达人网eric 发表于 2023-9-4 15:05:29

STUDIO HENRY Palm Angels--巴黎旗舰店

Palm Angels在巴黎开设首家旗舰店。设计方案的关键之一是创造一个能反映品牌形象和精神的空间。Charles-Edmond Henry和Studio Henry团队希望创造一个身临其境的环境,展现该品牌前卫、年轻的审美。为此,他们从当代文化和法国古典建筑风格中汲取灵感。

Palm angels opens its first flagship store in paris. One of the key aspects of the design approach was to create a space that reflected the brand's identity and ethos. Charles-Edmond Henry and Studio Henry team wanted to create an immersive environment that showcased the brand's edgy and youthful aesthetic. To achieve this, they drew inspiration from both contemporary cultures and classical French architectural styles.

设计师们将金属、木材和大理石等原始和精致的材料融合在一起,创造出优雅与粗犷的和谐平衡。Studio Henry融入了法国古典建筑的元素,如华丽的造型和木制品,营造出一种精致典雅的感觉。

The designers incorporated raw and refined materials, such as metal, wood and marble, to create a harmonious balance of elegance and roughness. Studio Henry incorporated elements of French classical architecture, such as ornate molding and woodwork, to create a sense of refinement and elegance.


The store is characterized by a series of fluid spaces, where customers can explore and engage with the brand. A lounge area, a gallery space, and a retail area were created to provide visitors with a sense of ease, as well as an immersive experience. A spectacular ornamental fully made with marble stairway has been imagined as a center piece, as the one stairway you can find in the Opera Garnier in Paris.

此外,设计师还使用了图形图案、几何照明策略和滑板文化元素,为游客创造了一种独特、难忘和有趣的体验。这些元素的使用营造出一种活力和生机勃勃的感觉,这正是Palm Angels品牌的特征。

In addition, the designers used graphic patterns, geometrical lighting strategies, and skateboarding culture elements to create a unique, memorable and playful experience for visitors. The use of these elements created a sense of energy and vibrancy that is characteristic of the Palm Angels brand.

最后,Studio Henry和Palm Angels之间的合作表明了合作和跨学科设计方法在未来零售建筑中的重要性。通过让建筑设计公司和该品牌的艺术总监共同参与设计过程,该商店的设计能够有效地反映该品牌的特性,并创造出一个独特、引人入胜的零售环境。

Finally, the collaboration between Studio Henry and Palm Angels demonstrates the importance of collaboration and cross-disciplinary approaches to design in the future of retail architecture. By involving both an architectural design firm and the brand's art director in the design process, the store's design was able to effectively reflect the brand's identity and create a unique, engaging retail environment.

ROAR 发表于 2023-9-5 09:57:42


binfensj 发表于 2023-9-5 10:25:07


ROAR 发表于 2023-9-8 08:59:27

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