对于基因以及后代的养育和传承,人们总在关心下一代的进步。在空间中我们将SEA理念运用其中,分享、教育、陪伴,注重每个内心角度的构成。As human beings continue to develop and civilizations continue to change, people are always concerned about the progress of the next generation in terms of genes and the breeding and inheritance of future generations. In the space, we apply the concept of SEA to share, educate and accompany, and pay attention to the composition of each inner Angle.Chapter 1艺术种子 · 探索自然SOWING A SEED ANDEXPLORE THE NATURE━
多样性代表的是生态的宝库,我们用翻转种子墙折射出多样性的丰富,以艺术种子的概念来诠释微小的力量。种子虽小,却隐藏着成为参天大树的全部密码,我们期望以此在心底萌芽,在心中萌发探索自然的奥义,带着求知的欲望在自然中获得艺术灵感。Diversity represents the treasure house of ecology. We reflect the richness of diversity by turning the seed wall, and interpret the tiny power with the concept of artistic seed. Although the seed is small, it hides all the passwords to become a towering tree. We hope that it will sprout in our hearts and germinate in our hearts the meaning of exploring nature, and obtain artistic inspiration in nature with the desire to learn.
前厅接待区以开放包容的姿态礼遇宾客。门厅的艺术翻转墙成为视觉焦点,也成为知识的海洋,每一面翻转牌都叙述这自然的奥秘,同时彰显着学仕里追求知识,不断探索的文化和态度。The reception area of the front office is open and inclusive to greet guests. The art of the hall of the flip wall become the visual focus, but also become the ocean of knowledge, each side of the flip card narrated the mystery of the nature, at the same time highlighting the pursuit of knowledge in the school, constantly exploring the culture and attitude.
Chapter 2花开盛放 · 集合美好FLOWERS ARE IN FLLU BLOOM━
将美好的意愿集合在一起,用细节描绘出生态美景。盛放的鲜花与绿植,点缀空间,增加柔美与幸福感。Gather the good will together and depict the ecological beauty with details. Blooming flowers and plants adorn the space, increasing tenderness and happiness.
光影的流动仿佛告知着人们时间是存在的,凝固时间,将美好封存,每一物都在感知着美好,婆娑的树影,盎然的花朵,凝固的艺术,都在空间交织呼应着彼此。The flow of light and shadow seems to inform people that time exists, solidifying time and sealing up the beauty. Everything is perceiving the beauty. The whirling shadows of trees, abundant flowers and solidifying art are interwoven and echoing each other in space.
定制具有专属气质的IP形象—探索之星,带着强烈的未来科技感,向着未知前进,探索世界上无穷无尽的秘密。Customized IP image with exclusive temperament -- star of exploration, with a strong sense of future technology, toward the unknown, explore the world's endless secrets.
探索向着未知前进,人类会因为好奇去摸索创新,去感受这个世界事物变化的意义和真理,SEA探索空间,安放孩子探知未来的好奇与新意,让求知心得到归宿,感受分享、教育和陪伴。Exploring towards the unknown, human beings will explore innovation because of curiosity, to feel the meaning and truth of the changes of things in the world, SEA exploration space, place children to explore the future of curiosity and new ideas, let the heart of knowledge get home, feel sharing, education and company.
驻足于一片精神场所,在咖啡的芬芳中与心灵交流。与素未谋面的朋友相遇,与知己好友叙旧,在浓浓醇香里,热情与欣喜流动,压力与疲惫释放,彼此留下轻松与美好。Stop in a spiritual place, in the fragrance of coffee to communicate with the soul. Meet friends who have never met before, talk with friends and friends, in the thick mellow fragrance, enthusiasm and joy flow, pressure and fatigue release, leaving each other relaxed and beautiful.
运用多种手法探索空间设计,曲线属于上帝,空间运用曲线线条,增加了空间的自由度,增多一重空间的叙事性,使空间更灵动有趣。Using a variety of techniques to explore space design, curve belongs to God, the use of curve lines in space, increase the freedom of space, increase the narrative of space, make space more flexible and interesting.
延伸的空间感折射出人生的尺度,点、线、面、体将空间呈现的更加立体。The extended sense of space reflects the scale of life. Points, lines, planes and bodies make the space more three-dimensional.
项目名称 | 西安中海学仕里竣工时间 | 2023年04月项目地址 | 陕西西安委托业主 | 中海地产西安公司业主团队 | 刘阳 曹赛祎 卜涛 王兆丰软装公司 | 北京山禾金缘艺术设计股份有限公司软装团队 | 郭红梅 袁勇 王雪硬装公司 | 柘壹设计Z ONE⁺摄影公司 | 任东(见筑Studio)
联合创始人 / 郭红梅
北京山禾金缘艺术设计股份有限公司(SHD山禾设计) 2009年成立于北京。企业致力于追求回归生活本质的空间设计,为精英阶层定制独有的高端空间体验。SHD山禾设计集合了品牌、空间、艺术、媒体、陈设等优质资源,是一家以高质高效设计服务为核心竞争力,专注于高端设计定制服务的设计服务型企业。SHD山禾设计为多种类型的项目提供优质的空间设计服务。包括地产项目,医疗项目,健康养老,特色小镇等。自创立至今,山禾金缘与中海地产,保利地产,绿城地产,中国金茂,中铁建集团,华润地产、中建地产、龙湖地产、世茂集团,泰康集团,中交地产,阳光城集团等均建立了长期良好的合作关系,为客户创造了众多脍炙人口的经典作品。山禾设计亦是全国首家提出“返璞生活本质“设计理念的高端定制设计服务型企业。