say architects--void深圳买手店
void是一家集服装、艺术、文化、生活于一体的综合型概念店,say architects受void主理人委托设计深圳的第二家实体店铺void2.0,落位于深圳南山区华侨城OCT PARK,视线通透且陈列面完整。void is a comprehensive concept store that integrates fashion, art, culture, and lifestyle. Commissioned by the founder of void, say architects designed the second physical store, void2.0, located in OCT PARK, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The space offers unobstructed views and a complete display area.
▼店面外观,exterior view of the store © Wang Minjie
void作为深圳的一家先锋买手店,容纳多元文化,承载着不同的品牌文化及背后故事, say architects希望将void成为深圳这样具有包容性城市的地图(Map of Shenzhen),以图腾发源的形式向外界传达出void的精神追求。
As a pioneering multi-brand store in Shenzhen, void embraces diverse cultures and carries various brand cultures and their underlying stories. say architects aimed to transform void into a map of Shenzhen, a city known for its inclusiveness, by conveying the spirit of void through the creation of totems.
▼室内概览,interior overview © Wang Minjie
在宗教中,通常使用雕塑和图腾作为人们信仰的载体,图腾造型灵感来源于void最初合作的四个品牌Rick Owens、Ann Demeulemeester、1017 ALYX 9SM、Guidi,say提取其中的服饰元素和设计理念,以不不规则堆叠、柔性线条等手法具象成四座精神图腾,代表void所传达的文化与信仰。图腾经过不断地裂变生长最终形成。say使用抽象化的语言,增强消费者对品牌精神文化具象化的实境体验,以此来营造品牌记忆点。它们不仅传播着void的理念和各个品牌的故事,呼唤和召集着具有相同信仰和生活方式的人们;更像是存在于心的庇护所,为各类人群自由交流和表达的精神朝圣地。良好的采光与雕塑的结合也为空间形成自然光影提供有利条件,增加了空间仪式感。
▼来源于品牌灵感的图腾设计,totem design inspired by initial collaborated brands© say architects
In religious contexts, sculptures and totems are commonly used as carriers of people’s beliefs. The inspiration for the totems in this project originated from the four initial brands that collaborated with void: Rick Owens, Ann Demeulemeester, 1017 ALYX 9SM, and Guidi. say architects extracted elements of clothing and design concepts from these brands and materialized them into four abstract totems through techniques like irregular stacking and flexible lines. These totems represent the culture and beliefs conveyed by void. The totems gradually formed through continuous fission and growth. say architects employed an abstract language to enhance consumers’ immersive experience of visualizing the brand’s cultural spirit, thereby creating memorable brand touchpoints.
▼图腾雕塑,totem sculptures © Wang Minjie
To cater to the various brand styles of void, diverse cultural windows, and different usage scenarios, void serves as a multifunctional medium for communication that contains multiple display methods and accommodates diverse cultures. Based on the functional aspects of the space, the area is divided into two sections corresponding to essential functions (storage, cashier, changing room) and versatile spaces (retail, exhibition, runway shows, collaborations, launches, etc.). The boundary between the two sections is blurred, creating a new retail model for multi-brand stores and stimulating participants’ spatial experiences.
▼兼容性多功能空间,versatile spaces © Wang Minjie
▼从兼容性空间望向前台,view from versatile spaces towards reception © Wang Minjie
▼展示空间可在两种模式之间切换,display areaable to switch between retail and exhibition modes© say architects
To better integrate functional space with sculptures and to provide maximum possibilities within the space, movable shelves and totems are utilized. This enables the display area to seamlessly switch between retail and exhibition modes, assuming different spatial roles and presenting various spatial moods.
▼陈列架,display shelves © Wang Minjie
▼展示商品细部,detail of the commodities © Wang Minjie
An electric clothing rack with adjustable height is utilized to showcase different products, while movable layers and adjustable lighting provide adaptability to different scene modes. The electric clothing rack can be raised or lowered according to height requirements, and the movable layers can be freely combined. The adjustable lighting allows for different scene settings.
▼可升降电动衣杆,electric clothing rack with adjustable height © Wang Minjie
作为老店新店的一种延续表达,借鉴了博物馆中保护遗址的手法,将 void1.0版本的平面动线保留在void2.0的地面。总体色调保留中低灰度,既能够凸出商品特性,也创造了时间沉淀感的空间氛围。
As a continuation and expression of the old store, the design draws inspiration from the preservation techniques of archaeological sites in museums. The layout of void1.0 is retained on the ground of void2.0. The overall color palette maintains a medium to low grayscale, accentuating the product features and creating a spatial atmosphere that exudes a sense of time accumulation.
▼空间细部,detail of the space © Wang Minjie
设计公司:say architects