Lisa’s appreciation for cashmere started early on. In the chilly city of Qingdao,North East China where Lisa grew up, cashmere was the material of choice to keep warm.Not far from Inner Mongolia, Lisa’s early life surrounded by production developed a heritage expertise of the cashmere that today,combined with the design sensibilities of Scandinavia,have created a brand with a considered and truly authentic point of view.
作为羊绒的权威,LISA YANG提供了一个完全由特殊纱线编织的完整的成衣衣橱。每一季都在不断发展,每一个系列都建立在上一季的基础上,无缝地融入现代女性的生活方式。该系列的潜在女性气质有一种微妙的力量,来自于对日常设计的简单关注,以及对真正的、永恒的奢侈品的毫不费力的把握。设计系列的前提是在未来数年内都能穿戴,它体现了一种缓慢的奢华,将历史悠久的工艺技术和现代生产相结合,以促进系列的不断创新。
An authority on cashmere,LISA YANG offers a complete ready-to-wear wardrobe knitted entirely from the exceptional yarn.Evolving every season, each collection builds on the last to fit seamlessly into the modern woman’s lifestyle.There is a subtle strength to the underlying femininity of the collections, drawing from a uncomplicated focus on designing for the everyday, for an effortless take on true,timeless luxury.Setting out with the premise of designing collections to be worn for years to come,it’s about embodying a slow luxury that combines time-honoured craft techniques and modern production to facilitate constant innovation in collections.
Liljencrantz Design是一家屡获殊荣的国际室内设计工作室,总部设在瑞典斯德哥尔摩。他们承接私人和商业项目,与众多客户合作,为住宅、零售和酒店创造定制的豪华内饰。Liljencrantz的设计专注于持久的天然材料和良好的工艺,对过程中的每个细节都非常关注。他们的室内设计尊重地点和建筑,并在中世纪现代影响与现代语言之间取得平衡。其结果是多层次的、优雅的和永恒的。
Liljencrantz Design is an award-winning international interior design studio based in Stockholm, Sweden. Taking on private as well as commercial projects, they work with a wide range of clients creating bespoke and luxurious interiors for residences, retail, and hospitality.With a focus on long-lasting natural materials and good craftsmanship, Liljencrantz’s design pays great attention to every detail in the process.Their interiors honor location and architecture and balance mid-century modern influences with a contemporary language.The results are multi-layered, elegant, and timeless.
设计过程从东西方文化交融的基本概念开始,以反映Lisas的设计,现代而永恒,具有优势。为了将其转化为一种环境,Liljencrantz Design希望将重点放在创造完美平衡、和谐和流动的对比上。他们使用的材料包括不锈钢和樱桃木以及最鲜艳的红色。总面积为400平方米,包括办公室和展示厅。 卵石、苔藓和大型水晶等原材料的使用创造了一种治愈的能量,也是LISA YANG展厅的关键元素。
The designprosess started with the funtamental concept of East meets West and to reflect Lisas design, modern yet timeless with an edge. To translate this to an enviroment Liljencrantz Design wanted to focus on contrasts that creates the perfect balance, harmonic and flowing. They have used materials like Stainless steel v/s cherry wood and the brightest color red. A total of 400sqm consiting of office and showroom.The use of raw materials like pebble, moss and large crystals creates a healing energy and are key elements in the showroom of Lisa Yang.
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