达人网eric 发表于 2023-6-26 11:03:32


乡是情感归依,水为人文积淀,故乡之水既是乡愁的具象体现,又是自然与生命的典型象征。绵延不绝的珠江水系贯连岭南,穿越重山万岭,淘漉荷景烟波,将岭南的人文乡土记忆磨洗得愈发鲜活。本案即是以“岭南文化”为基底,借由传统岭南建筑、人文、艺术等特色,运用现代手法将“故乡水”引流至设计空间之中。Since water is the accumulation of humanity, and township represents emotional support, water in hometown is not only the epitome of homesickness but also a common emblem of nature and life. The continuous Pearl River system flows through Lingnan, cutting through countless mountains and refreshing the region’s lotus beauty, thus enhancing local and cultural memories of the area. Based on traditional Lingnan architecture, humanities, together with art, and other qualities, the designer in this design utilizes modern techniques to channel “hometown water” into the architectural area.

仰观天际滴水织幕,俯看前区轻波成景,设计师将“故乡水”这一概念具现为水珠元素,以瀑布式大型装置演绎出水滴倾斜而下,于空间中央汇聚一潭的恢弘景象。层叠错落的清透水滴盘旋而落,将水的自然灵气与生命感积聚于一点,也自然而然将视觉中心聚焦于前台。The designer translates the idea of “hometown water” into the element of water drops, with a large waterfall device to interpret the water drops slanting down, to converge a pool of magnificent scene in the center of the space. Looking up at the sky dripping water weaving curtain, overlooking the front area light waves into the scene The spiraling, overlapping clear drops naturally focus the visual center on the foreground by amassing the natural aura of water and the sense of life.

水从天时,四季而不同。为了诠释春分之水“利万物而不争”的沁润姿态,水珠的选材兼具外观与质感,剔透生辉的有机玻璃材质与鲜亮的青绿色有机结合,将“春波盈碧”的意象展露无余,温润和煦的物感中和了冷色调装饰石材的视觉硬度,令雨润万物的色彩氛围自中心扩散开来,设计师通过现代设计手法重新刻画传统节气,为传统人文符号注入生机与新意。The four seasons are different, and water seems to abide by the rule of nature. The material selection of the water takes advantage of appearance and texture that can be used to describe the moist attitude of the vernal equinox water, which “benefits all things without rivalry.” The image of “spring wave” is revealed when the vivid cyan green and transparent, luminous plexiglass are organically mixed. The apparent hardness of the cool decorative stone is neutralized by the warm sense of things, allowing the rain’s vibrant atmosphere to radiate forth from the core. In order to give traditional humanistic symbols new life and relevance, the designer has recreated traditional solar terms using contemporary design methods.

沙盘区以艺术博物馆的陈展方式,同时强调“古物”的庄严感与“新作”的仪式感。为保留岭南文化的精髓与灵魂,设计师收集、拆解、重制了一些积淀岁月的历史物件,令历久弥新的人文精神糅合于现代几何框架之中。融汇古典与现代的建筑方式,在点睛“古物新作”这一主题的同时,也彰显了返老还童的设计理念。In the sandbox area, the seriousness of “old items” and the ceremonial sense of “new works” are emphasized through the usage of art museum style. The designers gathered, deconstructed, and recreated several historical artefacts gathered throughout time in order to preserve the essence and soul of Lingnan culture, which allows the eternal humanistic spirit to be merged into the contemporary geometric framework. The fusion of traditional and contemporary architectural techniques not only emphasizes the theme of “old items and new works,” but it also emphasizes the design idea of renewal.

LED满屏与楼梯、水吧、茶区形成休闲区的空间重心,特色鲜明的广府文化元素将各个建筑体块串连一并,既重现广府流派经典艺术风格,也传承了老广东的记忆温度。设计师借鉴海派设计风格重塑生活化场景,将老广东“一盅两件”的饮茶日常置于大量折角与线条构建的秩序空间中,以亦中亦西的兼蓄姿态为广府文化点染亮色。The spatial center of gravity of the recreation space is formed by the LED screen, stairs, water bar, and tea area. Each component is joined together by distinctive Guangdong cultural features, which not only replicate the traditional aesthetic form of the Guangdong school but also carry over the memory temperature of the old Guangdong. The historic Guangdong “one cup and two pieces” of tea daily is placed in a lot of corners and lines to build the order space, with both Chinese and western attitude for Guangdong culture. In addition, the designer uses lessons from Shanghai style to change the life scene.

由于依山滨海的地域特殊性,岭南建筑文化自成格局,形成“内封外敞”的特点。洽谈区遵循建筑古意,使外放包容与独立自洽并行不悖。半开放的艺术玻璃隔断保持了空间的连续、灵活以及包容性,而茶楼式的家居摆放形式则令身处其间的客人能够自足于一域天地,更易于形成情绪氛围,有界的艺术设计与无界的情感氛围交织相融,使传统经典在现代生活化场景中重焕新生。The Lingnan architectural culture has its own style, establishing the characteristics of “inside sealing and exterior opening,” due to its regional particularity of the mountainous coastal location. The negotiation area adheres to an ancient architectural notion such that autonomous self-consistency and external tolerance are simultaneous. The teahouse-style home display form makes it easier for guests to form an emotional atmosphere of their own, and the semi-open art glass partition keeps the space’s continuity, adaptability, and inclusivity. Bounded art design and unbounded emotional atmosphere are intertwined here, giving the traditional classic in the modern life scene new life.

一扇满洲窗,岭南建筑眼。钱钟书在著作《窗》中提及:“窗子打通了大自然和人的隔膜,把风和太阳逗引进来,使屋子里也关着一部分春天,让我们安坐了享受,无需再到外面去找”,而满洲窗作为岭南建筑的经典代表,更以其丰富的层次感优化了内外景观,使借景与对景更具故事性。A Manchurian window represents the architectural eye of Lingnan. “Windows open the divide between nature and humans, draw wind and sun into interior, and keep part of spring inside the house, so that we can sit and enjoy it without stepping outside,” wrote Qian Zhongshu in his book Windows. Manchurian Windows, a classic example of Lingnan architecture, enhance the borrow and view by optimizing the internal and external environment with a rich feeling of hierarchy.

摒弃了原木与琉璃的刻板沉重,设计师以金属和亚克力制作满洲花窗屏风,保留其艺术价值的同时,也消解了传统材质所具有的厚重感,柔化了光影在此间的反应与嬗变,充分继承和发扬了岭南画派“中西结合”的艺术特色。The Manchurian flower-window screen is made of metal and acrylic by the designer rather than the heavy, stiff wood and glass. The designer fully inherits and carries forward the creative qualities of “the union of Chinese and Western” of the Lingnan School of painting while also eliminating the heaviness of conventional materials, smoothing the reaction and alteration of light and shadow in this space.

为了增添文化意趣,由“饮水思源”一词发想,鲜活奇趣的IP设定“珠仔”应运而生,憨厚亲和的形象结合“撚雀”“大吉”“打掼斗”等传统茶艺动作,设计师以年轻新奇的方式将广东茶文化具象化演绎出来,萌趣十足的形象不仅反映品牌了对于传统新生、古物新作的向往,更代表设计理解与品牌追求的深度铆合。The IP design “Zhuzai” is created with the concept of “taking water and thinking of source” in order to add cultural interest. The designer has created a straightforward, approachable graphic that, when combined with traditional tea art actions, concretizes Guangdong tea culture in a fresh, modern way. The adorable and intriguing graphic conveys the brand’s desire for new customs and antiquities as well as its intense focus on both design and its own identity.

“古物新作”“古韵新生”不止在于以全新的建筑材质表现传统元素,更是基于对传统文化的深刻理解所作的推陈出新。团队从可亲可忆的“故乡水”起笔,以现代设计笔触重绘岭南文化新枝,将岭南流派博采众长的特色传承发扬,让古老的人文风骨在年轻的线条框体中,萌生出奇趣与童心,以设计的奇思达成“返老还童”的艺术效果,催动岭南文化的发展与蝶变。“Ole items and new works” and “New ancient rhyme” make new alterations based on a profound understanding of old culture in addition to expressing traditional features using new architectural materials. The design team from a Mitu amenable to the “hometown water” begins to write, taking advantage of modern design tools to redraw Lingnan culture, which will be good for the inheritance and development of Lingnan school characteristics. They also let the ancient humanistic spirit in the young line frame body, which emerges from the curious and innocent heart, to design the magic idea to achieve the artistic effect of “rejuvenation,” encouraging the development of Lingnan culture.

项目名称 | 珠实地产广钢花城售楼部项目地址 | 广东省广州市荔湾区项目面积 | 1450㎡完工时间 | 2022年7月主要材料 | 艺术漆、肌理环保卷材、木饰面、人造石、不锈钢、艺术玻璃、砖等业主单位 | 广州珠实地产业主名称 | 潘勇特、徐应生、郑冰琦设计单位 | 深圳洣图装饰设计工程有限公司主案设计 | 邱锐、方杨骏、周其民、肖灿林辅助设计 | 黄美丽、江清奇IP设计及制作 | 邱锐、韩开智、张福钊、温景成、梁健聪IP动画设计及制作 | 邱锐、陈宜人资料及参与撰稿 | 沈晓鸣项目摄影及视频制作 | 黄缅贵

创始人及创意总监 / 邱锐


15601686186 发表于 2023-7-31 13:53:05


binfensj 发表于 2023-8-15 10:59:07

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