繁锦设计--须弥炽光 成都Real舞蹈工作室
本案由繁锦设计投稿并授权发布!在所有的艺术行星中,建筑是月球的黑暗面。——布鲁诺Among the planets of the arts, architecture is the dark side of the moon.- Bruno Zevi
成都白墙公园 图源@商业地产志
项目位于马家沟白墙公园,一个被称作「成都第二颗心脏」的攀成钢片区。园内由五座白色独栋建筑构成。它以低密度、极致挑高的造型,呈现出开放、率性,乐于接纳无限变化的姿态。The project is located in Majiagou WhiteWall Park, a Panchenggang area known as "the second heart of Chengdu". The park consists of five white single-family buildings. With its low-density and extremely high shape, it presents an attitude of openness, willfulness, and willingness to accept infinite changes.
成都白墙公园 图源@商业地产志
白墙公园由「by Nature」翻译而来,原意为「天然的、天性使然的」。当「天性」这一概念从自然界迁移至人类身上时,它叫作「本我」,代表着未受社会观念影响的初始形态:如人之食欲,生死本能。当「本我」底层的求生本能,遭遇巨大威胁时,身体启动防御机制,产生出了大量的焦虑与恐惧。WhiteWall Park is translated from "by Nature", which originally means "natural and natural". When this attribute is transferred from nature to human beings, it is called "Id", which represents the initial form unaffected by social concepts: such as human appetite, life and death instinct. When the "survival" instinct at the core of the "id" encounters a huge threat, the body activates a defense mechanism, which produces a lot of anxiety and fear.
人为了彻底摆脱这种失控感,对内心积压已久的「愤怒」浪潮放弃抵抗,任其疯狂扩张,最终这股情绪能量,形成一场吹枯拉朽的海啸,借由肢体发力倾泻,去冲破现实中的诸多限制感。In order to completely get rid of this sense of loss of control, people give up resistance to the wave of "anger" that has accumulated in their hearts for a long time, and allow it to expand wildly. In the end, this emotional energy forms a blowing tsunami, pouring out through the body, To break through the many limitations of reality.
当冲动的「本我」、巨大的爆发力、硬核的「自由」,三者融合并升华为一种艺术表达后,便有了街舞。它发源于底层黑人贫民群体的渴望:爱、和平、尊重、奋斗。演化到今天,成为了以积极向上,饱含热爱的方式,去保持「Real」的Hiphop精神。When the impulsive "self", the huge explosive power, and the hardcore "freedom", the three are fused and sublimated into an artistic expression, there will be hip-hop. It originated from the aspirations of the black poor at the bottom: love, peace, respect, struggle. It has evolved to today, and it has become a positive and passionate way to maintain the spirit of "Real" Hiphop.
逐光Chasing Light
灵感来源: jonathan knowles摄影作品《Aida》
在我的作品中,光永远是一种把空间戏剧化的重要元素。——安藤忠雄In my works, light is always an important element to dramatize space.——Tadao Ando
灵感来源:Olavo Azevedo摄影作品《Walking through the hallway》
以「逐光」作为灵感核心,阴影愈深邃的地方,光芒愈强烈。以大量玄黑为基作围,局部开窗作透,以保证昼间各时段的自然光源,充分融入空间,并随意创作。With "Chasing Light" as the core of inspiration, the darker the shadow, the stronger the light. A large amount of dark black is used as the base, and some windows are opened to ensure the natural light source at all times of the day, fully integrated into the space, and free to create.少量珀金与块面结构光源的加入,在大面积黑色的空间质感上,浸润上了一层焦黄的时代氛围。金属特有的斑驳颗粒感,似是在人们面前,打开的一张上个世纪的Oldschool黑胶唱片,将大家思绪拉回到那个Hiphop的黄金年代。The addition of a small amount of perkin and block-surface structured light sources infiltrates a layer of burnt-yellow era atmosphere on the large-area black space texture. The unique mottled graininess of metal seems to open an Oldschool vinyl record from the last century in front of people, bringing everyone back to the golden age of Hiphop.
一阴一阳之谓道,宇宙万物皆产生于自己对立面:虚实、明暗、动静。它们依循着阴、阳两种原动力运作,持续互动、交感着,进而创造出无穷的变化。One yin and one yang are called Dao, and all things in the universe are produced from their opposites: virtual and real, light and dark, movement and stillness. They operate according to the two driving forces of yin and yang, continuously interact and sympathize, and then create infinite changes.
在入口处,FAN JIN设计的主创团队以「蛇曲」动线造型,将空间分隔为一体两面。「蛇头」位置始于吧台,开始沿着逆时针方向环绕,然后向相反方向移动。克制且疏离的用色,却恰到好处地使表达出了力量感与时尚感。At the entrance, the main creative team designed by FAN JIN uses a "snake" moving line shape to separate the space into two sides. The "snake head" position starts at the bar, begins to circle in a counterclockwise direction, and then moves in the opposite direction. The restrained and alienated colors express a sense of power and fashion just right.
「蛇身」中部,创造了一个起伏韵律的入口,以便空间内的舞者进一步探索。跨过这道门槛,他们迎来了一场高反差的感官氛围冲击:这是一个明亮、开敞、通透的世界。纯粹的白色场域,临空的落地窗,将春日如雾裹烟封的花树,明媚旖旎的霞光引进了空间。In the middle of the "snake body", an entrance with undulating rhythm is created, so that dancers in the space can further explore. Crossing this threshold, they ushered in a high-contrast sensory atmosphere impact: this is a bright, open, and transparent world. The pure white field, the floor-to-ceiling windows near the sky, the flowers and trees wrapped in mist and smoke in spring, and the bright and charming rays of the sun are introduced into the space.
光赋予美以戏剧性,风和雨通过他们对人体的作用给生活增添色彩。建筑是一种媒介,使人们去感受自然的存在。——安藤忠雄Light imparts drama to beauty, and wind and rain add color to life through their effects on the human body. Architecture is a medium that enables people to feel the presence of nature. —— Tadao Ando
黑与白,由「曲径」轨迹分层,一隐一显,犹如太极中的阴阳鱼。中空的「流水」波段作为媒介,起到了互相连通、贯穿的作用,使两个空间彼此渗透,形成互为表里的共生关系。Black and white are layered by the trajectory of the "winding path", one hides and the other reveals, just like the yin and yang fish in Tai Chi. The hollow "flowing water" wave band acts as a medium to connect and penetrate each other, allowing the two spaces to penetrate each other and form a symbiotic relationship between the outside and the inside.
街舞是人体对「动态均衡」的淋漓尽致演绎。通过控制肢体节奏的控制,有急有缓,却又始终连续贯穿其中的那股能量,叫做「Flow」。Hip-hop is the incisive and vivid interpretation of the human body's "dynamic balance". By controlling the rhythm of the limbs, the energy that runs through it continuously is called "Flow".
「非对称形式」的采用,创造出一个更为轻巧、活跃、自由的空间。将原本规整的房梁通通改成了斜面造型,以弯曲倾斜的墙体相呼应,在视觉上制造出一种「失重感」。同时,大量出现的块面组合结构,增强错落感,提升了空间的玩味性。The adoption of "asymmetric form" creates a lighter, more active and free space. The original regular beams have been changed to bevel shapes, echoing the curved and sloping walls, creating a "sense of weightlessness" visually. At the same time, a large number of block-face combination structures enhance the sense of patchwork and enhance the playfulness of the space.
当舞者们在排练过程中,就能够在持续运动的过程中,发现到场景内局部形体与外侧轮廓的变化,让原本按照自己节奏进行「动态均衡」的人与空间产生同频共振。During the rehearsal process, the dancers can discover the changes of the local shape and the outer contour in the scene during the continuous movement, so that the people and the space that originally performed "dynamic balance" according to their own rhythm resonate at the same frequency.
建筑是凝固的音乐。——歌德I call architecture frozen music.–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
如波浪之起伏,当流水顺着河床运动时,能感受到持续且绵延抬高着的水位。Like the ups and downs of waves, when the flowing water moves along the river bed, you can feel the continuous and continuous rise of the water level.
当一个环境内,开始出现重复且有规律,有秩序的变化时,就形成了它特有的韵律感。正如保持其恒定的距离与关系,往上方延续的阶梯梯步;以同一材质进行连续、再现的方式,组成的百叶窗。When repeated, regular and orderly changes begin to appear within a range, its unique sense of rhythm is formed. Just like maintaining a constant distance and relationship, the steps continue upwards; the shutters are composed of continuous and reproducible methods of the same material.
作为「变量」的自然光,撞上了秩序之窗,衍生出了渐变的光影效果,或是全新的空间切割线。As a "variable" natural light hits the window of order, a gradual light and shadow effect or a new space cutting line is derived
将镜头拉远,我们就能发现许多由三角形构成的各种框景。这种具备稳定结构的几何图形,在这场「失重运动」中起到了一定制约作用,促成了整体的进退有据的分寸感。Zooming out, we can find many various framed scenes composed of triangles. This geometric figure with a stable structure played a certain restrictive role in this "weightless movement", which contributed to the overall well-founded sense of proportion in advance and retreat.
一股炽热、躁性的情绪,冲击着这片场域。光影的加入,进一步渲染了这股的破坏力。狭长逼仄的光尽显锋芒,联动起天花板锐性的三角,用暴力的方式明晃晃地登堂入室,将空间撕开了数道口子。A fiery, impetuous emotion impacted the field. The addition of light and shadow further exaggerated the destructive power. The narrow, narrow light is full of sharpness, linked with the sharp triangle of the ceiling, entering the room brightly and violently, tearing several holes in the space.
我希望建筑能够同时达成「简明」,也希望达到拥有「深度」。建筑应该是一个让人在精神上能够获得充实饱满力量的空间。——安藤忠雄I hope to achieve simplicity, but I also hope to achieve depth … I believe it is important that architecture should be a space where you feel spiritually empowered . —— Tadao Ando
项目名称:须弥炽光 | Real舞蹈工作室Project Name: Sumeru Fiery Light | Real Dance Studio项目地点:中国成都Project Location:Chengdu, China设计公司:成都繁锦设计有限公司Design Company:FAN JIN Design Co,Ltd,Chengdu设计面积:800㎡Design Area:800㎡设计内容:硬装、软装Design Content:Hard Decoration Soft Decoration创意总监:肖玉龙Creative Director:Xiao Yulong主案设计:肖玉龙 / FAN JIN 繁锦设计Master Case Design:Xiao Yulong / FAN JIN Design深化设计:王洋、王慧、代磊、王泽伟、余利山Deepening Design: Wang yang,Wang Hui,Dai Lei ,Wang Zewei,Yu Lishan软装设计:黄曼 / FAN JIN 繁锦软装Soft Decoration Design:Huang Man / FAN JIN Soft Decoration空间摄影:普尤/又与Photography:Puyou/Youyu项目视频:普尤、Yao/又与Project Video:Puyou,Yao/Youyu项目撰文:MinProject Writing:Min设计时间:2022.12.01Design Time:December 01, 2022竣工时间:2023.02.25Completion Time:February 25, 2023
FAN JIN 繁锦设计创始人
成都繁锦室内设计有限公司,亦可称为 FAN JIN DESIGN繁锦设计,寓意心有繁花似锦,眼有星辰大海。FAN JIN DESIGN团队秉承“为极致艺术美学提案”这一理念塑造不同的空间维度,专注于建筑景观室内一体化空间设计、软装配饰设计领域,服务范畴包括商业空间、酒店空间、会所空间、办公空间、售楼中心等。
作为综合性专业设计公司我们致力为甲方提供设计、硬装、软装、艺术品的全案解决方案。FAN JIN DESIGN将艺术和技术完美的有机结合,实现有灵魂高品质的设计作品,为每一个项目营造出无限的可能性和未来性。
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