达人网eric 发表于 2023-9-18 16:44:44

Baptiste Debombourg丨构建于混乱之中

巴蒂斯特·德邦博格 ( Baptiste Debombourg ) 在里昂国立美术学院学习雕塑,并在巴黎国立高等美术学院取得研究生学位。是这一代中最杰出的年轻艺术家之一,曾在法国和国外进行多次公共装置,其中值得一提的有:La Chaufferie、Galerie de la Hear、斯特拉斯堡;la Maison Rouge,安托万·德·加尔伯特基金会,巴黎;Maison Martin Margiela,迈阿密和 Paris 7e,巴黎;艺术与研究中心复式 100 平方米,萨拉热窝;和魁北克省 Poisson Actuel l'Oeil de Poisson 艺术中心。Baptiste Debombourg studied sculpture at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and post-graduated at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He is one of the most outstanding young artists of his generation with numerous public installations in France and abroad among which are worth mentioning: La Chaufferie, Galerie de la Hear, Strasbourg; la Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris; Maison Martin Margiela, Miami and Paris 7e, Paris; Centre d’Art et de Recherche Duplex 100㎡, Sarajevo; and Centre d’Art Actuel l’Oeil de Poisson, Québec.

PASSAGES INSOLITES是一项公共艺术活动,每年夏天在加拿大魁北克省的皇家广场、小尚普兰和旧港区举行。为庆祝其十周年纪念,四十多位艺术家受邀在公共空间中通过令人惊讶的作品拓宽他们的视野。展览时间持续到夏末,其中还展出艺术家Baptiste Debombourg的特定场地装置作品 “Dark Tides”。这件奇特的艺术品似乎融入了地面,渗出黑色的碎玻璃,反映了德邦堡以雕塑的方式审视人与人之间以及与塑造他们日常生活的物体之间的关系。PASSAGES INSOLITES is a public art event that takes place every summer in Quebec, Canada, in the Place Royale, Petit Champlain, and Old Port districts. For its 10th anniversary edition, more than forty artists from the city and abroad invite the public to broaden their perspectives with sensitive and surprising works in public space. Lasting until the end of summer, this latest edition is hosting artist Baptiste Debombourg‘s site-specific installation dubbed Dark Tides. Seemingly melting into the ground, oozing black broken glass, this peculiar artwork reflects Debombourg’s sculptural approach to examining human relationships among people and with the objects that shape their daily lives.

Baptiste Debombourg 的《Dark Tides》装置从其环境中汲取灵感——一座经过修复的建筑,拥有历史遗迹与当代建筑的元素并存。艺术家进一步将展览空间设想为一个开放式办公空间,仿佛突然受到一场灾难性事件的冲击。一个巨大的破碎黑玻璃的流动像山体滑坡、火山爆发或海啸一样埋没了一切。走在易碎的岩浆上是一种身临其境的感官体验,让我们重新审视人与人,人与物,人与自然之间的关系。”艺术家描述道。为了让他的装置栩栩如生,Debobourg结合了Vitroplus的破碎夹层黑色玻璃、黑漆、钉子、木材、介质、硅胶和卷尺,尺寸为3.5x10x9米。Baptiste Debombourg’s site-specific Dark Tides installation takes inspiration from its context — a rehabilitated building where historical relics stand alongside contemporary architectural elements. Taking it one step further, the artist envisions the exhibition space as an open-plan office that has been struck by a natural disaster. An open-plan office has been struck by a natural disaster. A gigantic flow of broken black glass has buried everything in its path, like a landslide, volcanic eruption, or tidal wave.Walking on the friable magma is an immersive sensory experience inviting us to question our environmental awareness,’ the artist describes. To bring his installation to life, Debombourg combined broken laminated black glass from Vitroplus, black lacquer, nails, wood, medium, silicone, and tape measuring 3.5x10x9 meters.

第10届PASSAGES INSOLITES于2023年6月9日启动,一直持续到2023年10月9日,包括表演、“Dark Tides”等临时装置、装饰画和室内展览。今年的活动主题沿着记忆之路漫步,通过一条“回顾路线”向前几年那些标志着这座城市景观的令人难忘的作品致敬。不拘一格的节目安排充满惊喜,包括节日的艺术邂逅,”活动策展团队写道。Launched on June 9, 2023, and running until October 9, 2023, the 10th edition of PASSAGES INSOLITES encompasses performances, temporary installations like Dark Tides, a mural component, and indoor exhibitions. ‘This year’s program promises a walk down memory lane, with a ‘retrospective route’ paying tribute to memorable works from previous years that have marked the city’s landscape. Eclectic programming comes with surprises aplenty, including festive artistic encounters,’ writes the curatorial team of the event.

展览地址 |加拿大,魁北克市Notre-Dame街27号Place Royale,Hazeur大厦一楼
使用元素 | Vetroplus的破裂夹层玻璃、黑色漆料、钉子、木材、密度纤维板、硅胶、胶带
装置尺寸 | 3.5 x 12.5 x 10 米
制作时间 | 1550 小时
展览日期 | 2023年6月9日-10月9日
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