YaoDesign耀设计--DOOOO度世界 · 南京精酿啤酒博物馆
从古罗马至文艺复兴,戏剧从抽象的艺术形式转变为具象的舞台表演。而作为承载其演绎使命的剧院,也正如叙事手法一般,独特而坚定。度·世界精酿啤酒博物馆便是以剧场为主题,以空间探索人文主义的气息,从外壳到内质,一步步揭开戏剧的面纱,开启关于戏剧世界的奇幻冒险。From Ancient Rome to the Renaissance, drama has transformed from an abstract art form into a concrete stage performance. The theatre, which carries its interpretive mission, is unique and steadfast, just like the narrative approach. The Doooo Craft Beer Museum is themed around the theatre. It explores the breath of humanism through the space, from external shell to internal essence, unveiling the theatre step by step and starting a marvellous adventure about the world of drama.一度一世界一步异世界The Doooo is a worldeach step inside is a different world
剧院的场幕以横向的褶皱拉来,透过异形的门口,先入为主的成为视觉的焦点。剧场带来的情绪力量隐隐蛰伏,却未显山露水,而是以整齐的排列组合预示着生活的秩序。被社会驯化的产物严阵以待,空间中涌动着沉静的力量,在现实与未知中,故事的走向总是充满着戏剧的张力。The curtain of the theatre is drawn with folds horizontally through the curiously shaped doorway, it becomes a visual focus predominantly. The emotional power brought by the theatre is contained without revealing but heralds the order of life through neatly arranged combinations. The product of society domestication is standby as the silent power surged through the space. Amid reality and the unknown, the story's direction is always full of dramatic tension.
此处汇集着来自全球各地1000多款世界精酿啤酒,被典藏的佳酿,是单一空间内客人与世界的交互。琳琅的啤酒种类鳞次栉比,兼具美观与商业的价值。在条形led灯管的照耀下,空间嶙峋的骨架拔地而起,这也象征着精神的建构与冲破。More than 1,000 world craft beers are collected here from all around the world. These collected brews are the interaction between the guests in this single space and the world. The variety of beers lined up has both aesthetic and commercial value. Under the illumination of the LED strip lights, the jagged skeleton of the space rises from the ground, symbolizing the construction and breakthrough of spirituality.
摩登回归Modern Returns
不断向内探索,抛却稳重的外壳,空间开始出现工业的气息。环形外扩的墙壁将入口压缩为狭长的通道。当工业并入艺术的轨道,空间与人的互动属性拉长,剧场的气氛愈发浓厚。Continuously exploring inside, throwing off the robust external shell, the space begins to show an industrial vibe. The circularly extended wall compresses the doorway into a narrow, long passage. When industry merges into the track of art, the interactive attributes between the space and people are elongated while the theatre atmosphere grows intensified.侧面陈列有裸露的啤酒桶装置,光线透析,金属的光泽感映照出革命式的科幻印象,城市之中,在现实与虚幻的不确定性中,空间以其实质的稳定包揽人们的所有想象。The installation of bare beer barrels is displayed on one side, with the light illuminating, the metallic lustre reflecting the revolutionary science-fiction impression. Within the city, amidst the uncertainty of reality and illusion, space encompasses all the people's imaginations with its essential stability.
歌剧魅影Phantom of the Opera
“剧场的绝对魅力在于它的现场性,它的浪漫在于,它是生命短暂无常的缩影。”空间设计以戏剧的艺术形式为依托,展开关于世界的奇妙冒险。广阔的外部空间经由狭窄的通道引入剧场情境,通过明暗落差模拟出剧院的封闭与幽静,以强烈的冲突属性营造出内与外的戏剧感。"The absolute charm of the theatre lies in its site-specific nature, and its romance is that, the epitome of the fleeting impermanence of life." The space design is based on the art form of drama, embarking on a marvellous adventure about the world. The vast external space introduces the theatre setting through a narrow passage. It simulates the enclosure and silence of the theatre through the contrast between light and dark. It creates a sense of drama both inside and outside through its strong conflicting attributes.
戏剧家布莱希特在《论实验戏剧》中阐述了间离理论的陌生化概念:即人为地与熟知地东西疏远的过程,让观众看戏,但并不融入剧情间离。Playwright Brecht elaborates on the concept of defamiliarization in On Experimental Theatre, that is, the process of artificially disassociating oneself from what is familiar, lets audiences watch the play but not be integrated into the plot.空间看似与艺术照拂,霓虹夜色,钟动笙歌,却又无形中暗示着热烈与规则的边界。擎高的舞台创造出巨大的幻觉体验,绮丽的浪漫元素填满各个角落。在以声补形的空间内,建筑的结构坍缩为光与声的附属,作为旁观者,离散之中情绪开始升温。The space seems to be illuminated by art, with neon nights, bass, and rhythm. Still, it implies a border between passion and discipline invisibly. The high-rise stage creates a tremendous illusionary experience, with gorgeous romantic elements filling all corners. In this space, sound supplements form, and the structure of the building collapses into an accessory of light and sound. As audiences, emotions begin to heat among the dissociation.
假面舞会The Masquerade
上下连贯的展台形成流畅的动线,视觉与艺术的累加赋予空间抽象的氛围。在看似压抑的空间,并行超然的释放。而在颜色的选取上,内部建筑的色调被刻意模糊,尽可能的以灯光渲染情绪,当博物馆的历史性与酒吧的现代化不谋而合,新与旧的体验,自然带来深刻的空间记忆。Coherent booths of the upper and lower floors form a smooth and dynamic flow. The visual and artistic accumulation creates an abstract atmosphere for this space. In this seemingly repressive space, they are releasing the transcendent parallelly. In the selection of colours, the inner architectural tones are deliberately blurred, with light rendering emotions as best as possible. When the historicity of the museum coincides with the modernity of the bar, the experience of the new and the old will bring profound spatial memories naturally.
二层空间与底部待客区域作合理的划分。可满足不同年轻人的自我需求。音乐响起,巨大的涡轮既是场景的散热器,也是空间动能的引擎。顶部的流体动线似血管盘踞其上,此时,血脉喷张,一腔热血,都足以翻腾起人们无畏的心潮。The hospitality areas on the second and first floors are divided rationally, which can meet the different personal needs of young people. When the music hits, the giant turbine becomes a radiator for the stage but also an engine for spatial energy. The strip light on the top seems like blood vessels coiled on it. At this moment, the blood is pumping and heating, enough to tumble up the tide of people's fearless hearts.
落幕&自我重塑Curtain Falls& Self Reinvention
冷与热,喻示两种不同的自然状态。当触感延伸至视觉,狂欢之后,我们不得不正视眼前的世界。冷性的色性让空间凝固下来,褶皱的墙面波浪如落幕的帷幔,它以火热的情绪作引领,又于结尾处释放幽静的情绪因子。这便是一场短暂的精神救剂。Cold and heat represent two different natural states. When the touch extends to the sight, after the wild ride, we have to confront the world in front of us. The cold colours freeze the space, and the waves of the pleated walls are like falling curtains. It starts with fiery emotions and finally releases a silent emotional factor at the end. It is a transient spiritual salvation.
透过玻璃幕墙,建筑内部的圆拱造型呈现出若隐若现的效果。切片的外观与内部的圆润曲线统一于空间。内部的差异性产生的反差效果,使建筑在喧闹的街区拥有更多值得回味的观赏属性。而伫立于门口的“猩猩”雕塑则赋予建筑以浪漫的元素,鲜艳的一抹红色给予空间澎湃的力量。Through the glass curtain wall, the domed shape inside the building is faintly discernible. The external slice shape and internal domed curve are unified into the space. The contrast effect of the difference between internal and external gives the building more memorable ornamental attributes in the noisy street. Moreover, the “orangutan” sculpture standing at the entrance gives the building a romantic element, the bright splash of red gives the space a surging power.
项目名称 | DOOOO度世界 · 精酿啤酒博物馆设计公司 | YaoDesign耀设计项目地点 | 江苏·南京项目面积 | 1360㎡主案设计 | 朱寿耀协作设计 | 路威、薛凯项目摄影 | 徐义稳内容策划 | 橙设传媒设计时间 | 2022.03完工时间 | 2022.11主要材料 | 定制木纹夯土板、仿水泥瓷砖、黑色柔光瓷砖、黑色亮面瓷砖、葡萄牙灰大理石、加州黑大理石、定制软膜、拉丝不锈钢
YaoDesign耀设计专注于精品商业空间、酒店、办公及住宅空间设计,致力于挖掘商业与设计背后的逻辑,设计创造价值,创意赋予消费新体验。YaoDesign focuses on the design of boutique commercial spaces, hotels, offices and residence spaces. It aims to explore the deeper logic behind commerce and design and to create values since innovations can provide consumers with new experiences.以匠人精神,做有识、有度、有心的设计。YaoDesign tries to make their design thoughtful, generous and considerate with the artisan spirit. 支持达人室内设计网
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