在纽约苏荷区中心著名的百老汇大道和布鲁姆街大道的交汇处,Polène 品牌的新篇章正在开启。他们最新的旗舰店,由室内建筑师Valériane Lazard精心设计,这是一个微妙,亲密和大胆的创造。室内雕塑形式的展开为过路人提供了一个独特想象和精致的神秘空间。
At the intersection of the famous Broadway and Broome Street boulevards, in the heart of New York’s Soho district, a new chapter is opening for the Polène brand. Their latest flagship boutique, masterfully designed by interior architect Valériane Lazard, is a subtle, intimate and audacious creation. The unfolding of the interior’s sculptural forms offer a glimpse, to those passing by, into an enigmatic space of unique imagination and refinement.
商店的设计与它诞生的外部空间形成对比:街道和外部建筑的棱角构成转化为完美曲线的美学,内部的设计完美地呼应了品牌的创作。尽管它位于大西洋的另一边,这种体验无疑是 Polène 的,从地板到天花板完全沉浸在精心设计的环境中。
The store has been designed purposefully to contrast with the external space from which it is born : the angular composition of the street and external architecture transform into an aesthetic of perfect curves, the design of the interior perfectly echoing the brand’s creations. In spite of its location on the other side of the Atlantic, this experience is unmistakably Polène : a complete immersion into a meticulously envisaged environment from floor to ceiling.
It is a world of travertine marble floors, walnut wood walls and other custom-made surfaces, innovative and uniquely commissioned furniture created from leather scraps, an extraordinary glass chamber containing an imposing robotic arm capable of designing and fabricating leather creations before the customer’s eyes. We are invited into a domain of noble materials, exalted further by a harmony of shape and form, where every detail is lived. The visitor is offered a vibrant wealth of stories to inhabit, materials to experience and sensations to explore.
Marbled veins within the travertine interior serve as an enticing guide into an elongated space composed of a series of rooms. The high ceiling, adorned with a luminous circle, offers a generous, rounded aesthetic to this stately principal interior, in whose center is enthroned the mechanical installation, strongly contrasting with its delicate and timeless setting.
This extraordinary installation is partnered on either side by rounded arches whose marble-powdered finish offer a soft and symmetrical complement, and whose sculpted forms mirror one another to create an expanded and atmospheric sense of space. This central area of the shop is emblematic of the architect’s passion for the‘fundamental’and‘necessary’- a form of gentle but monumental architectural minimalism that is also powerfully evident in the unique examples of Polene’s designs on display.
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