●办公空间彰显着一家企业的品牌精神,作为企业形象体现的重要一环,我们想通过对办公空间的塑造,来传递企业的精神和理念,而作为文化传媒办公空间,充满着包容性和创造性。Office space shows the brand spirit of a company, as an important part of the embodiment of corporate image, we want to convey the spirit and philosophy of the company through the shaping of the office space, and as a cultural media office space, full of inclusiveness and creativity.
在设计中我们以不同元素交织融合会聚出新风貌,在有限空间形成无限多变的场景感,让空间穿透、延伸、张力,也使空间变化展现艺术和功能的无形融合,形塑出开放、创新、趣味性的办公空间。In the design we interweave and fuse different elements to create a new look, forming a sense of infinite and varied scenes in a limited space, allowing the space to penetrate, extend and tension, also making the space change to show the invisible fusion of art and function, shaping an open, innovative and interesting office space.
02文化“橙”现Cultural presentation
空间延续企业的品牌调性,逐层递进的“橙”为主题色进行差异化场景营造,色块、形状同时用于划分空间,形式与功能和谐统一,材质和色彩互为表达,空间节奏收放自如,没有边界和视觉阻碍。橙色在不同区域的克制使用,传递着企业专业、信任、活力的核心精神。The space continues the brand tone of the company, and the theme color of "orange" is progressively used to create different scenes, color blocks and shapes are used to divide the space at the same time, the form and function are harmonious and unified, materials and colors express each other, and the rhythm of the space is freely collected and released without borders and visual obstacles. The restrained use of orange in different areas conveys the core spirit of professionalism, trust and vitality of the company.
03构建自由Building Freedom
功能空间被划分为文化路演空间和创造开放空间,开放办公空间尺度做功能分布的考虑,场地呈回字形条件,呈现出开放活力的场所精神。The functional space is divided into the cultural roadshow space and the creation of open space, open office space scale to do the consideration of functional distribution, the site is zigzag conditions, presenting the spirit of open and dynamic place.
在每一个空间的尺度感力求精准把控,不仅打造开放的工作环境,也是承载着更多创新思考与创意灵感媒介,在空间规划中保留许多流动的自由度。The sense of scale in each space strives for precise control, not only to create an open working environment, but also to carry more innovative thinking and creative inspiration medium, retaining much freedom of flow in the space planning.
04人文魅力Human Charm
软装、地胶等色彩元素让空间更加灵动多元,营造现代活力的空间氛围。从独立办公到开放区域,连续且生生不息的空间关系,共同完成空间的整体叙事,每个员工都能在办公互动场景中建立联系,层层深入,在这个自由、创新、活力的空间内,一次次创意与灵感的探讨缓缓展开,整个办公空间中存在着美妙的人文结构。Soft furnishings, flooring and other color elements make the space more dynamic and diversified, creating a modern and energetic space atmosphere. From independent offices to open areas, the continuous and living spatial relationships work together to complete the overall narrative of the space. Each employee is able to establish connections in the office interaction scenes, layer by layer, and in this free, innovative and energetic space, a discussion of creativity and inspiration slowly unfolds, and a wonderful humanistic structure exists in the entire office space.
项目名称 | 文化传媒办公空间项目地点 | 中国·武汉设计面积 | 900㎡完成时间 | 2023.1主案设计 | 宛佩 / 初原加拓设计团队 | 严荷蕾、阮文瑶、唐湘狄/ 初原加拓传媒管理 | 陈思诗 / 初原加拓项目摄影 | 吴辉 / 牧马山庄MUMA主要材料 | 不锈钢、钢化超白玻、艺术涂料、拼色地胶、吸音毛毡主材供应 | 武汉木德木作家居有限公司
创始人 / 宛佩
初原是我们对设计最开始的初心与期想而开拓是创意的源泉,是不断激发设计灵感的源动力。我们通过对旧事物的重塑,结合其文化的轨迹和时代变化的步伐,留其精华,去其糟粕,对新事物不断进行探索,通过重组,使其产生出全新的价值。设计意识形态的变化是人们思维方式转变的过程,它随事物存在的空间演变,它可以是时间、环境、人。如何让事物重获新生,这便是设计从无到有的过程。任何事物都有自我的一体两面性,它是矛盾的存在,彼此桎梏又打破,示人新的角度。作为跨足建筑与室内领域的新生力,我们秉承设计之本心,为事物共存去思考。 支持达人室内设计网 学习,感谢楼主分享!!!:) 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网