达人网eric 发表于 2023-9-1 11:37:47

ALAN CHU--巴西Alecrim 住宅

Alecrim Dreams位于巴西利亚的现代主义气息和自然景观之间,为那些希望摆脱日常生活压力、重新与大自然建立联系的人们提供了一种独特而宁静的体验。该项目由一系列极简主义住宅组成,其设计与周围环境完美融合。

Nestled between the modernist air of Brasilia and the natural landscape, Alecrim Dreams offers a unique and serene experience for those looking to escape the pressures of daily life and reconnect with nature. The project comprises a collection of minimalist houses designed to seamlessly blend with their surroundings.

该项目由巴西建筑师Alan Chu设计,他曾与 Isay Weinfeld 合作,担任其创意团队的设计负责人。该项目是对放松和慢生活的真正颂歌,设计的方方面面都经过深思熟虑,以促进平静和安宁的感觉。

The project, designed by Brazilian architect Alan Chu, who used to collaborate with Isay Weinfeld as head of his creative team design, is a true ode to relaxation and slow living, with every aspect of the design thoughtfully considered to promote a sense of calm and tranquility.

Alecrim Dreams的突出特点之一是在整个设计中利用自然光。大窗户不仅营造出宽敞的感觉,还将周围自然的美景带入家中,突出了中性色调,并强调了简洁的线条和简单的形式。开放的平面将室内与室外无缝地融合在一起,创造了一种与自然环境的连续性和联系感。

One of the standout features of the Alecrim Dreams is the use of natural light throughout the design. Large windows not only create a sense of spaciousness but also bring the beauty of the surrounding nature into the home, highlighting the neutral color palette and accentuating the clean lines and simple forms. The open floor plan seamlessly blends the indoors with the outdoors, creating a sense of continuity and connection to the natural surroundings.

该项目拥有一片郁郁葱葱的薰衣草田,这不仅是一个令人惊叹的景观,也是业主自己的有机薰衣草精油产品系列的生产基地。该项目由业主委托进行,20 年来,他们一直是这里的守护者,种植了所有的树木和薰衣草田。   

The property boasts a lush lavender field, which is not only a stunning feature but also a source for the production of the owners' own line of organic lavender oil products. The project was commissioned by the owners, who have been the guardians of the place for 20 years, planting all the trees and the lavender field.   


The houses are designed to be a sanctuary of relaxation and peacefulness, from the small patios that offer intimate spaces for contemplation to the minimalist design that eliminates distractions. It serves as a model for sustainable and mindful living and an invitation for visitors to immerse and enjoy the slow and good living philosophy of the owners.

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