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LUKSTUDIO芝作室陆颖芝 | 武汉BeInfinity跃行极社

多元运动社交俱乐部A social club fitting all types of motivation

室内概览indoor overview
“游戏的第一个主要特征,即游戏是自由的,是真正自主的。第二个特征与此紧密相关,游戏有别于真实生活,是暂时创造出一片完全由游戏规则支配的空间。”—约翰·赫伊津哈《游戏的人》“The]Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens
该项目位于武汉市中心一个购物中心的顶层。原始场地面积有2400平方米,为了更有效地利用空间内高7.5米的层高,通过置入夹层的方式,为场所增至3500平方米的室内活动空间。入口处设有一个公共区域,并设有咖啡休息区。The project is located on the top floor of a shopping mall right downtown of Hankou, Wuhan. The original 2400-sqm venue is a 7.5m-high hall with a public area at its entrance. With a new mezzanine installed, the destination provides 3500 sqm of indoor activities with breakout spaces such as an entrance cafe.
原始场地 © LUKSTUDIO芝作室original site © LUKSTUDIO
概念示意图 © LUKSTUDIO芝作室concept diagram © LUKSTUDIO

室内概览indoor overview
入口的咖啡休息区coffee lounge at the entrance
#02设计挑战Design Challenge
将多种不同的活动整合于统一的视觉系统中背后其实需要大量的数据支撑。为此,设计团队与各个设备供应商对接沟通,从空间规划到材质选择方面进行了详细的调研。Juxtaposing different activities into a visual unity requires detailed data collection from spatial planning to materiality. 除考量每个运动区块的运动规范和常见问题外,设计团队还进行了大量的材料研究与打样,考虑空间声学与照明,以保证用户在馆内的愉悦体验。我们的目标是将传统概念中单调的健身空间提升为一个令人难忘的运动体验场所。Apart from understanding the specific constraints, requirements and common problems of each function, the design team also conduct endless research on finishes and fixtures to ensure user-friendly acoustics and lighting. Our aim is to elevate the often- homogenous workout space to a memorable destination.
两个瞭望台two watchtowers
#03解决方案Design Solutions
- 色彩- Colour
设计团队从“俄罗斯方块”和色彩心理学中汲取灵感,每个活动区域都被设计成一个“多巴胺色块”,营造出一种特定的氛围,赋予各个空间鲜明的个性和记忆点。Drawing inspiration from the video game Tetris and the psychology of colour, each activity area is designed as a “dopamine block” that sets a certain mood.
例如,红色使我们精力充沛,与充满力量的器械区相匹配;蓝色使我们平和放松,在需要集中注意力的气枪和棒球区域具有舒缓镇定的作用。黄色通常带来乐观积极的感受,应用于桌面足球、排球和乒乓球的游戏区域则增添欢乐的氛围。除了调动人们的情绪,色彩视觉系统还有助于为访客提供清晰的空间导航指引。For example, red signifies strength and excitement, so it is paired with the energetic equipment gym; blue is soothing and help us focus, an ideal backdrop for the air rifle and baseball batting; yellow brings us joy and vitality and it is applied to the playful area of snook ball, volleyball and ping-pong. Apart from evoking emotions and inspiring reactions, the visual approach also helps with wayfinding, giving clear navigation guidance to visitors.
气步枪air rifle
弹力球场bouncy ball field
康复室/力量器械区域rehabilitation room/ power equipment area
牵引滑梯traction slide
更衣室locker room
- 对比- Contrast
与丰富多彩的空间相辅相成,中庭和休息区采用了中性灰色和木质色调,散发出轻松舒适的氛围。Complementing the colourful spaces, the atrium and breakout areas are lined in neutral gray and wooden tones to exude a relaxed atmosphere.
多功能挑高中庭结合了攀岩、篮球和拳击区域,同时配备有多块LED屏幕模块,组合成15.5m x 6.5m的大屏幕,用于团体课程或比赛转播。Combining rock-climbing, basketball and boxing, the high-ceiling space is also equipped with a central stage and a 15.5m x 6.5m LED screen for group classes or game broadcast. Echoing the circles in a basketball court which are often used to reset a game.
两个半圆形的阳台,不仅呼应了球场地面上的线条,还仿佛乐章里的巧妙留白,跳脱出功能区域的色彩节奏,为用户在各项活动的间隙提供了观察或休息的区域。The two semi-circular balconies stick out as “blanks” for observation or pause among surrounding actions.
大屏幕可用于团体课程或比赛转播LED screen for group classes or game broadcast
攀岩区域rock climbing area
楼梯+台阶stairs and steps
- 空间细节- Details
除了赋予运动区域丰富的多巴胺色块外,更多的几何图案样式则展现了属于运动空间的动态活力。顺应活动空间过渡到走廊方向,天花金属格栅会从密变疏;被切分成像素方块的吸音木丝板在墙上组合形成导向箭头或动态图形;相同的渐进造型在楼梯设计中延续。Besides colouring the “dopamine blocks”, the design also employs graphic patterns to express a sense of vitality. The gradient metal ceiling grid changes density according to activity level; the woodwool panels divided into pixels draw arrows or graphs on walls; the same progressive form recurs in the staircase design.
多功能中庭区的球场线条元素延伸至外场咖啡区域的天花与地面,形成了场内场外的生动对话。家具的设计也引入了各项运动的元素。沙发边缝参考了棒球的走线;桌腿模拟了健身器械的砝码;凳子的设计则应用了跳箱的外观。The entrance café continues the graphics of dynamic order, both visible in the ceiling light grid and the flooring graphics extrapolated from sports field. More sports elements are integrated in the furniture design: green sofa garnished in red stitches mimicking those in a baseball, table legs simulating the weight found in strength equipment; wooden stool takes on the appearance of the jumping box.

走廊和储物柜,像素方块的吸音木丝板在墙上组合形成导向箭头Corridors and lockers, sound-absorbing wood panels with pixel squares on the walls to form guiding arrows

中庭的球场线条元素延伸至外场咖啡区域的天花与地面The entrance café continues the graphics of dynamic order

凳子的设计应用了跳箱的外观wooden stool takes on the appearance of the jumping box

桌腿模拟了健身器械的砝码table legs simulating the weight found in strength equipment

沙发边缝参考了棒球的走线green sofa garnished in red stitches mimicking those in a baseball

几何图案样式同样体现在楼梯的设计中graphic patterns are also reflected in the design of the stairs
BeInfinity是一个融合体育和娱乐的平台,也是不同年龄和兴趣的人之间的桥梁。它考虑了人们在体育训练、娱乐、释放压力甚至社交媒体分享方面的多样化需求。Lukstudio芝作室采用清晰的几何秩序,大胆运用鲜明的色彩和友好的材质,将空间转变为一个集合运动和社交的年轻“新动境”,让客人在享受运动带来的愉悦的同时,积极探索发现更加充满活力能量和创造力的自我。A cross between sports and entertainment and a bridge between different ages and interests, BeInfinity is a platform that takes into account diversified individual needs of training, playing, decompressing and even online content-sharing. Adopting a clear geometric order with bold use of colours and friendly materiality, Lukstudio has created a playful escape, inviting every visitor to be in touch with their energetic and creative self while enjoying the beauty of sportsmanship.
一层平面图 ©LUKSTUDIO芝作室1F plan © LUKSTUDIO
二层平面图 ©LUKSTUDIO芝作室2F plan © LUKSTUDIO
项目信息项目名称:BeInfinity跃行极社项目业主:BeInfinity跃行极社项目地址:武汉市汉口区原有面积:2410平方米最终面积:3500平方米(1F—2410㎡;2F—1090㎡)设计单位:LUKSTUDIO芝作室设计总监:陆颖芝设计团队:汪启湉、邓海琦、吴敏仪、尤幸、余炜锋、杜雪、周嘉怡、高永设计内容:室内、家具、标识、灯光设计主要材料:拉丝不锈钢、木丝板、橡木饰面板、艺术涂料、软包、硬包、金属网、瓷砖、铝格栅、PVC地胶、橡胶卷材设计时间:2022.05—2022.08施工时间:2022.12—2023.06项目摄影:Dirk Weiblen

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查看完整版本: LUKSTUDIO芝作室陆颖芝 | 武汉BeInfinity跃行极社