本案由宇合光年投稿并授权达人室内设计网发布!玉鸟集是位于杭州的良渚文化村内的文化艺术轻度假商业体。作为良渚文化村中的最后一块商业拼图,满足了村民日渐升级的日常消费需求,提高住区的吸引力与生活便利度,也是一处具有独特精神场域的文艺生活目的地。源源不断地以高品质的文化、艺术、设计内容吸引着来自长三角的对良渚长久以来所代表的生活方式充满了向往的微度假客群。Bir Land, located in Liangzhu cultural village, Hangzhou, is an artistic commercial complex designed for micro-vacations. As the final piece of the commerical puzzle, it not only meets the increasing daily consumption demands of the villagers, enhancing the attractiveness and convenience of the residential area, but also serves as a artistic destination with its own unique spirit.Continuously attracting visitors from the Yangtze River Delta with high-quality cultural, artistic, and design content, Bir Land appeals to a group of micro-vacationers who have long admired the lifestyle represented by Liangzhu.
玉鸟集成为了良渚生活方式的缩影,是社区生活上演的舞台,是品牌的发声场,更是一处精神理想与松弛生活共存的栖息之地。 Bir Land is a microcosm of the lifestyle in Liangzhu, serving as a stage for community, a platform for branding, and a habitat where spiritual ideals coexist with a relaxed lifestyle.
01.微度假商业的氛围营造Atmosphere in Micro Vacation Commercial Scence
宇合光年在对玉鸟集的商业氛围营造上使用了丰富的设计手法,从不同层次循序渐进地为近郊度假场景注入了更多的商业氛围感和活力。Funconnection has employed a variety of design techniques to create a vibrant commercial atmosphere in Bir Land, gradually injecting more commercial ambiance and vitality into the suburban vacation setting at different levels.
在街道适当的位置规划外摆区域,根据不同区域的业态与商业氛围,给出了详尽的外摆建议,涵盖了家具、道具选型建议、组合形式,甚至材质、颜色等等,将玉鸟集的户外场景整体统筹规划,消弭了边界,为人们创造了更多亲近自然的休闲氛围与停留相聚的可能性。Considering different business formats and commercial atmosphere of each area, comprehensive suggestions have been provided for exterior areas, including type of furnitures, arrangement styles, and even materials and colors. By appropriately and strategically intregrating outdoor seating into overall planning, the boundary between wild nature and artificial environment has been eliminated, providing more opportunities for people to meet and get closer to nature in a leisurely atmosphere.
站在树木上的“鸟”会在夜幕降临时,和全街区的灯等一同的亮起。此刻,树上的小巢灯摇曳生姿,景观草坪中亮起的氛围灯光也显得俏皮可爱。不同点位上温暖协调的灯光将夜间的玉鸟商业气氛衬托得更多了几分烟火气。The 'birds' perched on the trees will light up along with the streetlights as night falls. At this moment, the small nest-like lights on the trees sway gracefully, while the lights in the landscaped lawn create a cute and lovely atmosphere. The warm and coordinated lighting at different locations adds a touch of lively ambiance to Bir Land during nighttime.
02.品质非标商业背后的“指挥家”“Conductor” behind the non-standard business
玉鸟集中引进了近百个品牌,以差异化打造了一个非标定制的特色商业项目,品牌涵盖了村民记忆、活力社交、艺术体验、品质生活等各异的业态,既服务于将玉鸟集当作度假目的地的艺文客群,也有数量众多的品牌滋养这良渚本地社区生活的烟火气。Bir Land has introduced nearly a hundred brands, creating a distinctive commercial project through non-standard customization. These brands cover diverse formats, including those that evoke memories of the villagers, promote vibrant social interactions, offer artistic experiences, and cater to a high-quality lifestyle. They not only cater to the artistic clientele who enjoy their vacation in Bir Land, but also creates hustle and bustle with numerous brands enriching local community’s way of life.
传统的店铺设计在品牌视觉表达上还仅仅停留在店招设计,如何让这些纷繁多样的品牌拥有符合自己品牌调性的同时又能在玉鸟集的语境内达成和谐统一的店面标识,宇合光年在这里像一个看不见的手指挥着玉鸟集中不同的品牌的立面设计。Traditional brand visual expression merely focued on storefront sign. How to strike a balance between the diverse brands identity and the context of Bir Land? Funconnection acts as an invisible hand, orchestrating and coordinating the facade designs of different brands in Bir Land.
宇合光年从更细的颗粒度拆解了立面商业设计的维度,一店一案、事无巨细从针对店招招牌上字体设计,到材质组合,颜色搭配,安装方式,灯光选型等,再到针对特定品牌甚至还有立面材质选配、立面视觉设计甚至有内部及外摆的软装建议,从细节处着手,真正呈现了在良渚让自然与文艺反哺日常生活。Funconnection breaks down the dimensions of facade commercial design into smaller components. All the stores has been micromanaged, from typography design for storefront sign to materials, colors, installations, lighting, and even providing suggestions for facade materials, visual design, and furnishing for both indoor and outdoor spaces. A truly symbiotic relationship between nature and art in the everyday life of Liangzhu is built by focusing on the details.
03 品牌化的空间视觉呈现Branded Spatial Visual Presentation
玉鸟集的LOGO脱胎于良渚遗址的出土文物玉鸟,以四个简约的扁平感圆形图案组合成为了抽象的“玉鸟”形象。宇合光年将其原始图形进行提取、演变,应用于街区随处可见的导视、标识、城市家具与氛围小品中,在玉鸟集空间中强化着品牌的核心符号。The logo of Bir Land is derived from the “Jade Bird”, a cultural relic discovered from the Liangzhu archaeological site. It is composed of four simple and flat circular patterns, forming an abstract representation of the “Jade Bird.” The core of the brand has been reinfored by applying logo to singage, urban furniture and atmospheric ornaments all around the streets.
未来将在核心区域的广场和公园上用玉鸟集的LOGO图形为创造母题,提取其中的设计语言,以不同的材质创作出具有标识性的雕塑和装置作品。以艺术作品天然的昭示性,塑造社区公共记忆的重要符号。Later, the logo will serve as the creative theme for the plaza and park in the core area. Significant symbols that shape the collective memory of the community will be created by extracting its design language and adopting different materials.
宇合光年还以此图形为蓝本进行多种延伸——可以从扁平到渐变立体,也可以将色块转化为载体性质,以此变化出不同的画面风格,在既有的视觉框架体系内将趣味性与文化符号进行再不断的演绎,最终形成了针对不同区域、不同时节、不同载体的品牌物料。Funconnection further extends the logo in various ways. This includes transforming the flat form into a gradient 3D form or using color blocks as carriers to create different visual styles. Thus, the brand material for different areas, seasons, and mediums finally get done through reinterpreting the interestingness of the cultural symbols within the existing visual framework.
颠覆了以往商业中相对强势直接的宣导,玉鸟集转而以将宏大的艺文渗透进随处日常可见的视觉符号之中。在玉鸟集,建筑、景观、空间、视觉、装置、灯光等等都成为艺文的介质,构成为玉鸟集品牌叙事的重要组成部分,以宜人的自然风光和松弛的度假氛围疗愈着每一个疲惫又紧绷的人。By infusing grand artistic and cultural elements into everyday visual symbols, branding seeks to promote in a non-traditional and indirect manner. In Bir Land, architecture, landscapes, spaces, visuals, installations, lighting, all become mediums of artistic expression, constituting an essential part of the brand. With its pleasant natural scenery and relaxing atmosphere, Bir Land offers a healing experience for everyone who is weary and stressed out.
项目名称:杭州万科良渚玉鸟集Project Name: Vanke Liangzhu Bir Land 项目位置:杭州市余杭区良渚文化村Location: Liangzhu Cultural Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou项目面积:68934㎡Area: 68934㎡业主:杭州万科Proprietor:Vanke, Hangzhou设计时间:2022年11月Design Time: 2022.11开放时间:2023年5月Open Time: 2023.5商业场景营造设计:宇合光年Commercial Scence Design: Funconnection玉鸟集建筑设计:浙江青墨工程设计有限公司Birland Architectural Design: Zhejiang Qingmo Engineering Design Co., Ltd.大谷仓建筑设计:大舍建筑设计事务所Warehouse Architectural Design: Deshaus Architecture Design景观设计:承迹景观Landscape Design: Change室内设计:杭州潘天寿环境艺术设计有限公司Interior Design: Hangzhou Pan Tianshou Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd.幕墙设计:浙江中南幕墙设计研究院泰幕咨询所Curtain Wall Design: Zhong Nan Institute of Curtain Wall Design&Research照明设计:上海佐一照明设计有限公司Lighting Design: Shanghai Zuo Yi Lighting Design Co., Ltd.室外景观软装:杭州缔凡休闲用品有限公司Outdoor Landscape Furnishing: Tifanlife, Hangzhou导视设计:上海更新建筑设计有限公司&上海优逸标识工程有限公司Wayfinding Design: Shanghai Gengxin Architecture Design Co., Ltd. & Shanghai Youyi Engineering Co., Ltd.雕塑设计:上海纾塬雕塑艺术有限公司Sculpture Design: Shanghai Shu Yuan Sculpture Art Design Co., Ltd.建设单位:杭州长源旅游发展有限公司Construction Company: Hangzhou Chang Yuan Touism DevelopmentCo., Ltd.土建/钢结构施工:杭州市建设集团有限公司Civil Engineering & Steel Construction: Hangzhou Construction Engineering Management Group Co., Ltd.幕墙施工:浙江大燕建设有限公司Curtain Wall Installation:Hangzhou Dayan Construnction Co., Ltd.摄影师:阿奇Photographer: Aqi
关于宇合光年About Fun Connection 宇合光年(Fun Connection )是一家国际化的设计公司,于2014年创立于上海。围绕空间的设计和表现,宇合光年组建了一支跨专业的整体性设计团队,专注于探索未来城市生态,真实链接空间与人的交互体验。以建筑和空间设计为核心,综合运用品牌,IP,视觉及产品等多种手法,在策略制定、平面设计、室内设计、城市更新、策展等领域探索实践,提供创新性的综合设计解决方案。Fun Connection is an international design company founded in Shanghai in 2014. Specializing in interior design and space performance, Fun Connection has formed a comprehensive interdisciplinary design team, focusing on the exploration of the future urban ecology and the interactive connection between space and people. With architectural and space design as the core, the design team adopts comprehensive methods of the brand, IP, visual sense and product to explore and practice in the fields of strategy planning, graphic design, interior design, urban renewal, curation design, etc., to offer innovative overall design solutions. 创新应回归母体,强化母体,是宇合光年一直强调的设计理念。创新被作为团队永恒的发展主线和核心竞争力。在此之上,宇合光年团队更擅长以空间独有的特质出发,在注重以设计解决现实问题的基础上,输出“情感 价值 个性”等关键要素,借用空间来促进人与人之间的联系和交流。With the design philosophy that innovation should highlight and return to the project itself, Fun Connection regards innovation as the eternal strategy of development and core competitiveness of the team. On this premise, the design team is good at starting from the unique characteristics of space to work out key elements such as "emotional value and personality" on the basis of solving practical problems with design so as to promote the communication and relationship between people. 以开放式的跨界创意为空间赋能,打造有趣、舒服及具有温度感的设计,是在每一个设计项目落实中的指导思想。自成立以来,团队服务于旭辉、龙湖、万科、融创、杜莎夫人、kidlands、艾尔斯教育集团等众多知名地产商、机构和商业品牌,针对不同需求,成熟化完成个性化设计定制。Fun Connection adheres to the implementation ideology of empowering the space with open cross-border creativity to create interesting, comfortable, and warm designs for every project. Since its establishment, the team has served plenty of well-known real estate developers, institutions, and commercial brands such as CIFI, Longfor, Vanke, Sunac, Madame Tussauds, Kidlands, Ayers Institute, etc., offering mature complete customized design services according to different needs.
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