in a way that is more in line with the current lifestyle of young people.
项目落址于苏州圆融时代广场北岸,近邻金鸡湖水。如古老的湖河不断吐故纳新流逝着千年悠悠岁月,小茶栽堂也在“尊重自然、创新设计”的精神中探索茶的无限可能。设计师采文化众长、取形文之意,将品牌、场域、自然文化融会贯通,通过对色彩、造型与空间的重新排列组合,塑造出一个兼具传统底蕴与现代美学的休闲之所,娓娓道出一个年轻茶饮品牌的青春活力。The project is located on the north of Harmony City Times Square in Suzhou, adjacent to Jinji Lake. Like this ancient lake, exhaling the old and inhaling the new for thousands of years, ZENIQUE has also explored the infinite possibilities of tea with the principle of "respecting nature and innovating design". The designer adopts the strengths of various culture schools and takes the meaning of forms and texts, integrating the brand, field, and natural culture. By rearranging and combining colors, shapes, and spaces, he creates a leisure place integrating both traditional cultural heritage and modern aesthetics, telling the story of a young tea beverage brand with youthful vitality.
整个空间以清新茶绿和原木为主色调奠定自然的基底,辅以温润雅致的茶色铺陈渲染,将小茶栽堂“人在草木中”的品牌理念描摹得淋漓尽致,藉此开启一场名茶探索之旅。The entire space is dominated by fresh tea green and log color, laying a natural foundation for the space, which is complemented by warm and elegant tawny rendering, trying to fully express ZENIQUE’s brand concept of "making people in the grass and trees", and thus embark on a journey of exploring famous teas.
推门而入,制作、品茶、展示与售卖等功能区域纵横互联。Pushing the door and entering, you will find that the functional areas such as production, tea tasting, display, and sales are interconnected vertically and horizontally.
制茶出品台 / Tea production platform
木、金、石的质感与柔美淡雅的色彩交织,焕发出无限的生机与活力,调和出人与自然对话的舒缓节奏。金属格栅对应现代科技,在草木茶香与水泥丛林中建立起一种微妙的平衡。The texture of wood, gold, and stone is intertwined with soft and elegant colors, emitting infinite vitality and energy, which harmonizes the soothing rhythm of dialogue between people and nature. The metal grille corresponds to modern technology, keeping a subtle balance between the fragrance of grass, wood and tea, and the cement jungle.
一层茶品展陈台 / first floor tea display platform
与展陈区域注重人流量的吞吐不同,供人休憩的饮茶区兼有趣味性与放松感,令人可在兴趣盎然中探索名茶之味。因此,设计师以自然之色与圆融之形,构筑出充满年轻活力却也更为安然的所在。原木奶咖与青草淡绿,二色以不同的肌理形状呈现出千般姿态。轻盈流畅的曲线以温柔的触手轻抚于都市的匆忙冷峻之上,展现出了设计师将传统自然元素进行现代重塑的巧思。Unlike the exhibition area emphasizing the throughput of pedestrian traffic, the tea drinking area for people to have a rest, with the feeling of fun and relaxation, makes them explore the fragrance of famous tea in an interesting environment. Therefore, the designer creates a space that are full of youthful vitality and more peaceful with natural colors and rounded shapes. The natural log milk coffee and the light green grass colors present different shapes with different texture shapes. The light and smooth curves gently caress the hustle and coldness of the city with gentle tentacles, reflecting the designer's ingenious ideas of reshaping traditional natural elements into modern creations.
一层饮茶区&楼梯 / 1F tea drinking area&staircase
碧色葱茏的原木楼梯在线性灯带的光晕下曲径通幽,仿佛秘境入口令人心生向往。拾级而上,到达二层后豁然开朗。The green and lush natural log stairs meander through the halo under linear light strips, which attract people as if the entrance to a secret realm. Climbing up the stairs and reaching the second floor, visitors will feel suddenly open in the space.
二层餐区 / 2F dinning area
动感的色块结构营造出自然与都市的清新明快,展现出无限的年轻活力,浅绿的卡座与原木风极简桌椅则交织出自然柔和与生活静谧。The dynamic color block structure creates a fresh and lively environment of nature and the city, showcasing endless youthful vitality. The light green seats and log minimalist tables and chairs interweave a natural and soft feeling and peaceful scene of life.
楼梯背后一隅,镜面与原木、皮草与霓虹,共同构建出梦幻而松弛的私密空间,足以供三两密友在此谈笑风生,探索茶之百味。In the corner behind the stairs, the mirror and log, fur and neon constitute a dreamy and relaxed private space together, which is a best place for several good friends to enjoy the life and explore all kinds of flavors of tea.
收银区&操作台 / cashier area&service Desk
二层销售区 / 2F sales area
整个二层空间延续着草木之色与金石质感碰撞中融汇的独特韵律。茶品展陈台与收银台、操作台分离,独立于大堂之中,清晰分明的动线布局,既顺畅了人们的往来,也便于路过的顾客挑选购买。The unique rhythm of the fusion collided by grass and wood colors with the texture of gold and stone continues in the entire second floor space. The tea exhibition display desk is separated from the cashier desk and operation desk, which is independent in the lobby. The clear and distinct moving line layout not only helps to smooth people's interaction, but also facilitates passing customers to choose and purchase products.
越过营业区则是另一个较大的包间,原木色的桌椅与草绿的梁柱奠定了房间的稳妥基调,绵延两面墙的侘寂风造型装饰则带来了松弛与从容。Passing the business area, there is another larger private room, and natural log tables and chairs and grass-green beams and columns lay the stable tone of the room. The tranquil style decoration of the two walls brings a sense of relaxation and serenity.
在柔美线条与青春动感间,小茶栽堂二楼还有更多秘境等待探索。推开二楼露台的门,左手边白色的玻璃门中透出神秘的光辉——一个适合二人独处的包间就在荷叶椅、花朵窗与花蕊灯中营造出来。右手边原木长座、镜面和玻璃花灯则造出另一重如梦之境。 Between the soft lines and youthful vitality, there are still more secret spaces waiting for visitors to explore on the second floor of ZENIQUE. Pushing the door of the second floor terrace, we can see the white glass door on the left side exuding a mysterious radiance - a private room suitable for two people to stay is revealed in lotus leaf chairs, flower windows, and flower stamen lamps. On the right side, the long log seats, mirror surface, and glass lamps create another dreamlike realm in the space.
露台之外,楼高水长。白色几何设计充满了动感与活力,也为直接步入二楼的顾客带来不一样的美学冲击。Outside the terrace is the tall building and long water. The white geometric design is full of dynamism and vitality, also bringing a different aesthetic impact to customers who directly step into the second floor.
对坐品茗,同食糕饼。小茶栽堂为都市茶饮提供了一种全新的发展思路,在喧嚣都市中开拓出一片宜静宜动,可自在聚散的灵动空间。让人们能在现代生活中,可品名茶百味,可感传承脉搏,细嗅到年轻茶饮品牌在当下生活的丝缕清香。Sitting together, tasting the tea and eating cakes. ZENIQUE provides a brand new development idea for urban tea drinking, and explores a flexible space that can be both quiet and active, and used for free gathering in the hustle and bustle of the city. It enables people to taste all kinds of flavors of famous tea in modern life, feel the pulse of inheritance, and carefully savor the delicate fragrance of young tea brands in current life.
平面图 ©OYTT Design
项目名称 | 小茶栽堂Project Name | ZENIQUE项目地址 | 苏州圆融时代广场Location | Suzhou, China设计单位 | 无锡欧阳跳建筑设计有限公司Design Company | OYTT Design主案设计 | 欧阳跳、蒋越Chief Designer | Tiao Ouyang,Yue Jiang落地主案设计 | 周丹凤Landing Designer | Danfeng Zhou辅助设计 | 姚运、马小贝Assistant Designer | Yun Yao, Xiaobei Ma项目面积 | 600㎡Area | 600 square meters设计起止日期 | 2021年11月Design Cycle | November 2021完工时间 | 2022年9月Completion Time | September 2022制造 | 上海邑通道具股份有限公司Manufacturer | Shanghai Yitong Props Co., Ltd灯光 | 无锡米未照明Lighting | Wuxi Miwei Lighting主要材料 | 大理石、不锈钢、防火板、艺术漆、定制砖Main materials | marble, stainless steel, fireproof board, artistic paint, customized bricks材料品牌 | 贝莱维斯涂装、上海邑通道具股份有限公司Material Brand | Belavis Coating, Shanghai Yitong Props Co., Ltd项目摄影/视频 | 鲁哈哈Photographer / Video | Haha Lu
我们热爱设计,它可以让人肆意发挥想象力。设计美好是强大的力量,设计并非“设计”,它是解决需求,亦是传播美学。We love design, It allows wild imagination. Good design has a strong power, Design is not only "design", It is to solve the demand And convey aesthetics.
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