ANDREA TOGNON--米兰Moschino旗舰店
来自米兰Moschino的最新旗舰店是一个丰富的戏剧性和富丽堂皇的体验,在城市的中心跨越两层,占地370平方米。该项目位于历史悠久的Spiga 26建筑群中,在巴洛克艺术的宏伟与极简主义的清晰和流畅之间创造了一种和谐。
Direct from Milan, Moschino’s latest flagship store is a richly dramatic and opulent experience, spanning two levels across 370 square metres in the heart of the city. Located in the historical Spiga 26 complex, the project creates a harmony between the grandeur of Baroque art and the clarity and fluidity of Minimalism.
The design is a departure from Scott’s usual playful and irreverent pop art style, mixing graphic shapes with elements of baroque in a new polished and pared-back direction for the brand. “In an epitome and manifestation of Moschino as a whimsical brand, the flagship store is a starting point of an evolution that sparks in different directions,” Tognon elaborates. “The true treasure of this project lies in the free form, the potential and projection for the future in whichever way it flows.” Although polished, the store retains Moshino’s tongue-in-cheek opulence.
Lacquered wooden shelves in a fresh pop of yellow contrast with hanging vanity shelves in brushed brass and burgundy marble. Upstairs the dark green stone cheques turn to yellow Sienna Marble—marked by the top of the stairs.
Scott和Tognon通过重新诠释最初由Moschino创始人Franco Moschino构思的柱状灵感的桌子设计,向这个传统品牌的历史致敬,打破了空间的视觉节奏。该品牌以其夸张和做作的时尚而闻名,它的身份可以在俏皮的规模感和矛盾的物质性中感受到。室内平衡了抽象表现主义和后现代装饰,并通过清晰的曲线在空间中起伏,形成层次分明的折衷主义。
Scott and Tognon paid tribute to the legacy brand’s history by reinterpreting column-inspired table designs, initially conceived by Moschino’s founder Franco Moschino, disrupting the visual rhythm of the space. Known for its over-the-top and campy fashion, the brand’s identity can be felt in the playful sense of scale and contradicting materiality. The interior balances abstract expressionism with post-modern decor and is delineated by clear-cut curves undulating through the space with layered eclecticism.
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