达人网eric 发表于 2023-5-16 11:24:17


MONOLOGO (谟农咖啡)的选址在北京751园区的工业景观保护区内。南侧的炉罐区得以完整保留,西侧与园区主路之间是一片开阔的场地。

MONOLOGO (Monong Coffee) is located in the industrial landscape protection area of Beijing’s 751 Park. This site includes a furnace tank area on the south side of the original 751 plant which has been wholly preserved, while a vast open space spreads between the west side and the main road cutting through the park.

▼店面外观,appearance of the store © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼店面与邻近的工业遗址,storefront with adjacent industrial heritage © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼取餐口,takeaway window © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼入口区域概览,overview of the entrance area © 空间站建筑师事务所


▼设计概念,concept drawing © 空间站建筑师事务所

The core part of the site is a factory building with a concrete frame structure dating back to the 1970s. Three imposing furnace tanks are preserved in the center of the site. Two yellow and black steel structures were added to the south, east and west corners of the plant in two separate occasions. Our renovation project should be counted as the fourth “extension” of the site. We hope that memories of former interventions may be fully preserved, and through this project, they will eventually be connected into a cohesive narrative.

▼室内概览,interior overall © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼场地中央保留了三个大型炉罐,three imposing furnace tanks preserved in the center of the site © 空间站建筑师事务所


Firstly, we designed a set of furniture allocating distinctive materials for each of the three sections of the site: concrete furniture inlaid with golden tiles for the furnace tank area, birch plywood furniture for the yellow steel structure area and stainless-steel kitchen furniture for the black steel structure section. A trio of furniture highlights and diversifies experiences of the site, materials and construction methods imbued with an awareness of time make it easy for visitors to spot the difference between old and new.

▼炉罐区设计了镶嵌金色瓷砖的混凝土家具,concrete furniture inlaid with golden tiles for the furnace tank area © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼桦木多层板家具,birch plywood furniture © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼包间,VIP room © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼厨房内的不锈钢家具,stainless-steel kitchen furniture © 空间站建筑师事务所


In a further step, we intersected three rows of slender “flat columns” at the junction of the three sections, thus threading a metaphorical needle, we tied them together in a knot. Flat columns can filter natural light on both sides, softening light in the core area of the site. When people walk into our space, their sightline line is partially blocked. With shifts in walking viewpoint, effects of shielding and transparency are constantly alternating, establishing a sense of rhythm and layer. The space thus becomes truly “compelling”, encouraging guests to roam around and be a part of it all. Through gaps between the flat columns, visitors in the guest seating area can see the entire baking and kitchen area and witness the whole process of coffee making and food processing.

▼细长的“扁柱”作为不同空间的过渡,rows of slender “flat columns” at the junction of the different sections © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼透过扁柱的间隙可以看到整个烘焙和后厨的区域, visitors can see the entire baking and kitchen area through gaps between the flat columns © 空间站建筑师事务所


The third phase was to integrate these three parts into a square box wrapped in a pristine white “coating”. A translucent polycarbonate board façade acts like a smooth coating though which no frame structure can be seen from the outside. Natural light can seep in at daytime, while illumination from the interior filters out at night. This slightly temporary gesture forms an interesting dialogue with surroundings explicitly bent to the preservation of industrial landscape.

▼包间花园,VIP room garden garden © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼从花园望向包间,looking VIP room from outdoor garden © 空间站建筑师事务所


Furthermore, we believe that a café is meant to be a kind of urban public space. MONOLOGO’s high-ceilinged, spacious interior is graced with a monumental furnace tank, tall columns on both sides emphasize the celebratory air of the place, entering it instantly feels like stepping into a memorial to the last century. The façades on the north and south sides are designed to be completely open, and the interior space can be switched to an urban square with coffee seats.

▼完全敞开的就餐区,the completely open dining area © 空间站建筑师事务所


Lastly, we applied uniform strip lights onto the ceiling slabs. This simple lighting arrangement makes the effect of indoor lighting very close to natural light. Light illuminates every item, including pipelines and equipment on the top, blurring the distinction between interior and exterior, thus endowing all elements in the space with equal dignity.

▼卫生间,the restroom © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼卫生间内部概览,the restroom interior overall © 空间站建筑师事务所\

▼卫生间细节,detail of the toilet © 空间站建筑师事务所

▼平面图,plan © 空间站建筑师事务所

项目名称: 谟农咖啡
设计: 空间站建筑师事务所
项目设计 & 完成年份 “设计:2022年4月-2022年10月
项目地址: 北京市朝阳区
建筑面积: 375平方米
摄影版权: 空间站建筑师事务所
合作方 “施工单位:北京海汀顿建筑设计工程有限公司

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