达人网eric 发表于 2023-4-15 15:13:26

造白设计--成都BED.19 Lounge

BED.19 Lounge是一个室内面积只有100平方米的空间场所,通过色彩及氛围营造呈现出具有岁月痕迹与异域风情的空间调性。这个多功能复合空间具有全时段的空间业态,设计师以空间功能为核心,通过前、中、后,三种不同的空间结构体现三种不同的场景氛围与使用属性,每个空间都将为顾客带来独特的用户体验。

BED.19 Lounge is a space with an interior area of only 100 square metres, which through colour and ambience creates a space with the traces of time and exoticism. This multi-functional space has a full range of spatial formats, and the designers have focused on the function of the space, with three different spatial structures - front, middle and back - reflecting three different scenes and usage attributes, each bringing a unique user experience to the customer.

BED.19 Lounge三种不同的空间结构主要表现为:前区快捷的吧台交互空间,简单而有序的空间设计强调了空间的开放与自由;中区拥有更加私密的躺卧区,丰富的光影对比,跳跃的色彩搭配及软装陈设,呈现别具一格的异域风情与格调;后区为私密的半开放式空间,柔和灯光氛围与质朴的色彩搭配能更好的静心与放松。

The three different spatial structures of BED.19 Lounge are as follows: the front area is a quick and interactive bar space, with a simple and orderly design that emphasises the openness and freedom of the space; the middle area has a more private lying area, with a rich contrast of light and shadow, jumping colours and soft furnishings, presenting a distinctive and exotic style; the back area is a private and semi-open space, with a soft lighting atmosphere and The rear area is a private, semi-open space with a soft lighting atmosphere and rustic colours for better meditation and relaxation.

白天,BED.19 Lounge是一种精神寄托,为来往行人提供一个休憩之地、宁静之所。

During the day, BED.19 Lounge is a spiritual retreat, providing a place of rest and tranquillity for passers-by.

夜晚,BED.19 Lounge是一种心灵归宿,一个充满活力与生机的目的地,卸下一天的工作与疲惫,与三两好友诉说心声,把酒言欢、吞云吐雾。

At night, BED.19 Lounge is a place for the soul, a vibrant and lively destination to unwind from a long day's work, talk to a couple of friends, have a drink and enjoy a drink.

BED.19 Lounge凭借独特的设计及多场景的复合多功能空间,全时段的空间业态,无论是寻求宁静的时刻还是充满激情的夜晚,它都会给您带来独特的空间体验。

With its unique design and multi-functional space, BED.19 Lounge offers a unique space for all times of the day and night, whether you are looking for a quiet moment or a passionate night out.

Indulge 发表于 2023-4-17 08:39:13


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yangshuai· 发表于 2023-5-14 23:30:22

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