本案由尺度设计投稿并授权发布!对于这个空间的定义,并不只是单纯的展厅性质,通过设计师的巧妙构思,赋予了它变化情绪的能力。The definition of this space is not only the exhibition hall, but also has the ability of changing emotions through the designer’s design.
正如小王子细心呵护他那独一无二的玫瑰花一般,空间也因为人的存在而与众不同,因此,情绪释放尤为重要,生长也成为了业主与之共存的课题之一。For the little prince carefully takes care of his unique rose, space is also different because of the existing of people. Therefore, emotional release is more important, and growth also has been one of the subjects which are between the owners and space.
楼梯与门,作为少见的展览产品,只有融入空间,才会发现其特有魅力及价值所在,因而,设计师在空间设计中追寻了”隐与现“的手法,在空间结构上呈现为5个盒子的样式,将空间中功能与形式的平衡准确把握,勾勒出新的空间轮廓。Stairs and doors, as rarely exhibition products, you will find their unique charm and value, when they are integrated into the space. Therefore, the designer is pursuing the skill of "hidden and show" in the space design. And presented the style of five boxes in the space structure, accurately balanced between function and appearance in the space, but outlined the new space’s profile.
空间层次上,设计师刻意在接待区做了下沉设计,通过台阶丰富空间。高低错落的两个盒子是接待体验区,通过将其中一个盒子顶部的空间进行了利用,形成一个弹性空间。两个BOX的设置相对比较私密,利用通透玻璃围合,不仅能阻隔外部的声音,又可以和外部形成视觉穿插。On the space level, the designer intentionally made a sinking design in the reception area, enriching the space through the steps. The two boxes with high and low are the reception experience area. The space at the top of one box is utilized to form an elastic space. The setting of the two boxes is relatively private. Surrounded by glass, not only block the external sound, but also cause the visual interpenetration with the outside.
空间动线上,通过围合动线的处理,将a-e的产品很好隐藏于空间,让人忽略它的存在,又会在行经中不经意驻足。在这个空间,通过将两款相对单一的产品的“隐与空间”的方式,平衡了传统展厅产品和空间相对固化,重新创造出一种朴素的交互和内敛的表达。颜色的选取上,设计师选取了较为中性的浅卡其色,凸显出这个空间是朴素的,有温度的,有情感的。不管是白天阳光洒进这个地方,或者到了夜晚,华灯初上,这个空间都有不同的表情。Through the design of the enclosed moving line, a-e products are well hidden in the space, so that people will ignore their existence and stop casually in the walking. In this space, through the "hidden and space" approach of two relatively single products, the products have been balanced between the traditional exhibition hall and relative solidification of the space, and a simple interaction and restrained expression is recreated. For the color selection, the designer chose relatively neutral light khaki color, want to highlighting that this space is simple, with temperature and emotion. The space has a different expression when the sun shining during the day, or when the lights come on at night.
项目名称:Z.ART智艺金属系统项目类型:展厅设计设计方:尺度设计项目设计:蒋国成完成年份:2022.10设计团队:蒋国成&Blans尺度建筑项目地址:江苏常州建筑面积:320㎡摄影版权:AK摄影 材料:艺术涂料,岩板,玻璃,铜艺品牌:宾肯家具 | 第壹舍灯光设计 | 费罗娜瓷砖 | HBI地板 | 恺麟入户系统门 | Natuzzi Editions 意迪森 | 帕拉蒂安艺术楼梯 | 瑞士劳芬卫浴 | 西班牙德赛斯岩板
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