VALÉRIANE LAZARD--巴黎Pascale Monvoisin
坐落于巴黎的Pascale Monvoisin由室内设计师Valériane Lazard设计完成。Valsamriane Lazard是一位居住在巴黎的法国室内设计师。她曾就读于著名的埃因霍温设计学院,在那里她磨练了自己的室内设计技能,并发展了自己独特的设计理念。
Pascale Monvoisin in Paris was designed by interior designer Valériane Lazard. Valeriane Lazard is a French interior designer based in Paris.She studied at the prestigious Design Academy Eindhoven, where she honed her interior design skills and developed her unique design philosophy.
Pascale Monvoisin的总部位于巴黎市中心一栋大楼的顶层。 她的办公室俯瞰着一个铺满弯曲鹅卵石的庭院,红花色的地毯、Perriand家具,以及窗台另一侧鲜为人知的前私人宅邸外墙,立刻为她的办公室定下了基调。
Hidden in the heart of Paris, at the top of a building, are Pascale Monvoisin’s headquarters. Overlooking a courtyard paved with crooked cobbles, her office immediately sets the tone with its saffron-coloured carpet, Perriand furniture and, on the other side of the windowpane, the little-known façade of a former private mansion.
早年的经历让Pascale Monvoisin对差异和微小瑕疵有了更深的理解,而这正是手工珠宝的魅力所在。 她以独特的视角和崭新的视角诠释了法国珠宝的传统,例如9K金淡雅柔和的光泽。
Those early days have left Pascale Monvoisin with an appreciation for differences and tiny imperfections, which are what make hand-made jewellery so charming.She brings a unique perspective and a new light to the traditional conventions of French jewellery, for instance with the pale and supremely soft shimmer of 9K gold.