Opus 5 architectes--缝合城市肌理的乡村空间
位于巴黎附近的全新Chessy文化中心于近日落成,项目由来自Opus 5 architectes事务所的建筑师Agnès Pontremoli、Bruno Decaris,以及Pierre Tisserand设计。文化中心坐落在老Tournelles农场中,这样的大型农业建筑遗址如今在布里地区可谓十分罕见。Agnès Pontremoli, Bruno Decaris, and Pierre Tisserand – OPUS 5 associate architects– recently completed the new cultural centre in Chessy near Paris. This establishment has taken up residence in the old Tournelles farm, one of the rare vestiges of the Brie region’s large-scale farms.乡村生活的余韵A REMNANT OF RURAL LIFE
项目所在场地可谓是城市与乡村之间的“中间地带”,也是两者之间的桥梁,将乡村生活的痕迹在快速城市扩张进程中保留了下来。场地的西北方向是Chessy镇中心及其周边正在蚕食Brie区乡村肌理的住宅开发区;场地的西南方向则坐落着边界鲜明的迪士尼娱乐和酒店综合体。项目的设计旨在以简洁易懂的方式形成“新城”以及“幻想乐园”两个世界之间的联系,作为商业开发区,这两个“世界”几乎与周围景观没有任何的历史关系,而Tournelles农场的真实性和永久性却能够自然地唤起人们对于乡村生活与周边农业建筑的记忆。The site is an “in-between”, a bridge, a vestige of rural life in the jaws of urban sprawl. To the northwest is the town of Chessy and its peripheral housing developments nibbling away at what remains of Brie, and to the southwest, Disney’s perfectly delimited and defined entertainment and hospitality complex. The project had to be easy to read and communicate the link between two worlds, i.e., the one of the new town, and the one of illusion, both dropped there almost randomly, without any historical relationship to the landscape, whereas the authenticity and permanence of the Tournelles farm simply and naturally recall the world of agriculture to which the neighbouring buildings owe their existence.
Tournelles农场的建筑优势在于体量的巨大尺度与简洁的几何语言,建筑内的所有功能体块均围绕中央活动空间组织。传统的内向式布局与完全封闭的外立面,将变换莫测的周边环境屏蔽在外,为内部提供了充足的保护。两座新建筑取代了曾经的农场住宅,形成了建筑全新的两翼,分别为坐落在庭院东南部的音乐工作室,以及西北部的多功能厅及其后台区域(办公室,更衣室,附属空间等)。这两个扩建出来的体量如同围墙一般,将庭院环抱在内,重塑了农场的初始氛围和围绕主要中央庭院组织的总体建筑形态。The architectural strength of the Tournelles farm resides in the massiveness and simplicity of the volumes surrounding a central protected space where activity is concentrated, a traditionally inward-looking and totally closed position, providing protection from the vagaries of the vast world outside. Two new constructions have been added here in place of the deconstructed wings to house, to the southeast of the courtyard, the music studios, and to the northwest, the multipurpose hall, and its backstage areas (offices, dressing rooms, wings, etc.). These two extensions were treated like enclosure walls with the aim of restoring the initial ambiance of the farm and its general morphology organized round the main central courtyard.
因此,从原住宅建筑中拆除的瓦片和碎石被重新清理、分类,并根据其不同的性质和纹理堆放在一起,以便随后在石灰石和赤土的新组合中得到二次的利用。丰富的材质肌理唤起人们对地质层的联想,并回忆起这片土地上的农业历史。Thus, the tiles and rubblestone were deconstructed, cleaned, sorted, and stored in piles according to their diverse natures and grain textures for subsequent reuse in a new composition of limestone and terra cotta evoking geological strata and recalling the sites rootedness in the land.
室内空间采用了天然材料,并保留了材料的原始状态,以避免风格和施工习惯对空间效果造成影响,同时也强调出了材质的肌理,并进一步将该设施与当地的历史和记忆联系起来。The interior spaces are treated with materials used in their raw state, avoiding effects of style and mannerisms, the aim being to enhance the project’s materiality and to link the facility even further to the history and memory of the place.
音乐学校的表演大厅和主要的剧院空间分别被规划在两个经过修复的谷仓中,以便充分利用这两个具有该场地特征的非典型农业建筑体量。两个大厅中配备了所有必需的舞台设备,如:威亚系统,视频投影,舞台框架,舞台灯光等,为音乐剧,戏剧,舞蹈,视频等不同表演形式提供了丰富的可能性。The music school’s performance hall and the main theatre space are each slipped into two restored granaries so as to take full advantage of these two atypical volumes so characteristic of the site. These two halls are equipped with all the required stage equipment (fly system, video projection, shell, stage lighting, etc.) offering a rich range of possibilities (musicals, theatre, dance, video, etc.).
立面图 © OPUS 5 Architectes
剖面图 © OPUS 5 Architectes
项目名称 | Chessy Cultural Centre主创建筑 | Bruno Decaris, Agnès Pontremoli, Pierre Tisserand结构工程 | Batiserf Ingénierie项目面积 | 250m²摄影 师 | Luc Boegly建筑 师 | Opus 5 architectes布景设计 | Luc Perrier项目类别 | 文化中心项目地址 | 法国,布里
Bruno Decaris, Agnès Pontremoli, Pierre Tisserand
巴黎作为著名的世界顶级艺术之都之一,印象派发源地,欧洲油画中心,欧洲文化中心,而位于法国巴黎的Opus 5 architectes建筑工作室,受着艺术文化的熏陶,多以高雅,睿智的建筑理念和创新结合为主,设计灵感来自日常生活和艺术通感,带着对家乡的热爱,能量与梦想,智慧与期翼,续写着国际艺术之都的瑰丽传奇。 支持达人室内设计网