JOE NAHEM--迈哈密Miami 海滩公寓
这座位于迈阿密海滩的公寓,拥有4000平方英尺的面积,是由Fox-Nahem的AD100设计师Joe Nahem设计的。由于有一个18英尺高的引人注目的入口和近50英尺长的大房间,Joe Nahem的工作已经为他量身定做了。
This Miami Beach apartment, with 4,000 square feet of space, was designed by Fox-Nahem's AD100 designer Joe Nahem.Thanks to a dramatic 18-foot entrance and nearly 50-foot-long great room, Nahem had his work cut out for him.
电梯门通向一间忧郁的、没有窗户的迈阿密海滩门厅,门厅里有带凹槽的石墨水泥墙板和一对大约20世纪70年代的Erik Höglund镜子,上面有一个Wendell Castle的签名橱柜。在黑暗中,一条由钴蓝和胭脂红树脂点缀的隧道犹如海市蜃楼,让人恍若置身于史诗般的彼岸。
The elevator doors open to a moody, windowless Miami Beach foyer of grooved graphite cement wall panels and a chunky pair of circa 1970s Erik Höglund mirrors above a signed Wendell Castle cabinet.In the dark, a tunnel polka-dotted with cobalt and blush resin splotches appears like a mirage, a trippy promise of something epic on the other end.
从一个房间到另一个房间的流程很简单,但每个房间都有自己独特的个性。例如,为了实现爱丽丝梦游仙境般的餐厅愿景,Nahem请来田纳西州的木工大师Caleb Woodard,对爬上天花板的超大植物墙的每一厘米进行精雕细琢,这样就不需要在简单的树脂桌子上安装枝形吊灯,也不需要混合使用Louis Vuitton的花卉和Ruemmler的木制椅子。在其他地方,他与艺术家Elyse Graham合作,并在一间浴室中使用了她的树脂作品。
There’s an easy flow from room to room, but each one has a distinctive personality.To fulfill his Alice in Wonderland–esque vision for the dining room, for example, Nahem tapped Tennessee-based woodworking maestro Caleb Woodard to intricately carve every centimeter of a larger-than-life botanical wall that crawls up the ceiling, eliminating any need for a chandelier over the simple resin table and mix of floral Louis Vuitton and wooden Ruemmler chairs.Elsewhere, he got experimental with artist Elyse Graham on a bathroom encased in her exuberant graphic resin work.
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