Polène是巴黎皮具品牌,由t90兄弟和姐妹团队于2016年创立。他们自信地将经典线条与流畅优雅的线条相结合,成为该品牌美丽系列的标志。设计灵感源自 Madeleine Vionnet、Mariano Fortuny 和 Madam Gres 等创作者,还融入了华丽的褶皱运用,增强了皮革的延展性,让设计的雕塑感成为焦点。
Polène is a Parisian leather goods brand founded in 2016 by a team of t9o brothers and a sister. Their confident use of classical line in combination with fluid and graceful curbes have become the trademarks of the brand’s beautiful collections. Designs inspired by creators such as Madeleine Vionnet, Mariano Fortuny and Madam Gres, also incorporate a gorgeous use of folds, enhancing the malleability of the leather and allowing the sculptural aspect of the designs to take centre stage.
对于他们在巴黎新开业的独特旗舰店来说,曲线的概念在他们的设计中如此明显,在其空间的各个方面都得到了精致的体现。这是一个图形和诗意精致的空间。明亮而柔和的单色,精品店在圆形中充分展现,就像一个由对细节的关注、对完美色调的追求和材料之美塑造的宇宙。 一根刻有该品牌名称的雕刻柱位于室内的中心,从入口处开始,就沐浴在柔和的自然光中。
For their unique flagship boutique, newly opened in Paris, the notion of the curve-so evident in their designs-has been exquisitely evoked in all aspects of its space : a space of graphic and poetic refinement. Luminous and gently monochrome, the boutique unfolds fully in the round as a universe shaped by aFention to detail, the search for perfect tones, and the beauty ofmaterial. A sculpted column bearing the brand’s name centers the interior which, from the very entrance,is bathed in soſt, natural light.
精品店的大窗户由裸露的金属结构构成,展现出内部宽敞的表面,将Polène的创作视为品牌DNA的寓言,即完美的折叠艺术、设计固有的雕塑特征和深厚的手工知识和技能。干邑白兰地、波尔多葡萄酒、锡耶纳葡萄酒,每个系列的颜色都在Valeriane Lazard创作的简化色调中完美展现,她使用了专为Polène设计的米色色调。涂满灰泥的墙壁仿佛披上了衣服。圆形的它们变得性感,给整个空间带来温暖。
The boutique’s large windows, framed by their exposed metal structures, reveal generous surfaces within, offering Polène’s creations as allegoriesof the brand’s DNA : a perfect, folded art; the inherent sculptural cachet of the designs; deep artisanal knowledge and skill. Cognac, Bordeaux, Sienna : the colors of each range are beautifully exhibited within the simplified tones of Valeriane Lazard’s creation in which she uses a beige palette, designed especially for Polène. The plastered walls appear as if clothed; rounded, they become voluptuous and give warmth to the entire space.
在设计地板时,建筑师重新诠释了标志性的法国镶木地板经典,即“Point de HongLie”,铺有长条状的涂油橡木,通向并交叉在室内的正中央。这一元素增强了内部的自然流动,还创造了一种深度印象,Lazard对镜子的美丽运用进一步放大了这种印象。
In designing the floor, the architect has reinterpreted the iconic French parquet classic, known as “Point de HongLie”, forfed with long strips of deeply oiled oak, which lead to and cross at the very hearb of the interior. Enhancing the natural flow within, this element also creates an impression of depth, further amplified by Lazard’s beautiful use of mirrors.
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