無一内建筑设计 发表于 2023-5-15 10:08:29

【首发】無一内建筑设计--尘光 扬州360㎡叠墅


打开空间,让阳光住进来Open up the space and let the sunlight in

创造无与伦比的通透性,让每个空间都有所关联,在熟悉的环境里捕捉光的形状,衍生想象中的美。Create unparalleled transparency, connect every space, capture the shape of light in a familiar environment, and derive imagined beauty.

客廳Living room

艺术是一种可以让生活有序的形式,思考本质延展空间形状,光影流连,自在如风。无论连榻而坐,还是窗边漫步,空间打破人们对客厅的固有印象,它是立体且温柔的,每一面都是另一种体验。Art is a form that can make life orderly, thinking about the essence and extending the shape of 0space, with light and shadow flowing freely like the wind. Whether sitting on the couch or strolling by the window, the space breaks people's inherent impression of the living room. It is three-dimensional and gentle, and each side is a different experience.

Life is concentrated in this space, where fitness, tea tasting, sharing, reading... can occur simultaneously. The boundless dynamic line connects the connection between the living room area and the dining room area, and the elements of movement and stillness coexist harmoniously.

餐厅Open kitchen

时间的流逝悄然发生,日常优雅地嵌入现代结构,不寻常的事物得以形成。打破平面性,令共享与独处两者相融,空间的边界不断被模糊,形式始终为生活服务。The passage of time quietly occurs, daily life is elegantly embedded in modern structures, and unusual things are formed. Breaking the flatness and integrating sharing and solitude, the boundaries of space are constantly blurred, and form always serves life.

臥室 Bedroom

简单的色彩,漆上同样温柔的墙面,尽可能地将情感与诗意,囊括于游走的阳光、分明的结构中,当时间不断变化,但保留着本质的属性与意义。Simple colors, painted with equally gentle walls, try to incorporate emotions and poetry as much as possible into the wandering sunlight and clear structures. As time changes, it retains its essential attributes and significance.

卫生间 Bathroom

圆、纹理与白色,将自然感的材料与场景汇集到一起,装饰值降至最低,极简的基因即刻显性,毫无束缚的空间,给予日常极大的自由感。Circle, texture, and white bring together natural materials and scenes, minimizing decoration values. The minimalist genes are immediately dominant, providing a great sense of freedom in daily life without any constraints.

其它 Other

随光而行,步履间,驻足时,扩容身与心的无限世界。Follow the light. Between steps, when stopping, expand the infinite world of body and mind.


项目名称:尘光项目类型:私宅 叠墅项目面积:360平方米项目坐标:中国 扬州主创设计:吴恒设计团队:金梦 任铭设计机构:無一内建筑设计事务所完工时间:2023年4月方案落地:任铭项目材料:定制木作 天然石材 不锈钢制品

我们是WU 1,一个为生活而设计的团队,确切地说,是有关于这个时代的全新的生活方式。
我们的设计,永远来自于生活的本质需求, 这是我们坚定的价值观。作品从毫米到公里,从空间跨越到视觉、品牌,我们关注的永远是设计中人一与生活的关系。

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查看完整版本: 【首发】無一内建筑设计--尘光 扬州360㎡叠墅